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Added: 4159 days ago by superbilimsel
Runtime: 2m42s | Views: 1827 | Comments: 2
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Brookfield Residential is proud to introduce its latest innovative new home project, The Smart Home powered by Amazon Alexa. Get #BrookfieldSmart The Brookfield Residential Smart Home, built in close collaboration with Amazon, integrates voice-enabled automation, incorporating the best-selling Alexa platform. Created by the team in the homebuilder’s Washington, D.C., division, The Smart Home will be open daily for tours at the popular Avendale community in Northern Virginia. Home shoppers can see for themselves how this technology makes life easier and more convenient. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2972 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m5s | Views: 772 | Comments: 0
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HMR Weight Management Services (HMR), a subsidiary of Merck, has been named a No. 1 Best Fast Weight-Loss Diet in U.S. News & World Report’s Best Diets of 2016 rankings. This is the first year U.S. News has published the Best Fast Weight-Loss Diet category. HMR also held its position as the No. 2 Best Weight-Loss Diet in the annual rankings list for the second year in a row. HMR Programs focus on helping people lose weight quickly while teaching the healthy lifestyle skills needed for long-term weight management. “HMR programs excel at providing the jump start many people need when beginning a healthier lifestyle program,” said Carol Addy, M.D. MMSc, Chief Medical Officer at HMR. “A common misconception is that losing weight quickly is not healthy, not sustainable, and will just lead to future weight re-gain. To the contrary, numerous clinical studies demonstrate that following a lifestyle change program which promotes fast initial weight loss can result in better long-term success.” Addy added, “On the HMR Program, people can lose weight without feeling hungry. Our programs achieve fast weight loss in a livable way by encouraging people to eat more and stay satisfied, which makes it easier to stick to the program in the short-term, and over the long haul.” To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3345 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m26s | Views: 1018 | Comments: 0
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High speed always includes a special kind of rush – be it above or below sea level. At the boot in Düsseldorf any enthusiast can explore the technological limits. And these lie beyond what is humanly possible.
Tags // boot  messe  dusseldorf  trade  fair  boat  water  sports  high  speed  rush 
Categories // Sport  Travel and Holiday 
Added: 3325 days ago by mhoch4
Runtime: 1m56s | Views: 1043 | Comments: 4
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Düsseldorf is becoming the centre of the world for water sports fans: This year the boot will be attracting about 250.000 visitors to the exhibition halls by the Rhine river again. The luxury yachts especially are a sensation for young and old. The "Explorer" by Drettmann and the "Princess 30M" are two of the largest vessels at the boot.
Tags // boot  messe  dusseldorf  trade  fair  boats  yacht  luxury 
Added: 3325 days ago by mhoch4
Runtime: 2m12s | Views: 1100 | Comments: 4
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At the world's largest trade fair for water sports boot in Düsseldorf everything really has something to do with water. From small lead balls for fishers all the way to unaffordable mega yachts – they have it all. Almost all of the exhibits have one thing in common: They are meant to be safe – above as well as under water.
Categories // Sport  Science and Technology 
Added: 3325 days ago by mhoch4
Runtime: 1m37s | Views: 968 | Comments: 4



Every year visitors flock to Boot trade fair to escape their daily routines and enjoy a curious look at the luxury life led by the super-rich. Simply because here one can marvel at their large number more...of 100-metre-yachts. Those who do not have a few million in cash to spare to buy such a boat for themselves are welcome to at least get a first-hand impression of luxury life at sea.
Added: 5886 days ago by mhoch4
Runtime: 2m6s | Views: 13283 | Comments: 1



Despite a decrease in lung function as you age, recent studies by researchers have concluded that to slow down this decrease lung health, you need to continue to give yourself a good dose of, Vitamin D Vitamin C Magnesium Vitamin K
Tags // lung  healthylung  lunghealth 
Categories // Family 
Added: 1686 days ago by rss41
Runtime: 2m35s | Views: 670 | Comments: 0
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BMW und Pininfarina sind zwei der traditionsreichsten Namen im Automobilbau. Sie stehen gleichermaßen für Spitzentechnologie und Stil, Dynamik und Ästhetik. Mit dem BMW Pininfarina Gran Lusso Coupé präsentieren die beiden Traditionsunternehmen auf dem Concorso d’Eleganza Villa d’Este 2013 das Ergebnis ihrer ersten Kooperation. Das Einzelstück ist die exklusive Interpretation eines luxuriösen BMW Coupés durch die Augen von Pininfarina. Die Designteams schufen in enger Zusammenarbeit eine neue, charaktervolle Persönlichkeit für die luxuriöse Oberklasse: Typisch BMW, geprägt von der feinen Handschrift Pininfarinas. Mit dem BMW Pininfarina Gran Lusso Coupé greift das BMW Designteam exklusive Designthemen wie Luxus und Eleganz auf und tauscht sich dazu kreativ mit der etablierten und spezialisierten Automobilmanufaktur Pininfarina aus. In dem aufwändig gefertigten Einzelstück haben die renommierten Unternehmen BMW Group und Pininfarina für die Verwirklichung einer Idee zusammengefunden: „Das Reizvolle an der Zusammenarbeit mit Pininfarina ist, dass man nochmals einen anderen, ganz speziellen Blick auf Themen wie Luxus und Exklusivität bekommt. Denn vor allem für diese Themen steht Pininfarina seit jeher und beweist dabei immer wieder feines Gespür und besondere Raffinesse. In ihnen haben wir den optimalen Partner gefunden, dieses Fahrzeugkonzept Gestalt annehmen zu lassen.“ erklärt Karim Habib, Leiter BMW Design.
Tags // bmw  pininfarina  design  concept  car 
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 4295 days ago by unitedpictures
Runtime: 1m49s | Views: 889 | Comments: 1
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Blu Homes (, a leading designer and manufacturer of beautiful, green, precision-built homes, announced today the launch of the Configurator™. The Configurator allows users to style, visualize and spend time in their own Blu Home in real-time, using a 3-D game-play format. Once a homeowner has completed the design of her choice, Blu then builds each home directly from the client’s 3-D custom model, using precision tooling and trained craftsman in its climate-controlled factory. Anyone can access the Blu Configurator for free at and begin customizing a Blu home today. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 4892 days ago by MultiVu
Runtime: 1m0s | Views: 8317 | Comments: 1
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California-based precision home builder, Blu Homes (, has taken a significant step toward revolutionizing the way homes are built in the United States with today’s announcement that it has sold and will be manufacturing the first Blu home personalized entirely online in 3-D by a consumer. The two-bedroom Element 48 home was designed by Cathy and Walter Pearlman, using the Blu | 3-D Configurator™ (, which allows anyone to go online to style, visualize and spend time in their own Blu Home before it is ever built. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business  Science and Technology 
Added: 4799 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m3s | Views: 5730 | Comments: 1
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As sleaze oozes from the Pentagon, banished Marine and Naval Academy alum Susanna Marcasi finds a web of corruption and must take on a man to whom all are beholden, Defense Secretary Manfred Stahl. Can she bring down the cloistered power brokers deep within the military’s superstructure and survive? Blood Stripe: The Susanna Marcasi Chronicles. Find out more at: or on Amazon at:  Cincinnati City Beat and Amazon reviewer John Kelly says “Like a literary version of ‘A Few Good Men (and Women)’ on steroids, Gina Maria DiNicolo rips into your emotional core like a ‘kill shot’ from page one and never lets up for 322 pages. This book, not for the weak of heart, tells the story of strength, courage and no mercy in the most elite units of the U.S. Armed Forces.” Baltimore native Gina Maria DiNicolo graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy with a degree in history and an attraction to the unconventional. She accepted a commission in the U.S. Marine Corps where she worked in aviation, recruiting, history, and public affairs. As a fulltime author and historian, in addition to her two books, DiNicolo has written scores of articles for the Military Officer Magazine and other publications. After publishing Blood Stripe, she sought to get her historian game on and accepted a one-year, work/study assignment as a senior editor for the U.S. Army Center of Military History in Washington, D.C., producing studies on military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. She is a dancer specializing in Argentine Tango.  For a review copy of Blood Stripe: The Susanna Marcasi Chronicles or to arrange an interview with Gina Maria DiNicolo contact Scott Lorenz of Westwind Communications Book Marketing  or by phone 734-667-2090.
Tags // military  fiction  women  in  military 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3401 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 1m1s | Views: 903 | Comments: 1
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