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Search // way
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Metro Sports Leagues is a great way to have fun and meet new people in the Washington D.C. metro area. Our adult leagues are coed and we offer both recreational levels for the novice player and competitive levels for the more serious athlete.
Tags // washington  dc  social  sports 
Categories // Sport 
Added: 4295 days ago by MetroSports
Runtime: 2m58s | Views: 773 | Comments: 1
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Do you really require a actual estate agent for new houses in Dayton Ohio? A decade ago, few people would have even asked the query about a real estate agent for new houses in Dayton Ohio. About the only way to determine what was obtainable for sale was to go to some local real estate agent, who prescreened and printed out listings of new houses in Dayton Ohio in the local numerous listing support.
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 5439 days ago by frankwyatt77
Runtime: 0m26s | Views: 7519 | Comments: 0
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Six Flags Over Georgia’s 11th roller coaster, the highly anticipated DARE DEVIL DIVE, is now open for thrills! The innovative new coaster sends riders over a 10-story vertical lift at a spine-tingling 95 degrees: beyond vertical! Media, roller coaster enthusiasts and professional test pilots from Lockheed Martin Aeronautics were on hand for the launch of the park’s latest thrill offering. DARE DEVIL DIVE boasts three inversions, zero-gravity hills and high-speed turns. Riders travel in the world’s first “v-shape” trains fitted with lap bar restraints and stadium seating, paying homage to World War II-era stunt planes and the daring pilots that thrilled onlookers with their incredible aerial acrobatics. The ride soars at a blistering 52 miles per hour as it makes its way through 2,090 feet of twisted steel track. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Tags // dare  devil  dive  six  flag  over  georgia  roller  coaster  thrill  ride  consumer  multivu  48781 
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5031 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 4m4s | Views: 6285 | Comments: 0
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Click: Animated alien characters coming to earth to rescue young man who was willfully pushed off cliff after discovering and being outspoken about his country's leaders selfishness and greed. These aliens are showing that all those that were warned and did not heed warnings are now paying the price being worked and taxed to poverty while the fat cats are laughing all the way to the bank.
Tags // daddy  roots  warning 
Categories // Music 
Added: 4031 days ago by drdocus
Runtime: 3m44s | Views: 920 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated the Social Network for Freelancers. is aimed at providing professionals with the easiest way to get in touch with capable freelancers all over the world. As opposed to many social networks, does not focus on personal branding, but only on results. How do we make it happen? Projects are made of real people. The projects you have contributed to probably included more than one person. The good news is: when adding projects to your portfolio, you will be able to add a list of your coworkers. The better news is: adding them will trigger a verification system allowing them to rate your work, confirm that yes, you are a real person and yes, so are they. The long term effect? A network exclusively made of real people!
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4684 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 0m51s | Views: 5373 | Comments: 1
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Cutanea Life Sciences, Inc. (CLS), an emerging U.S. prescription product development company, formally unveiled its new digital presence,, to the dermatology community in conjunction with this winter’s annual gathering of dermatologists from the U.S and around the world. CLS has a stream of innovative product candidates in different stages of development that cover an array of skin conditions, including acne, rosacea, psoriasis and warts caused by human papillomavirus (HPV). CLS’s new digital presence demonstrates the company’s intent to change the way that customers think about a valued dermatology partner. CLS believes that it can make an impact in the current state of dermatology practice through its commitment to focus on unmet and underserved patient needs. In turn this will help medical professionals optimize their practice time through CLS products and services. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3290 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m44s | Views: 719 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated cUSD is your digital money so people can live better lives. "A fast way to transfer money globally in secured digital transactions." Almost fee free transactions, a decentralized network that is peer to peer. cUSD Currency is for everyone!
Tags // cusd  currency 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 1848 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 0m45s | Views: 797 | Comments: 0
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Imagine the progress and innovation we could achieve if we never lost our curiosity about the world around us – possibilities would remain limitless. John Hendricks founded the Discovery Channel and Discovery Communications* to revolutionize television entertainment and the way people think about science and the world around them. Hendricks today announced Curiosity Project, his new, personally funded venture to build a new educational initiative for a new age bringing audiences “deep dive” content in science, technology, civilization and the human spirit. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4046 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m3s | Views: 1569 | Comments: 1
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Katie Brown is miserable when her best friend is invited to join the Popular Girls Club and Katie is left out. Luckily, Katie finds her way with a great new group of friends, and together they form their own club. Four friends plus cupcakes is the icing on the cake. Learn more about this book here, Tween girls ages 8-12
Categories // Family  Business 
Added: 5092 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 0m33s | Views: 9356 | Comments: 2
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No matter what is the event you are celebrating but it should be organized in a way for long lasting memories. To know how, visit us at
Categories // Howto and DIY 
Added: 4275 days ago by simonstewert
Runtime: 1m14s | Views: 1839 | Comments: 0
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How to destroy a building? In Japan in this way.
Tags // house  building  demolition  japan  crazy 
Categories // Funny 
Added: 6068 days ago by Thunder88
Runtime: 0m35s | Views: 12245 | Comments: 0



The Craftsman brand, Craftsman Club, part of the SHOP YOUR WAY Network, Sears Heroes at Home and nonprofit Rebuilding Together are hitting the road this summer to inspire Americans to open their tool box and start working with their hands, all while making a difference in communities across the country. With a 36-ft trailer and truck filled with all the necessary tools in tow, the brand will visit dozens of local communities, restoring homes of military veterans, participate in local restoration projects, disaster relief and consumer events throughout the summer. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4324 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m6s | Views: 2196 | Comments: 1



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