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Search // son
Results 49-60 of 144 for ' son ' (1 seconds)
Academy Award nominee and Golden Globe winner Sigourney Weaver stars in this emotional true story about a 1970s religious suburban housewife and mother who struggles to accept her young son Bobby being gay. What happens to Bobby is tragic and causes Mary to question her faith; ultimately this mom changes her views in ways that she never could have imagined. Premiering Saturday January 24th at 9pm/8c on Lifetime.
Tags // lifetime  movie  premiere  prayers  for  bobby  true  story  gay  coming  out  lgbt  queer  sigourney  weaver  leroy  aarons  based  on  a 
Categories // Miscellaneous  Family  People and Blog 
Added: 5886 days ago by lifetimepd
Runtime: 0m12s | Views: 7941 | Comments: 3
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Academy Award nominee and Golden Globe winner Sigourney Weaver stars in this emotional true story about a 1970s religious suburban housewife and mother who struggles to accept her young son Bobby being gay. What happens to Bobby is tragic and causes Mary to question her faith; ultimately this mom changes her views in ways that she never could have imagined. Premiering Saturday January 24th at 9pm/8c on Lifetime.
Tags // lifetime  movie  premiere  prayers  for  bobby  true  story  gay  coming  out  lgbt  queer  sigourney  weaver  leroy  aarons  based  on  a 
Categories // Miscellaneous  Family  People and Blog 
Added: 5889 days ago by lifetimepd
Runtime: 1m0s | Views: 7167 | Comments: 1



Academy Award nominee and Golden Globe winner Sigourney Weaver stars in this emotional true story about a 1970s religious suburban housewife and mother who struggles to accept her young son Bobby being gay. What happens to Bobby is tragic and causes Mary to question her faith; ultimately this mom changes her views in ways that she never could have imagined. Premiering Saturday January 24th at 9pm/8c on Lifetime.
Tags // lifetime  movie  premiere  prayers  for  bobby  true  story  gay  coming  out  lgbt  queer  sigourney  weaver  leroy  aarons  based  on  a 
Categories // Miscellaneous  Family 
Added: 5902 days ago by lifetimepd
Runtime: 0m58s | Views: 8736 | Comments: 1
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Academy Award nominee and Golden Globe winner Sigourney Weaver stars in this emotional true story about a 1970s religious suburban housewife and mother who struggles to accept her young son Bobby being gay. What happens to Bobby is tragic and causes Mary to question her faith; ultimately this mom changes her views in ways that she never could have imagined. Premiering Saturday January 24th at 9pm/8c on Lifetime.
Tags // lifetime  movie  premiere  prayers  for  bobby  true  story  gay  coming  out  lgbt  queer  sigourney  weaver  leroy  aarons  based  on  a 
Categories // Miscellaneous  Family 
Added: 5894 days ago by lifetimepd
Runtime: 0m13s | Views: 9110 | Comments: 1
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Academy Award nominee and Golden Globe winner Sigourney Weaver stars in this emotional true story about a 1970s religious suburban housewife and mother who struggles to accept her young son Bobby being gay. What happens to Bobby is tragic and causes Mary to question her faith; ultimately this mom changes her views in ways that she never could have imagined. Premiering Saturday January 24th at 9pm/8c on Lifetime.
Tags // lifetime  movie  premiere  prayers  for  bobby  true  story  gay  coming  out  lgbt  queer  sigourney  weaver  leroy  aarons  based  on  a 
Categories // Miscellaneous  Family  People and Blog 
Added: 5894 days ago by lifetimepd
Runtime: 0m12s | Views: 8579 | Comments: 1
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Crear recetas jugosas y deliciosas siempre ha caracterizado a la famosa chef Lorena García. La chef, también es conocida por preparar platos con los sabores latinos preferidos, y su interés en promover los buenos hábitos alimenticios. Por esto, sus recetas inspiradas en la carne de cerdo son platos saludables y llenos de sabor que el consumidor podrá disfrutar en cualquier ocasión. Lomo saltado: Esta receta está llena de exquisitos sabores y texturas que le harán la boca agua a toda la familia. Ingredientes: lomo de cerdo picado en tiras, saltado con papas blancas, pimiento amarillo, pimiento Cubanelle y tomates. Para ver los activos de multimedia asociados con este comunicado, haga clic en:
Categories // Howto and DIY 
Added: 3810 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 4m26s | Views: 1101 | Comments: 2
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Dos son compañía, tres son multitud y uno es el asesino. Triángulos amorosos y apasionados romances que se convierten en crímenes violentos no sólo ocurren en las telenovelas: suceden todos los días en la vida real y en ocasiones, resultan más extraños e inverosímiles que la ficción. Con intriga y suspenso, Discovery en Español investiga el lado oscuro del amor en su nueva serie PASIONES PELIGROSAS, que el canal transmitirá todos los lunes a las 10 PM E/P a partir del 30 de septiembre. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 4187 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 1091 | Comments: 0
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A l’occasion du lancement de sa dernière innovation, le dentifrice soin 3D blancheur Oral-B 3D White, Oral-B révèle le visage de sa nouvelle égérie mondiale : Shakira. La personnalité lumineuse de l’artiste, son sourire et sa fraîcheur constants représenteront les valeurs défendues par la marque. Oral-B, l’expert de l’hygiène bucco-dentaire ne cesse de mettre l’innovation au cœur de ses préoccupations et lance un tout nouveau dentifrice ; Oral-B 3D White. Un soin dentaire blanchissant, dont la composition mousseuse enveloppe la dent et traite en profondeur et en 3D toutes ses faces, apportant une protection complète de l’émail ; pour des dents significativement plus blanches et pas seulement en surface. Pour accéder au Multimedia Nouvelles de presse, allez à
Categories // Music  Business 
Added: 4131 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m9s | Views: 2557 | Comments: 0
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A l’occasion du lancement de sa dernière innovation, le dentifrice soin 3D blancheur Oral-B 3D White, Oral-B révèle le visage de sa nouvelle égérie mondiale : Shakira. La personnalité lumineuse de l’artiste, son sourire et sa fraîcheur constants représenteront les valeurs défendues par la marque. Oral-B, l’expert de l’hygiène bucco-dentaire ne cesse de mettre l’innovation au cœur de ses préoccupations et lance un tout nouveau dentifrice ; Oral-B 3D White. Un soin dentaire blanchissant, dont la composition mousseuse enveloppe la dent et traite en profondeur et en 3D toutes ses faces, apportant une protection complète de l’émail ; pour des dents significativement plus blanches et pas seulement en surface. Pour accéder au Multimedia Nouvelles de presse, allez à
Categories // Music  Business 
Added: 4131 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m26s | Views: 2452 | Comments: 0
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Chaque année, plus de 8 millions d’automobilistes se rendent chez Norauto, pionner du concept de centre automobile en France. Aujourd’hui, Norauto dispose d’un maillage de 343 centres sur le territoire. Avec plus de 30% de ses centres en franchise et une volonté de croissance de son réseau en France, le développement de l’enseigne passe aujourd’hui résolument par la franchise. Pour voir Multimedia Nouvelles de presse, allez à
Categories // Cars and Vehicles  Business 
Added: 4179 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m35s | Views: 947 | Comments: 2
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The trademark protected "SHATTERED HEART™" is a custom-made work of art that symbolizes the real and tragic effects of our current, ineffective gun policies. CEO and founder, Mr. Elliot Fineman, who lost his son to a senseless act of gun violence, announced the release of this symbol today. It is his hope that all Americans affected by, or who are concerned about, the epidemic of unchecked gun violence in this country could have something to express their loss, and their commitment to change. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous  Family  People and Blog 
Added: 3963 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m48s | Views: 861 | Comments: 2
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A warm summer Saturday. An amusement park. David Harwood is glad to be spending some quality time with his wife, Jan, and their four-year-old son. But what begins as a pleasant family outing turns into a nightmare after an inexplicable disappearance. As David struggles to restore his family, he discovers that the people we’re most close to are the ones with the biggest secrets. Never Look Away Linwood Barclay Trailer Available now from Delacorte Press Find out more about this author here Find out more about this book Suspense Thriller
Categories // Miscellaneous  Business 
Added: 5476 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 7m35s | Views: 7716 | Comments: 1
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