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Adopt-A-Classroom increases opportunity for student success by empowering teachers with community partners and funds to purchase resources for the classroom.
Added: 5684 days ago by adoptaclassroom
Runtime: 0m27s | Views: 7496 | Comments: 0
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Adopt-A-Classroom increases opportunity for student success by empowering teachers with community partners and funds to purchase resources for the classroom.
Categories // Family  People and Blog  Howto and DIY 
Added: 5684 days ago by adoptaclassroom
Runtime: 0m44s | Views: 7671 | Comments: 0
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Adopt-A-Classroom increases opportunity for student success by empowering teachers with community partners and funds to purchase resources for the classroom.
Categories // Family  People and Blog  Howto and DIY 
Added: 5684 days ago by adoptaclassroom
Runtime: 0m47s | Views: 9155 | Comments: 0
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Adopt-A-Classroom increases opportunity for student success by empowering teachers with community partners and funds to purchase resources for the classroom.
Categories // Family  People and Blog  Howto and DIY 
Added: 5684 days ago by adoptaclassroom
Runtime: 0m40s | Views: 9491 | Comments: 0
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Adopt-A-Classroom increases opportunity for student success by empowering teachers with community partners and funds to purchase resources for the classroom. Teachers, our education system’s most integral component, suffer from inadequate resources in the classroom, which, in turn, hampers their ability to meet students’ needs. To compensate, teachers spend an average of $1,200 of their own money every school year - totally $4 billion annually - purchasing materials for their classrooms, undermining teacher morale, and ultimately student success. Adopt-A-Classroom empowers teachers with additional funds to mitigate their out-of-pocket expenses and to purchase hands-on learning resources so they can transform their classrooms into vibrant centers for learning. The community support not only bolsters teacher morale but also student enthusiasm for school.
Categories // Music  Family  Howto and DIY 
Added: 5686 days ago by adoptaclassroom
Runtime: 0m37s | Views: 7870 | Comments: 0
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All the big digital players are gathering in London 21-22 September to discuss, debate, share strategy and answer your questions at ad:tech London 2010. Google, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Coca Cola, LVMH, DELL, BT, Moshi Monsters, WPP, Microsoft, AKQA, Lush, BBC, 20th Century Fox, King of Shaves, Phone Valley, Mail Online, the Mirror, Neo@Ogilvy and MindShare will all be present to share strategy, case studies and give you the answers to your questions. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5291 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 2m5s | Views: 5381 | Comments: 1



VISTAKON®, Division of Johnson & Johnson Vision Care, Inc., and makers of ACUVUE® Brand Contact Lenses, today announced the “ACUVUE® 1•DAY Contest,” which will bring three lucky fans of singing star Charice a trip to Los Angeles to be featured in the music video for her new single, “One Day.” Now through May 23, 2011, fans can enter the “ACUVUE® 1•DAY Contest” at for their chance to win one of the grand prizes, have their photos featured in Charice’s video, or one of the prize packages. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 5066 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m0s | Views: 6702 | Comments: 1
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Drive the most exotic and luxurious cars in a private racetrack in Cancun !!! Book your experience online and get a special deal. Reservations: Webpage: Facebook: Rides Mexico (ERM) Considered by Trip Advisor as the #1 tourist attractions in Cancun, Mexico, offers driving experiences on board of the best cars in the world, in new and modern installations to groups, conventions and tourism in Cancun, Mexico. Our experiences consist on choosing one our extraordinary cars, taking a theoretical and practical class in the hands of our professional drivers and last the most exciting part of the experience, enjoy one of our incredible driving experiences.
Tags // things  to  do  cancun  cancun  tours  cancun  travel  travel  cancun  cancun  things  to  do  what  to  see  in  cancun  what  to  do  in  cancun  things  to  do  in  cancun  things  to  do  in  cancun  mexico  cancun  activities  activities  in  cancun  cancun  attractions  activities  to  do  in  cancun  travel  to  cancun 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4681 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 2m54s | Views: 5538 | Comments: 0
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Car crashes are the no. 1 cause of teen deaths and the fast-approaching summer months prove to be the deadliest. In advance of National Youth Traffic Safety Month® in May, The Allstate Foundation and National Organizations for Youth Safety® (NOYS) are partnering with TV star and singer Victoria Justice to encourage young adults to Act Out Loud® for stronger teen driving laws. Justice asks teens to visit to create an Act Out Loud Yearbook from now until May 6. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4701 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 8314 | Comments: 2
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Hot Spring® Spas, the world’s leading spa brand, congratulated Don Benecke, of Osage Beach, Missouri, as the winner in the June Hot Spring Salt Water Hot Tub Giveway. Benecke won the Hot Spring spa model of his choice – complete with the revolutionary ACE® Salt Water Sanitizing System, the proprietary CoverCradle® cover lifter, and a matching Everwood® step. To enter the Giveaway, contestants were encouraged to “Like” the Hot Spring Spas Facebook page and then watch a fun, animated video to find out why ‘diamonds are a hot tub’s best friend’. To increase their chances of winning, contestants were encouraged to share the video with friends. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Fashion and Lifestyle  Business 
Added: 4598 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 3m15s | Views: 4967 | Comments: 2
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Though she tries, Pierce cannot return to her life before the accident. Because escape from the Underworld is impossible when someone there wants you back. He is no angel, and his world is not heaven, yet she cannot stay away, especially since he appears exactly when she needs him most. Learn more about this book here, and its author here, YA, Paranormal
Categories // Miscellaneous  Business 
Added: 5071 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m0s | Views: 7994 | Comments: 2
Not yet rated - Ab Machine Crunches | Ab Workouts - Another fantastic workout for your abs. Using an ab machine you isolate the abs for a targeted workout. Depending on your fitness level you can adjust the weight on the machine to increase the intensity of the workout. Even though free weight and body weight ab exercises work additional muscle groups besides your abs the ab machine is a great addition to your ab workouts. It provides a little variety so you don't get bored with the same old exercises every workout session. For more information drop by our YouTube channel or visit us in the web at and find us on Facebook at
Categories // Sport 
Added: 4699 days ago by dfmillington
Runtime: 1m4s | Views: 6363 | Comments: 1



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