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16 financial heavy weights put on the gloves to deal a knock out blow to competitors. Hedge Fund Fight Night Charity Hong Kong October 30.
Categories // Sport 
Added: 5996 days ago by soutv
Runtime: 2m27s | Views: 7034 | Comments: 0
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Back App proven to improve back pain and prevent office workers from falling victim to Sitting Disease, is a chair that is very different from all others. Back pain is a modern epidemic, with recent high profile victims including UK Prime Minister David Cameron, model Jodie Kidd and tennis ace Andy Murray. With 80% of people experiencing some form of back pain in their lifetime and the rise of tablet computers creating a generation hunched over screens - dubbed the ‘iPosture’ generation – the Back App is more relevant than ever in the effort to combat Sitting Disease which, in addition to back pain, has been linked to cardiovascular illness and cancer. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Fashion and Lifestyle  Business 
Added: 4112 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m18s | Views: 1924 | Comments: 0
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Young tennis star Maya’s dreams finally come true when she earns a scholarship to The Academy. But when she moves to the training facility/boarding school to (hopefully) start the beginning of her pro career, Maya’s fantasy doesn’t quite match the reality. Because where there are hot, talented teens, there’s a lot of drama. Find out more at and more about the author at The Academy Game On by Monica Seles book trailer. YA/Sports
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4338 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m12s | Views: 1456 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated Training at Thailand Camp in Phuket. Great Muay Thai training and started out with awesome Detox. Official Website: Email: Telephone: 087 471 1351
Tags // thailand  phuket  rawai  resort  camp 
Categories // Sport 
Added: 4628 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 1m20s | Views: 6956 | Comments: 1
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Old footage of Sensei Arie van den Akker from the Netherlands practising Kurokumo Shinobi Goshido in his younger days in Munich with us at the Dojo of Shidoshi Andreas Leffler 5th dan in Kuroi ryu Ninjitsu. The Technique practised is called Oe Li Tsai and it is more of a Ninja Drill from the old Kuroi ryu Ninjitsu system of Japan. 黒竜忍術 , Kuroi Ryu Ninjitsu or Koga Ryu Ninjitsu are connected arts. Sensei Arie van den Akker in his younger days as a white belt student of the Kuroi ryu Ninjitsu school. Kurokumo Bushido
Categories // Sport 
Added: 5391 days ago by kalian
Runtime: 1m19s | Views: 7077 | Comments: 0
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Today, Novo Nordisk announced a three-year extension of its Changing Diabetes® in Children programme. Since 2009, free insulin and access to diabetes care have been provided to more than 13,000 children in nine countries in Africa and South-East Asia. During the five years, 108 diabetes clinics have been established and 5,479 healthcare professionals have received diabetes care training. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3624 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 5m9s | Views: 714 | Comments: 0
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STN Stichting Taijiquan Nederland organised a a Taijiquan, Tai Chi teacher course in 2010. Chinese martial arts master Laoshi Douwe Geluk from Apeldoorn in Holland participated on this course. This video contains some old pictures of 2010.
Categories // Sport 
Added: 2128 days ago by kalian
Runtime: 0m56s | Views: 1052 | Comments: 0
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Wu Wei Cup 2018 Martial Arts Competition The Tai Chi team from the Netherlands particpated under the guidance of shifu Douwe Geluk on a bigg international martial arts competition. This contest was held in Germany under supervision of Jan Leminsky. The Dutch team participated with different styles and ways of Tai Chi Chuan and the won several prices. In this video you see short clips of the Dutch Tai Chi team Nederland.
Tags // wu  wei  cup  2018  tai  chi  competition  douwe  geluk  martial  arts  hello  training  practising  fuyuan  bron  van  geluk 
Categories // Sport 
Added: 2255 days ago by kalian
Runtime: 2m47s | Views: 980 | Comments: 1



Chen Style Taijiquan Xinjia by Laura Bonthuis from Apeldoorn city in the Netherlands. Laura Bonthuis was a famous Badminton player who became a two times Dutch Champion. Later she practised 6 years Kickboxing at the Gym of Wim Scharrenberg in Zutphen in Holland. Later she became interested in the Chinese martial arts and started her training at Shaolin Kung Fu He Yong Gan Apeldoorn.
Categories // Sport 
Added: 2004 days ago by kalian
Runtime: 4m59s | Views: 986 | Comments: 0
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Shaolin Jian Straight-Sword Form - He Yong Gan Martial Arts in Apeldoorn the Netherlands. 自分で剣を学ぼう!武術少林剣型 Shaolin Jian Form - He Yong Gan Martial Arts #heyonggan #martialarts #shaolin #jian #shaolin #kungfu #wushu #sword
Categories // Sport 
Added: 149 days ago by Shaolin_Martial_Arts
Runtime: 1m4s | Views: 120 | Comments: 1
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Noted pediatric heart surgeon Dr. Kristine Guleserian has opened up her OR, and her career to author Mark Oristano to create Surgeon’s Story Inside OR 6 With a top Pediatric Heart Surgeon. Dr. Guleserian’s life, training and work are discussed in detail, framed around the incredibly dramatic story of a heart transplant operation for a two-year old girl whose own heart was rapidly dying. Find out more at- Media Contact: For a review copy of Surgeon’s Story or to schedule an interviewwith Mark Oristano, contact Scott Lorenz of Westwind Communications Book Marketing, 734 667 2090 or Medical Non-Fiction
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3267 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 0m50s | Views: 998 | Comments: 0
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Centennial College's Police Foundations program is a two-year program that consists of intense training equivalent to that of a paramilitary environment, which helps students to develop discipline and deportment. Courses are based on real-life experiences and case studies that incorporate a fundamental perspective on life. The program successfully prepares graduates for careers in the various police and military forces or in the field of security and related occupations and they have the ability to withstand pressure, communicate effectively, act as problem-solvers and help people in the community.
Categories // Business 
Added: 3811 days ago by jasonw93
Runtime: 1m59s | Views: 781 | Comments: 2
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