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Search // electric
Results 49-60 of 137 for ' electric ' (0 seconds)
Holiday entertaining and the chill of winter make warm, toasty beverages particularly welcome. This year, give loved ones the gift of warmth, comfort and convenience with one of three stunning electric and stovetop kettles from KitchenAid. Further information about the products detailed below can be found at To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2977 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m0s | Views: 637 | Comments: 0
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live concert Nabil Khemir
Tags // nabil  khemir  rayjam  guitar  electric  lute 
Categories // Music 
Added: 6312 days ago by NabilKhemir
Runtime: 2m17s | Views: 9742 | Comments: 1



I was inspired to write this song shortly after I had first watched a video by Danai Moraiti which was her performing a Greek song "i garsona (Panos Tountas)" on her electric piano. What really captured my heart was her most beautiful smile at the end of her performance. I have never seen such a smile in all of this world. From that moment on, I ordained her to be my QUEEN OF SMILES !!!! .... That was well over a year ago as I had encountered a problem after I had already sang the lyrics that I had written for this song. I didn't know then as I do not know now, how to pronounce her name in English .... A most embarrassing dilemma .... In English, the combination of "ai" creates a long vowel "A"sound but her name is in Greek. I spent over a month researching her name on Google and I asked people who were European but nobody knew for sure and so I abandoned this song. I didn't know Danai as well back then and I did not wish to mispronounce her name but we are such good friends now that I feel more comfortable in taking this risk. If I am wrong on the pronunciation of her name, I will then wear a tutu and dance the Nutcracker for DANAI as we go fishing. You can see and hear more of Danai here LYRICS Queen of smiles. My Queen of Smiles. Danai is my Queen of smiles. Queen of smiles. My Queen of smiles. Danai is my Queen of smiles. Danai and me go fishing by the sea ... She and me ... "She and me." We shall catch a fish or maybe 2 or 3 ... We'll see ... "We shall see." I'll bring the poles and she'll bring the worms. I'll bait the hooks and then we'll take turns casting our lines out into the bay where we shall fish onto the break of day. Queen of smiles. My Queen of Smiles. Danai is my Queen of smiles. Queen of smiles. My Queen of smiles. Danai is my Queen of smiles.
Categories // Music 
Added: 3203 days ago by Herfortz
Runtime: 2m34s | Views: 1167 | Comments: 2
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Me on the organ at the beautiful Mousehole Methodist Church just outside Penzance, Cornwall. Im playing "If" which demonstrates the soft sounds on this fine organ. Mousehole (pronounced "Mouzel") is a very picturesque seaside village and well worth a visit! The organ here was originally built by Heard & Co of Truro in about 1903 and rebuilt in the 1940s by Hele & Co. It was overhauled in the 1980s by Lance Foy and electric action installed.
Categories // Music  Miscellaneous 
Added: 5475 days ago by christhompsonorganis
Runtime: 2m2s | Views: 5556 | Comments: 1
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Ein völlig neues Konzept für einen Mehrzweck-Roller stellen Wissenschaftler von TUM CREATE auf der 3. Taiwan International Electric Vehicle Show (EV Taiwan) vor: Das Zwei-Rad-Konzept-Fahrzeug VOI hat seinen Namen von dem vietnamesischen Wort für Elefant? ein Symbol für sicheren und intelligenten Transport. Studierende der Technischen Universität München (TUM) und Singapurs Nanyang Technological University (NTU) entwickelten und bauten es gemeinsam in Singapur. Mit dem Konzept VOI verfolgen die Studierenden das Ziel, einen agilen und erschwinglichen Zwei-Rad-Transporter zu entwickeln, der die Sicherheit eines Autos bietet. Kompakt und manövrierfähig ist der Elektroroller das ideale Vehikel für dicht besiedelte Megastädte, in denen Staus ein permanentes Problem darstellen. Eine geschlossene Passagierkabine verleiht dem Chassis zusätzliche Steifigkeit und schützt den Insassen. Der Fahrer sitzt hinten erhöht und überblickt das Verkehrsgeschehen. Mit dem VOI kommt der Passagier schnell und sicher von Ort zu Ort, selbst wenn sich der Autoverkehr staut. Damit ist der Elektroroller auch eine ideale Ergänzung zum öffentlichen Nahverkehr, indem er die Wege zwischen den Stationen bedient. Doch der VOI ist nicht nur auf den Personentransport begrenzt: Sein Vorbau kann auch Güter transportieren oder eine mobile Küche. Das effiziente Elektrofahrzeug entlastet die städtische Umwelt, da es selbst keine Abgase erzeugt. Dank seiner Leichtbaukonstruktion besitzt es eine Reichweite von 80 Kilometern. Seine Höchstgeschwindigkeit liegt bei 45 Kilometern pro Stunde.
Tags // elektroantrieb  roller  scooter  tum 
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 4270 days ago by unitedpictures
Runtime: 1m40s | Views: 1217 | Comments: 1
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FUSE's new sin­gle'Ignite The Fuse are rais­ing the bench­mark for vi­o­lin acts. Their ground­break­ing video di­rect­ed and cre­at­ed by Har­ry Pot­ter's head of SFX is a first for vi­o­lin groups. Fuse are electric violinists Linzi Stoppard with Ben Lee.
Tags // electric  violinist  linzi  stoppard  fuse  ben  lee 
Categories // Music 
Added: 4324 days ago by linzistoppard
Runtime: 3m23s | Views: 2490 | Comments: 0



Live montage of electric string artists Linzi Stoppard and Ben Lee, aka electric string group FUSE, perform around the globe. Music is Van Halen's Jump by FUSE, recorded live at the Royal Albert Hall. You may not believe it but there are no lead guitars, this is all electric violins FUSE-style. And check out the violin solo, it absolutely rocks!
Tags // linzi  stoppard  electric  violin  ben  lee  van  halen  violinists 
Categories // Music 
Added: 4188 days ago by taton
Runtime: 4m16s | Views: 2170 | Comments: 0
    Electric violinists Linzi Stoppard and Ben Lee comprise FUSE, and they're wowing music lovers with an innovative and one-of-a-kind sound that's unlike any other.This is the FUSE's cover of the title track from award winning film Top Gun.
Tags // linzi  stoppard  rocks  top  gun  anthem 
Categories // Music 
Added: 4205 days ago by 21linzi20
Runtime: 0m52s | Views: 1687 | Comments: 0
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Electric violinists Linzi Stoppard with Ben Lee from FUSE rock Fleetwood Mac's The Chain.
Tags // fuse  violinists  electric 
Categories // Music 
Added: 4159 days ago by kingeuro5r
Runtime: 0m49s | Views: 877 | Comments: 0
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Rock electric violinists Linzi Stoppard & Ben Lee perform a preview of album tracks live in Athens. This is a snippet of one of the great tracks from their forthcoming album - a fusion of Led Zeppelin\'s \
Tags // linz  stoppard  electric  violinist  fuse 
Categories // Music 
Added: 4434 days ago by linzistoppard
Runtime: 2m14s | Views: 3744 | Comments: 0
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Rock electric violin group FUSE, aka Linzi Stoppard and Ben Lee, were commissioned to produce and perform 'I Vow To Thee' This special track for the Fashion For The Brave show at the Dorchester Hotel, Park Lane, London in aid of Help for Heroes, the Household Cavalry Operational Casualties Fund, and ABF - The Soldiers Charity. Linzi launched the event to the media on horse back at the Hyde Park Barracks
Tags // linzi  stoppard 
Categories // Music  Fashion and Lifestyle 
Added: 5051 days ago by linzistoppard
Runtime: 4m46s | Views: 5630 | Comments: 0



In this video you will see how to design and print your own large format map. For this purpose I used RonyaSoft Poster Printer software ( It makes digital map printing easy and fast. Choose any map image you like and print it. You`ll create your own big map in a wink. RonyaSoft Poster Printer offers a great variety of different options. You can easily convert pictures, digital photos, Microsoft Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, PowerPoint presentations, CAD drawings and electric schemes into huge multipage posters and personalised photo gifts using only your home printer and RonyaSoft Poster Printer software.
Tags // map  print  large  google  map  map  from  image  big  map  map  software  map  maker  map  printer  map  creation  maps  designs 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4343 days ago by posteressa1
Runtime: 1m31s | Views: 1225 | Comments: 0
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