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Search // well
Results 661-672 of 892 for ' well ' (0 seconds)
Zara and Nick are soul mates, meant to be together forever. But that's not quite how things have worked out. For starters, well, Nick is dead. The thrilling new book in the Need series by Carrie Jones.
Tags // vidlit  book  thrilling  pixies  book  entice 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 5255 days ago by vidlit
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 6798 | Comments: 0



China's leading automobile manufacturer GAC Motor has released the first concept car EnLight on November 18 at the 14th China (Guangzhou) International Automobile Exhibition, marking a new milestone in the company’s continuous path of innovation. EnLight is an unprecedented smart electric supercar that applies the latest cutting-edge technologies, most futuristic design concepts and natural driving experience. The slim bodied supercar with butterfly wing doors has both the autonomous and manual driving modes while achieving four-wheel independent drive with the in-wheel motors. “EnLight is a forward-thinking concept car representing the highest level of GAC Motor’s independent research and development as well as our unparalleled technological capabilities, which will also provide GAC Motor strong confidence and support to seek advanced development in the direction of reaching the top of the auto industry through innovation and creativity,” said Zeng Qinghong, president of GAC Motor. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3015 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m8s | Views: 782 | Comments: 0
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A rite of passage for many families is packing up the car and heading to a relative’s house to celebrate the holidays. Whether you’re flying part of the way or driving the entire distance, keeping the kids quiet and entertained is paramount to a stress-free trip. Just as important as going over your safety check list is packing your children’s favorite snacks, as well as activity bag chock full of mini board games, coloring books and puzzles. Wearing comfy clothes and bringing cozy blankets can also make a long (and sometimes COLD!) trip much more comfortable. Travel expert and self-defined “über-busy working mom,” Amy E. Goodman is a pro when it comes to traveling with her family. She is available for live interviews to share with your viewers how to put together a stress-free, relaxing winter getaway – whether to the relative’s or a much needed winter escape!
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3380 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 4m12s | Views: 1039 | Comments: 1
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A lot has changed in the past decade since Microsoft launched Windows XP and Office 2003. Hardware is less expensive, devices are smaller, operating systems are faster and mobile phones are smarter than ever. In addition, the way we work has changed as well – we’re more mobile and more social in the workplace today than ever before. However, despite all of these advances, according to Stat Counter, nearly 21 percent of computers worldwide are still using Windows XP. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business  Science and Technology 
Added: 4030 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 0m32s | Views: 1435 | Comments: 2
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The Royal Elephant Kraal & Village sitting 5 kilometers away from Ayutthaya’s Historical Park doesn’t only hold historical significance as the place the ancient kings used to watch wild elephants being captured for royal usage, but is also the ground to Elephant Stay, home and nursery to over 90 elephants where the beasts receive attentive love and care, as well as be carefully trained to be involved in tourism activities.
Tags // elephant  stay  ayutthaya  thailand 
Added: 4357 days ago by kade6337
Runtime: 2m59s | Views: 3707 | Comments: 1
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LG SIGNATURE is continuing to increase its global reach and visibility by partnering with prominent figures in fashion and design. LG SIGNATURE has teamed up with well-known personalities in one of the world's most acknowledged style capitals, Milan, Italy, to highlight the lineup's design credentials and natural relationship with high-end couture and luxury goods. LG SIGNATURE's campaign in Italy is composed of different activities focused on design. Popular TV and cinema personality Federica Fontana - a former model, TV presenter and actress - will be involved in a product placement activity aimed to create social buzz about LG SIGNATURE products through social media postings. Moreover, in order to communicate the products' many benefits, LG will ask the opinion of Marco Bocci, one of Italy's most popular actors and director, about LG SIGNATURE OLED TV's unrivalled performance and refined aesthetics. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2275 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m10s | Views: 798 | Comments: 1
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Ejemplo de voz en off para video corporativo de locutor ingles britanico en Madrid Edward Olive con estudio propio para grabacion de locuciones. Locución grabada en home studio con Rode Videomic Pro, FiiO, Audacity y Toshiba SATELLITE P875 Harmon Kardon. Edward Olive es un locutor y actor nativo inglés británico nacido en 1970, residente y autónomo en Madrid España, que propone servicios de locuciones para todo tipo de proyecto audiovisual. Además de ser locutor y actor Edward abogado inglés y ex profesor de derecho y ofrece una voz a la vez neutra de narrador de clase media corporativa seria y también cálida y amable de 35-50 años para videos de empresa y venta, campañas de anuncios televisivos, programas de viaje, e-learning y para apps de tabletas y teléfonos móvil. Además de una voz estándar de locutor corporativo, como actor Edward tiene a sus disposición una gran variedad de personajes, acentos regionales y actuaciones que se puede adaptar para crear todo de papeles de personajes de diferentes tamaños y edades tanto serios o dramáticos como cómicos para video juegos, cuentos infantiles, voces para maquinas tragaperras, dibujos animales etc. Edward Olive dispone de estudio propio para grabar locuciones en Madrid centro y de desplaza a los estudios y productoras de sus clientes para colaborar con directores de proyectos. Edward Olive is a native British English voice-over artist and professional screen actor resident and legally self employed in Madrid Spain. As well as professional voice over actor Edward is a UK solicitor (attorney / lawyer) and ex law lecturer and offers a neutral middle class educated professional corporate narrator voice which is at the same time serious and professional and also warm and approachable in its tone and delivery, perfectly adapted for all sorts of audiovisual projects including corporate & sales videos, television advertising campaigns, travel programs, tablet & mobile phone apps and e-learning. As a professional actor Edward also offers a range of characters which can be adapted to clients\\\\\\\' projects that can include age changes, bodies of large and small size, regional accents and voice variations. Various roles can be played from the serious or dramatic to the light and comic for videogames, slot machines & one arm bandits, children\\\\\\\'s stories and cartoons. Edward has his own studio in Madrid and also offers the possibility of collaborating with clients and directors in their studios in Madrid to suit the clients\\\\\\\' need best. Websites:
Categories // Science and Technology 
Added: 4186 days ago by edwardolive
Runtime: 1m45s | Views: 2407 | Comments: 0
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Employee benefit plan regulations pose unique, high risk questions for Plan Sponsors and effect the future well-being of all plan participants. EisnerAmper meets the demands of Plan Sponsors by providing audit, tax and advisory services to assist them with their fiduciary responsibilities in this often complex and technical area. Why EisnerAmper? • Partners and Directors who devote 100% of their time to employee benefit plans • AICPA Employee Benefit Plan Audit Quality Center member firm • Experience with over 400 annual benefit plan audits • 2 reviews by the Department of Labor with no comments! • Industry dedication and passion While we know how essential it is for our professionals to be knowledgeable in the benefit plan industry, we believe it's also as important to share that information with our clients. Below are links to two of EisnerAmper’s benefit plan libraries. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3260 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m37s | Views: 873 | Comments: 0
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According to the Edelman American Well-Being Study released today by Edelman Wellness 360 in partnership with Edelman Berland, consumers prioritize emotional health over physical, yet 63 percent lack clarity on how to achieve emotional well-being, like relieving stress and increasing self-esteem. While consumers say they need more support to reach both their physical and emotional health goals, the study also revealed that nearly half don’t turn to others for help and 89 percent say they are solely responsible for their well-being. This leaves consumers facing a dilemma: The well-being measures people need the most simply can’t be achieved alone. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3625 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m47s | Views: 674 | Comments: 0
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Easter Seals, one of the country’s leading providers of child development services, introduces a new video with a cast of animated characters to help parents understand the importance of monitoring their child’s development. Make the First Five Count ( is a movement to ensure all children are entering kindergarten with the right skills to succeed alongside their peers. “Easter Seals is dedicated to ensuring all children have every opportunity to reach their full potential,” said Katy Beh Neas, Easter Seals’ Executive Vice President of Government Relations. “We’ve created this new video to help parents learn the basics of child development. At the new website, parents can find a screening tool and other information designed to support the well-being of children. Monitoring development should be treated as a common part of our annual routines, like spring cleaning or a trip to the dentist.” To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 3605 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m58s | Views: 889 | Comments: 1
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Drunk Russians and Pool Tables Dont Go Together Well
Tags // drunk  russians  and  pool  tables  dont  go  together  well 
Categories // Funny  Comedy 
Added: 6098 days ago by bullchipper745
Runtime: 0m50s | Views: 7757 | Comments: 2
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Learn your driving skills from the renowned driving instructors in London! Wimbledon Driving School offers experienced and well trained driving instructors helping you drive confidently. For more information, please visit website -
Tags // driving  instructors  in  london 
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 4420 days ago by wimbledondriving
Runtime: 1m16s | Views: 648 | Comments: 2
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