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Search // classic
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Tempur Sealy International, Inc. (NYSE: TPX) announced today that its Sealy brand is getting an unprecedented refresh in 2017. The iconic brand known for its reliable support is taking its classic style and comfort offerings to the next level by bringing better aesthetics, better support and better value to the market. With a striking new look and feel – featuring a rich color palette, soft and inviting covers and premium design elements – combined with state-of-the-art engineering, the reinvigorated Sealy® product line will be the strongest amplification the brand has experienced in its 130-year history. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2973 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m37s | Views: 671 | Comments: 0
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The Gecko is pranked with the classic maze challenge game.
Categories // Funny  Comedy 
Added: 5816 days ago by itsthegecko
Runtime: 0m18s | Views: 13328 | Comments: 2



Click: iTunes: "I Love To Love You Too" by Sarantos Melogia Is A Classic Youtube Dance Video. This video shows a glimpse into the sarcastic and playful nature of Sarantos. Of course, anyone following Sarantos on Facebook or Twitter understands by now the true nature of his demeanor. With over 110K Facebook likes in the last 6 days, supporters are definitely expressing positive reviews for Sarantos latest song "I Love To Love You Too" as he prepare for his performance at the Canadian's Music Week in Toronto. The music video has now arrived on Youtube. Internationally, the buzz has continued to spread and Sarantos music has received over 500K radio airplays. His fan list continues to grow exponentially. Sarantos has a strong motivation with his musical passion to raise money for charity. 33% of any music-related sales profits are going straight to charity. Facebook: and Twitter:
Tags // sarantos  melogia  i  love  to  love  you  too 
Categories // Music 
Added: 3985 days ago by drdocus
Runtime: 4m50s | Views: 1679 | Comments: 0



Visit: Buy: Song: "I'd Give Anything" - "This is a harsh rock song about a desperate man who remembers the love he used to have," says Sarantos. "He would give anything for his heart to be happy." Sarantos strives to inspire people with his rock songs and lyrics. Music is always on his mind and Sarantos has written over 2,000 songs. Sarantos' music has received rave reviews so far from industry insiders, and he relishes this chance to pursue his lifelong dream. His unique sound has been best described by industry insiders as "An emotionally powerful vocal style masterfully united with music that is a fusion of classic 80s rock blended with modern soft rock and pop music!" A new music song will be released the 1st Tuesday of every month to tease his fans. Then a new music video on the 2nd Tuesday of every month, a new Funny video of the month on the 3rd Tuesday of every month and a new Whiteboard video on the 4th Tuesday of every month. This will go on for the entire year! The CD will then be released on November 18th, 2014. Sarantos has always been inclined to help people in need and is proud to launch this CD as a way to donate a significant portion of proceeds to charity, hopefully inspiring other artists to do the same. The 11 charities chosen for each album song include American Lung Association, Make-a-wish Foundation, American Heart Association, St Jude's, Hellenic Academy, ASERF, American Red Cross, Children's Hospital of Chicago, Chicago Medical School, Thanioton Society & the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. Conntect With Sarantos On Facebook: Connect With Sarantos On Twitter:
Tags // sarantos  give  anything 
Categories // Music 
Added: 3955 days ago by drdocus
Runtime: 4m45s | Views: 1501 | Comments: 1
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Click: Sarantos is keeping his promise as he kicks off 2015 with his sophomore album. This album will reflect the style the fans and fellow musicians felt best suited Sarantos as he veers into a classic mixture of 80s rock merged with today's soft rock and pop music. But before fans fantasize about the other songs that fit his unusual style, Sarantos thought he'd make the first song and album title a new age song. With his background as a youngster in the church choir, this Enya-type of song is a soothing and relaxing venture. Close your eyes and feel Sarantos powerful vocal reverb literally vibrate one's entire body as fans become vested into the pure emotion of this new song. “This is a calm but inspirational relaxing song that is perfect to help erase the stress from your mind, body and soul," says Sarantos. “I think this is what heaven would sound like. Hopefully on your way to heaven, the angels will be singing this song! I'm so excited to start releasing my sophomore album and I have listened to what the fans want. By the end of this CD, I feel like the fans will know so much more about me. So here we go...” 33% of any music-related sales profits from this song are going straight to Cystic Fibrosis. Sarantos was nominated for 2 awards for the 2014 International Music & Entertainment Awards for the categories of "Rock Song of the Year" and "Pop Album of the Year." *Remember, fans can always find all of Sarantos songs, lyric sheets, videos and books on his website for free at Share his downloadable song mp3s for free with anyone you want via email or any of the social media platforms.
Tags // sarantos  close  your  eyes 
Categories // Music 
Added: 3706 days ago by serde222
Runtime: 5m9s | Views: 1328 | Comments: 2
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Click: Sarantos Releases Newest Pop Music Video That Will Inspire Bliss All Summer Long – ‘A Sunny Day’ Summary: Sarantos helps us start our summer by releasing the music video that will encourage a summertime of fun in 2014. [Sarantos __title__ Sarantos summer hit original pop music summertime trending hot] Releases Newest Pop Music Video That Will Inspire Bliss All Summer Long – ‘A Sunny Day’ Successfully releasing yet another song from his 1st album, Sarantos continues to juggle his busy schedule with radio interviews, band rehearsals and booking live performances in the states. Sarantos helps us start our summer by releasing his newest pop music video that will encourage a summertime of fun in 2014. The promising artist quickly responded to his fans request by releasing the music video to his hit pop song ‘A Sunny Day’. With this newly released video, Sarantos hopes to encourage everyone to stay enthusiastic and to simply have a sunny day no matter what storm might arise. This song does signify an importance to Sarantos personal life. Not too long ago, Sarantos lost his devoted father, after a hard-fought battle to lung cancer. This experience had a major impact towards Sarantos life, enabling him to overcome any obstacle that may pass. The Chicago singer has since been driven to remain strong and positive not just for himself but for his friends & fans. “Going through life’s hardships has given me the willpower to write songs and to sing from the heart,” says Sarantos. “I wouldn’t have had the passion to strive for my dreams if it wasn’t for my loving family. I know my father would have been very proud of me.” Sarantos releases his 6th music video, a fun-intuitive summer pop song signifying bliss and optimism, inspiring fans to smile endlessly. The song was released on June 3rd, 2014. Sarantos' has a strong motivation with his musical passion to raise money for charity. 33% of any music-related sales profits are going straight to charity. For “A Sunny Day”, Sarantos has chosen the Thanioton Society. “This is a very happy and bright pop song about a sunny day and all the events that transpire on that beautiful day,” says Sarantos. “The sky is bright. The simple things are so apparent and the positive vibe encompasses everyone. This day was meant for you!” Chicago’s very own music artist has been gaining followers ever since his first song debut back in January 2014. Internationally, the buzz has continued to spread and Sarantos music has received over 800,000 radio airplays. His fan list continues to grow exponentially. The social media realm has continued to embrace this rising star. In addition to the attention of over 1M social media followers, Sarantos has now done many radio interviews throughout the world. All this commotion started when his 1st song “Not Where I Wanna Be” was released worldwide on January 2nd, 2014. Sarantos strives to inspire people with his songs and lyrics. Music is always on his mind and Sarantos has written over 2,000 songs. Sarantos' music has received rave reviews so far from industry insiders, and he relishes this chance to pursue his lifelong dream. Sarantos unique sound has been best described by industry insiders as "An emotionally powerful vocal style masterfully united with music that is a fusion of classic 80s rock blended with modern soft rock and pop music!" A new song will be released the 1st Tuesday of every month to tease his fans. Then a new music video on the 2nd Tuesday of every month, a new Funny video of the month on the 3rd Tuesday of every month and a new Whiteboard video on the 4th Tuesday of every month. This will go on for the entire year! The CD will then be released on November 18th 2014. Sarantos has always been inclined to help people in need and is proud to launch this CD as a way to donate a significant portion of proceeds to charity, hopefully inspiring other artists to do the same. The 11 charities chosen for each album song include American Lung Association, Make-a-wish Foundation, American Heart Association, St Jude's, Hellenic Academy, ASERF, American Red Cross, Children's Hospital of Chicago, Chicago Medical School, Thanioton Society & the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. The website, Melogia (which in Greek means "with words") was established by Sarantos, an aspiring singer and song writer. Website Sarantos Facebook artist page: Sarantos Twitter: Sarantos iTunes:
Tags // sarantos  sunny  day 
Categories // Music 
Added: 3928 days ago by serde222
Runtime: 4m23s | Views: 1587 | Comments: 1



Popular outdoor retailer, Bass Pro Shops presents their third annual “Santa’s Wonderland—A Classic Christmas”—an event that has already become a family Christmas tradition. This year, the magic returns with Santa’s arrival, Saturday, November 6th at 5pm. Families can enjoy the wonder of Christmas inside every Bass Pro Shops store with “Santa’s Wonderland“—an over 3,500-square foot Christmas village chocked full of fun games, activities and crafts for the whole family –from November 6th through December 24th. To view Mulmedia News Release, go to
Categories // Fashion and Lifestyle  Business 
Added: 5252 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m1s | Views: 6175 | Comments: 2
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180 Klassiker der Baujahre bis 1993 sorgten bei der elften Sachsen Classic Rallye für einen Zuschaueransturm. Binnen drei Tagen nahm das Rollende Museum 610 Kilometer unter die Räder. Für Szenenapplaus sorgten die zwölf Fahrzeuge aus den norddeutschen Volkswagen Sammlungen. Auch die anderen Konzernmarken waren gebührend vertreten. Prominentester Copilot war zweifelsohne Ministerpräsident Stanislaw Tillich in einem Horch. Die Sachsen Classic zählt zu den gefragtesten Oldtimerrallyes in Deutschland. Lange Wartelisten zeugen vom zunehmenden Bewerberinteresse, was vor allem Streckenführung und Publikumsbegeisterung geschuldet ist. Das, was als Rollendes Museum schließlich auf die sächsischen Straßen gelangte, kann sich sehen lassen. Das gilt besonders für die Marken des Volkswagen Konzerns, die erneut prominent vertreten waren: Ein Drittel der insgesamt 180 Klassiker kam von den Konzern-Marken Audi, Bentley, Porsche, SKODA sowie Volkswagen Pkw und Volkswagen Nutzfahrzeuge. Der sächsische Ministerpräsident Stanislaw Tillich ließ es sich nicht nehmen, während der dritten Etappe als Copilot in einem Horch dabei zu sein. Die drei Rallyetage führten auf insgesamt 610 Kilometer über einige der schönsten Straßen des Freistaats. Highlights waren die „Steile Wand“ in Meerane, die am 22. August während der Sachsenring-Etappe gleich zweimal gemeistert wurde, das beschauliche Bad Elster während der Vogtland-Etappe sowie die Augustusburg während der abschließenden Erzgebirge-Etappe am 24. August. Fahrer der insgesamt 14 Autos von Audi, DKW, Horch, Wanderer und NSU sowie die 20 teilnehmenden Volkswagen Klassiker durften sich wie zu Hause fühlen: Die einst in Sachsen beheimateten Marken der Auto Union hatten Weltgeltung erlangt, zwei ihrer Standorte – Zwickau und Chemnitz – waren Eckpfeiler der Rallye. Heute ist hier Volkswagen überaus präsent; in Sachsen entstehen Golf, Passat und Phaeton sowie Drei- und Vierzylindermotoren. Sie sind noch zu jung, um an einer Oldtimerrallye teilnehmen zu dürfen. Die Fahrzeuge aus dem Bestand von Volkswagen Classic zählen dagegen zwischen 20 und 60 Jahre. Lieblinge des Publikums waren die hierzulande bislang unbekannten Karmann Ghia aus brasilianischer Fertigung, die sich in diversen Details von den in Osnabrück gebauten Autos unterscheiden, sowie der „DDR-Golf“ von 1977, von dem 10.000 Einheiten nach Ostdeutschland gelangten und als begehrte Traumwagen gehandelt wurden. Dass heute Golf Variant und Phaeton exklusiv in Sachsen gefertigt werden, rundet die Historie auf eine einmalige Weise ab.
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 4217 days ago by unitedpictures
Runtime: 3m32s | Views: 2199 | Comments: 4
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Vintage Sixties Live
Tags // 60s  1960s  hits  live  song  rock  pop  cover  running  bear  preston  vintage  novelty  classic  nostalg 
Categories // Music  Comedy  People and Blog 
Added: 6310 days ago by vslive
Runtime: 3m44s | Views: 12604 | Comments: 1



Constantine Maroulis, star of Rock of Ages and former finalist on American Idol, joined Fisher-Price®, a subsidiary of Mattel, Inc. (NASDAQ:MAT), and Disney Consumer Products to bring down the house at D23 Expo in Anaheim, Calif. today with a rockin’ concert to introduce the new Rock Star Mickey interactive feature plush. The rocker jammed on stage with Mickey Mouse to show kids and Disney fans classic rock star moves featured in the interactive plush including Rock Star Mickey’s signature move, the Mickety-Split. The two have also teamed up for the Rock Star Mickey TV commercial, which is set to air Sept. 6. With strong pre-sales currently underway, Rock Star Mickey (#RockStarMickey) is expected to be a fan favorite this holiday season. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Family  News and Politics 
Added: 4951 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 0m26s | Views: 9737 | Comments: 0
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BACARDI® CLASSIC COCKTAILS PIÑA COLADA and BACARDI® CLASSIC COCKTAILS STRAWBERRY DAIQUIRI, the ultimate home entertaining solutions, have partnered with lifestyle expert Robert Verdi to help you become the perfect host. Entertaining should be all about ease, comfort and having more time to enjoy hanging out with your guests. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 5368 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m55s | Views: 7185 | Comments: 3
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Available on:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4720 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 1m44s | Views: 6559 | Comments: 0
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