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Results 589-600 of 783 for ' 5 ' (1 seconds)
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Categories // Games 
Added: 5448 days ago by TING
Runtime: 1m17s | Views: 8785 | Comments: 2



The Tween Internet Safety Survey, commissioned by Cox Communications in partnership with the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC), found that nearly all tweens (95 percent) use mobile devices to go online. Mobile devices and gaming consoles are widely used by tweens to access web content, and the survey revealed a lack of guidelines and controls on these devices that can leave tweens vulnerable. While 68 percent of parents surveyed said they monitored their child’s Internet behavior on mobile devices, the survey showed that only 1 in 5 (17 percent) actually use basic parental control features such as age appropriate web content filtering on smartphones, tablets and game consoles. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Family  News and Politics 
Added: 4644 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 1m38s | Views: 4798 | Comments: 0
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Owing to my personal experience, I am 95% convinced that this is also the best prevention method for any viruses, including COVID-19. So here it is: If your weight is 80 kg (176 lb.) or more, take One liter of warm water +98.6 F. ( 37°C) One lemon (squeeze) Two tablespoons of honey One teaspoon of baking soda Mix it and drink in a time of a maximum of 5 minutes! Remember! You have to drink it on an empty stomach in the morning.
Tags // covid  treatment 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 1786 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 4m4s | Views: 665 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated  It's a race to the finish! The winner bust be the first to take off a tire and put another on using a Compressed Air Impact Wrench.Dimensions: 10'W x 5'Deep x 8'H (1 Power Circuit)
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4329 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 0m19s | Views: 1932 | Comments: 0
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The 5-Spot VidLits; A Video Book Club for Modern Women Conversations With A Fat Girl by Liza Palmer
Tags // vidlit  book  spot  fat  girl  women 
Categories // Cartoon 
Added: 6072 days ago by vidlit
Runtime: 1m3s | Views: 11777 | Comments: 2
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Pueden registrarse a través de este enlace el registro es gratuito, pueden conseguir 30$ diarios. El modo de funcionamiento es muy simple: cada día, al entrar en su cuenta, se le presentará con algunos enlaces de publicidad. Haga clic en cada enlace y ver el sitio web de los anunciantes durante 30 segundos y después de hacer clic en el botón de confirmación, su cuenta será acreditada con $ 5! Todos los días encontrará 6 anuncios
Tags // ptc  pago  por  clic  gana  dinero  ver  anuncio  anunciantes 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4652 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 6m54s | Views: 3234 | Comments: 0
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Easily create & share stunning diagrams, mindmaps and presentations with Conojo – The 5-In-1 Collaborative Whiteboard App. Gone are the days of scribbling illegibly on clunky whiteboards, awkwardly passing markers from person to person in order to “work together”. With Conojo, collaborative planning & whiteboarding has never been easier, or quite as much fun. Conojo’s expansive and versatile toolset has everything you need for sketching, planning, problem solving and teaching. Utilise the intuitive range of drawing tools & pre-made blueprints to quickly visualize and express ideas. Share these brilliant ideas through in-app video recording, or work collaboratively in real time via Bluetooth & Wi-Fi. Feature List: * Real-Time Collaborative Whiteboarding * Easy-to- use Drawing Tools & Shapes * Huge Variety of Templates Incl. Charts, Graphs, Fishbone diagrams, Flowcharts * Powerful Bluetooth Integration and Collaboration * 36 In-built Training Videos for Advanced Features * 25 Backgrounds and Many Formatting Options * 100+ Stylish Fonts * Express Ideas Visually * Import Any Type of File Seamlessly via Photo Roll, Dropbox, WebDav or more * Drag and Drop Objects * Advanced Tools For Dynamic Creations * Easy Export via Email, Facebook, Twitter, Evernote or more Conojo is both easy to use, and sufficiently feature-rich. Users Enjoy simple but flexible drawing tools, including but not limited to the pencil, pen, marker, highlighter, and eraser. Create fluid brush strokes in multiple widths and unlimited colours. Once you’ve got the basics covered; take advantage of the 36 in-built training videos to expand your creative range. Easily collaborate with friends, family or colleagues using Conojo’s powerful sharing capabilities. Join up with fellow Conojo users to narrate whiteboard sessions and share your ideas visually. Alternatively, record and your brainstorming sessions in-app, and export in seconds to YouTube, Social Networks or E-mail. Conojo is a must have for creative thinkers and compulsive planners alike. Ditch the whiteboard, download Conojo today.
Tags // conojo  whiteboard  app  ipad 
Categories // Business 
Added: 4124 days ago by paul_anderson
Runtime: 1m12s | Views: 1375 | Comments: 0
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ConnXus, a supplier diversity technology platform, today announced that it has closed $5 million in Series “A” funding, led by Techstars Ventures, Serious Change L.P. and Impact America Fund. “This round of funding will significantly accelerate ConnXus’ long-term impact on generating sustainable and diverse supply chains,” said Rod Robinson, CEO and founder of ConnXus. “To date we’ve raised $10 million in investments, including participation from Techstars Ventures, CincyTech, Serious Change L.P., Impact America Fund, and several private angel investors.” ConnXus’ cloud-based, supplier diversity sustainability dashboards open the door for procurement, supplier diversity, and supply chain professionals to access a wealth of global supply chain analytics. Robinson believes Techstars and the other investors are the right investors for the company to disrupt and add imperative value to the $10-billion supply chain and procurement software market. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3218 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m53s | Views: 724 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated Some tips on how to protect yourself from being a potential victim of a mugger, also how you can use your body to appear more confident for fuller teachings on how to be confident click the link to read about my Ultimate Confidence hypnosis and NLP recording with 5 tracks including trance to help you costing from £19 as a download
Tags // confidence  mugged  victim  help  nlp  hypnosis 
Categories // Business 
Added: 4540 days ago by debbiew48
Runtime: 3m26s | Views: 3454 | Comments: 1
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El pasado domingo 5 de junio, El Dasa, protagonista de la exitosa serie “El Vato”, ofreció un concierto gratuito en Universal CityWalk™ presentado por NBC UNIVERSO donde fans de todas las edades acudieron a ver a su ídolo. El popular locutor de la Súper Estrella 107.1 FM, Eddie “Piolín” Sotelo, estuvo a cargo de la conducción y de presentar al talentoso y carismático cantante de Hermosillo, Sonora. Para descargar imágenes de los mejores momentos del concierto de El Dasa haga clic aquí y para ver el video, ingrese aquí. El Dasa arrancó el concierto cantando “Perdí el Sombrero”, el tema principal de “El Vato”, la serie original de NBC UNIVERSO creada para el mercado hispano en Estados Unidos. Luego le siguió con “Alegre y Enamorado”, un tema que rinde tributo a todos los estados de México y donde la emoción de los asistentes se sintió cada vez que se mencionaba su estado natal. Pero el ambiente se prendió cuando el Dasa empezó a bailar con sus movimientos sensuales de cadera al cantar “Mentirosa”. La canción que desató gritos efusivos fue cuando El Dasa dedicó a todas las damitas “Por ser Bonita”. Aparte de cantar sus éxitos y otras clásicas canciones de banda, los asistentes tuvieron la primicia de escuchar “Ya me vi”, el primer sencillo de su nuevo material discográfico que saldrá a la venta este verano. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3190 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m0s | Views: 834 | Comments: 0
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Isle of Capri Casinos, Inc. (NASDAQ:ISLE) today announced the winners of its second charitable social media contest awarding a share of $50,000 to five local nonprofit organizations. Southern Heritage Air Foundation - $25,000 – Tallulah, Louisiana Family and Youth Opportunities Division - $15,000 – Clarksdale, Mississippi Fayette Community Service Organization - $5,000 – Fayette, Mississippi Guttenberg Gallery & Creativity Center - $2,500 – Guttenberg, Iowa Walking In The Sun Rescue - $2,500 – Collinston, Louisiana “With over 69,000 votes cast in Community Aces Challenge and over 200 applications to participate, our second charitable social media contest has proven to be a wonderful way to give back to the communities where we operate,” said Virginia McDowell, Isle’s president and chief executive officer. “The 123 participating nonprofit organizations registered in January and coordinated their own individual voting campaigns which ended on April 1,” said McDowell. “This year the winners offered a wide variety of missions – from getting fit in rural Mississippi to enhancing creativity of young people in Iowa. Our first place winner is dedicated to educating people about the history and impact of aviation and our second place winner is refurbishing an old school to become a community center.” To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3247 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 4m20s | Views: 963 | Comments: 0
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Cycling towards downtown Columbus
Tags // cycle  columbus  ohio 
Categories // Travel and Holiday 
Added: 5683 days ago by chocka
Runtime: 1m11s | Views: 9261 | Comments: 0
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