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Search // will
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Subaru of America, Inc. today announced the completion of a Pet Travel Seat Pilot Study as part of its continued partnership with Center for Pet Safety (CPS), a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit research and consumer advocacy organization. Subaru and CPS have tested pet products most commonly used by pet parents when traveling. Phase one tested pet harnesses, phase two tested pet crates and carriers, and now, phase three has tested pet travel seats. A pet travel seat is typically used in a vehicle to hold or elevate the pet, but does not offer full containment. The Pet Travel Seat Pilot Study found that while a pet travel seat may offer distraction prevention, it will likely not offer crash protection in the event of an accident, which could lead to injury of the pet and the human vehicle passengers. The quality of commonly available pet travel seats did not provide effective protection in a crash scenario. Based on the scientific test evidence collected over the past four years, in part through its partnership with Subaru, CPS can now identify the safest travel options for most pets. For small dogs and cats, Center for Pet Safety recommends one of the 2015 Top Performing Carriers; for medium and large dogs either the 2015 Top Performing Crate - Gunner Kennels G1 Intermediate with 8' Tie Down Straps, or a Center for Pet Safety Certified Harness. To view top performing products and CPS Certified products, visit To view the multimedia release go to:
Tags // pet  car  safety  subaru  travel  seat  crash  cps  vehicle  pet  harnesses  multivu  7074158 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3449 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m51s | Views: 1113 | Comments: 0
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Today the U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), the Ad Council and Project Yellow Light announced the winners of the fifth annual Project Yellow Light scholarship competition. The contest calls on students to develop and produce a short video educating their peers on the dangers of using mobile devices behind the wheel of a vehicle. For the first time, Clear Channel Outdoor Americas has joined longstanding partners Mazda Motorsports, the National Organizations for Youth Safety (NOYS) and U-Haul to launch the first Project Yellow Light out-of-home media design contest. The winners of both the video and out-of-home design contests will be unveiled this afternoon on a digital billboard in New York’s Times Square that was donated by Clear Channel Outdoor. Brothers Sam and Wrenn Senser from Louisville, Nebr. scooped the two grand prizes of $5,000 for the video contest, with Sam winning the college category, and Wrenn winning the high school category. The winners of the out-of-home media design contest were college student Bethany Wheeler from Snellville, Ga., and high school student Emily McDonald from Anaheim, Calif., with both receiving $2,000 scholarships. The winning videos can be viewed here. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3203 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 1097 | Comments: 0
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Coinciding with the release of there new national survey, StriVectin is introducing The Power to Change Campaign to help and inspire women to bring powerful and positive change to their skin and to their lives. People are encouraged to share the powerful change they want to make for themselves and for others by entering The Power to Change contest at StriVectin will help one lucky winner achieve that powerful change with a $30,000 grand prize and 14 runner up prizes of $500 worth of StriVectin products. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4707 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 1m10s | Views: 3725 | Comments: 1
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vampire dairies video testing to see if it will work on here.
Tags // vampire  dairies 
Categories // Music  Comedy 
Added: 5632 days ago by Aphrodite
Runtime: 4m10s | Views: 9383 | Comments: 1
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To help you celebrate and prepare a stress free Thanksgiving feast, nationally recognized chef and entertaining expert Maureen Petrosky comes to the rescue. She will provide helpful ideas on everything from planning the menu and shopping for deals to presentation, décor and quick clean up tips.
Categories // Event and Party  People and Blog 
Added: 4862 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m44s | Views: 6225 | Comments: 0
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Between cooking, decorating, and the countless seasonal obligations, the holidays can be overwhelming. Expecting to entertain like a pro all on your own is downright crazy! The good news is there are many ways to make sure not only your guests but that you too have a good time at your next party. On Wednesday, November 15th, professional chef and lifestyle expert, Maureen Petrosky, will share her secrets from how to prepare meals, both big and small, to how- to easily keep track of your guest list. With Maureen’s tips, you’ll be holiday-ready without the headache and have more time to spend enjoying the festivities with family and friends. After all, that IS what the holidays are all about.
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2676 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m36s | Views: 836 | Comments: 3
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Please support! Metanoia Us Spoken Word Written by Zuhayr Essenouni & Mounir This spoken word is about how some young boys are enticed into gang life due to the lack of choice. Their upbringing saw this as the only option. They didn't find acceptance in school or home but got respect from gang members. They felt like they were part of something bigger than themselves. I also try to depict how they don't really care about you and the only aim is making money. so when you do slip up or make a mistake they will turn on you. The final part is about regretting what you did and wanting to change. This is a 100% guarantee for all gang members. There will come a time where it is either love, family or moral/ ethical reasons to stop. one way or another all gang members realise that the life is not for them. We as youth should not be swayed but the idea of money and acceptance. Gangsters are not role models they are humans that are in a very bad situation and need help themselves. It is not a life that should be glamorised. Keep in touch with me around the web for more inspiring content. •FACEBOOK: •TWITTER: •SNAPCHAT: metanoia-us •mounirpdg Spoken Word by Zuhayr Essenouni Audio by Zuhayr Essenouni
Tags // slam  poetry 
Categories // Street 
Added: 2899 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 3m0s | Views: 1196 | Comments: 3



A new Obama administration regulation–the so-called Stream Protection Rule–is about to drive up energy costs and unemployment with no gain in environmental benefits, cautions the National Mining Association. “The primary motive of this regulation is not to protect streams, as its title would suggest, but to protect federal regulators' jobs at the expense of coal miners' jobs as the nation's energy providers,” said Luke Popovich, vice president of communications for the National Mining Association. In a classic example of needless regulation, the U.S. Office of Surface Mining, or OSM, plans to change more than 475 regulations, as well as add more new rules – despite no demonstrated need. OSM has crafted the rule behind closed doors, Popovich said, shutting cooperating states out of discussions about the purpose and content of the regulation. The new rule carries a heavy economic price tag, Popovich warned. He pointed to an analysis by an independent consultant that found that OSM’s rule would put more than 268,000 mining and dependent jobs at risk—adding to the 40,000 high-wage jobs already lost in the industry. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3427 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 4m53s | Views: 979 | Comments: 0
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STOUFFER’S®, provider of premium-quality frozen entrees, today announced that it will be simplifying recipes according to its new “Kitchen Cupboard” commitment. This new initiative will focus on shortening and simplifying recipes and only including ingredients consumers might find at home, like vine-ripened tomatoes, freshly made pasta, and real mozzarella. This effort will begin with STOUFFER’S Lasagna with Meat and Sauce, one of the brand’s classic offerings. The simpler recipe will now contain fewer ingredients, but continue to offer the same great taste consumers know and love. “What you put on the table matters to you, which is why what we put into each dish matters to us,” said Chef Robert Fedorko, Director of Culinary Innovation of Nestlé USA, STOUFFER’S parent company. “STOUFFER’S upholds a standard of providing great tasting meals made with quality ingredients and culinary expertise. We’re excited to share our Kitchen Cupboard commitment so that consumers can continue to feel confident in serving STOUFFER’S meals to their families.” To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3120 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m56s | Views: 999 | Comments: 0
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As part of its new brand campaign, Share A Legend, New Holland Brewing Company is tapping into its heritage and success as the top craft Bourbon Barrel-Aged Stout to unveil a nationwide storytelling contest. The #ShareALegend contest is inspired by the nearly two decades of legends told over Dragon’s Milk™ stout—and celebrates the lore of the brew that began when it was first bottled 17 years ago. The top user-generated story submission will earn the winner $5,000 cash plus $5,000 from New Holland Brewing Company to donate to one of several charities selected by the brewery. Share A Legend is an open-ended storytelling project that invites fans to share their personal tales, whether they are everyday stories of triumph, the goodness of humankind or someone who has made an impact on them. Throughout the campaign, New Holland Brewing Company will release the legends of six real people who fall into the archetypes of Warrior, Huntress, Smith, Poet, Alchemist and Performer to inspire contest entrants. The videos, the new website and other branded elements adopt a half-illustrated design that embody the true but imaginative and creative nature of legendary tales that are passed down over time. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2342 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m29s | Views: 1048 | Comments: 3
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Did you know that slamming doors could affect the structural stability of your house? Watch this video from NRMA for a simple tip on how to stop your doors from slamming in your home. NRMA offers Home Buildings insurance if your home is damaged or destroyed. Why not compare our building insurance policies and find the one that will best suit you and your home? Get in touch today for more information or a home insurance quote.
Tags // home  insurance 
Categories // Howto and DIY 
Added: 3554 days ago by Australia10
Runtime: 0m9s | Views: 734 | Comments: 2
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This is an episode of MoonDaze TV hosted by Breck Stewart about the economy and how the bailout of huge banks and Wall Street by the government created a new dollar bubble which will eventually result in a new stock market crash in 2010 with Barack Obama and Ron Paul as key players in the world's current economic troubles.
Added: 5532 days ago by breckstewart
Runtime: 4m14s | Views: 8169 | Comments: 0



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