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Results 565-576 of 1000 for ' over ' (0 seconds) the Social Network for Freelancers. is aimed at providing professionals with the easiest way to get in touch with capable freelancers all over the world. As opposed to many social networks, does not focus on personal branding, but only on results. How do we make it happen? Projects are made of real people. The projects you have contributed to probably included more than one person. The good news is: when adding projects to your portfolio, you will be able to add a list of your coworkers. The better news is: adding them will trigger a verification system allowing them to rate your work, confirm that yes, you are a real person and yes, so are they. The long term effect? A network exclusively made of real people!
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Added: 4689 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 0m25s | Views: 9246 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated Build your child's reading and math skills with the K5 Stars Class, featuring an online learning center that helps every child become a star learner. We believe that mastering the basics such as Sight Words, Reading and Elementary Math is the foundation of success from elementary school through college and beyond. Let us help your kids play their way to an education with over 300 fun online games. 
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Added: 4398 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 0m25s | Views: 960 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated The World Leader in Legal English Description: Legal-Ease International trains Foreign lawyers a.d translators in Legal English the world over. Presenter Dena Falken and others have years of experience giving these courses.
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Added: 1857 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 0m24s | Views: 801 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated Legal-Ease International Inc is a company that specialized in training Foreign lawyers and students all over the World. Seminars are available online or in person. Please contact us for more information at
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Added: 1594 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 0m56s | Views: 656 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated Legal English is the international language of contracts and other important documents. Legal-Ease International helps the non native English speaker make sense of the Legal Speak. Register for a live or online Seminar today We are a one stop shop for all your Legal English needs.
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Added: 1145 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 1m0s | Views: 665 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated Legal-Ease International has taught lawyers, translators and law students the World over. Legal Language is a unique language and is a great benefit to learn in the World of business. IN 30 years of teaching we pride ourselves as being the World Leader in Legal English. Contact us today and learn more....about how we can help you Master Legal English
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Added: 1361 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 1m38s | Views: 662 | Comments: 0
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Coming Soon: Launch 2012. Instructster a new method to learn online on. Instructster let you connect to instructors all over the world. Learn whatever you want from the real skilled people. Earn money to teach instructors, or learn a new skill by another instructor. Follow us and subscribe on:
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Added: 4590 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 2m2s | Views: 2949 | Comments: 0
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Beginning today, National Lobster Day, The Palm invites guests to satisfy cravings with a summer tradition – the return of a delectable four-pound lobster dinner for two served with two starters and one family-style side for just $99. Diners can take advantage of this fantastic lemon-squeezing, claw-cracking, butter-dripping special now through Aug. 15. “With lobster season beginning in June, National Lobster Day is the perfect opportunity to kick-off what has become the most highly-anticipated tradition at The Palm,” said Bruce Bozzi Jr. Executive Vice President and fourth-generation Palm owner. “We’ve been in business for over 90 years and our guests are like family to us, so we love seeing so many familiar faces return each season to celebrate our lobster event of the year.” To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2823 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m6s | Views: 730 | Comments: 1
Not yet rated With a professional pest control contract in the county of Essex, all types of pests will be eliminated immediately without having to worry about the problem. All types of buildings that can will find benefits from a pest control contract. We have experienced a lot of companies and there’s nothing that will be too small or big for our experts to handle. This information video further explain how the process works. Pest Exterminators Essex can supply pest extermination for both commercial and residential properties in Essex. When you take out a pest control contract, one of our technicians will look over your building regularly. This will help to prevent pest hoards from becoming out of hand and keep your commercial property free of unhygienic pests. Pest Exterminators Essex‘s professional pest contracts are unique and we will also make plans for the task in various ways that will suit your needs. The sad truth about pest control is that it isn’t something you you will only have to do once. Most infestations are likely to reoccur to your business building repeatedly over and over again unless action is taken immediately and consistently. Eliminating pest infestations is a difficult struggle, which is why most business properties will have around the clock pest prevention and monitoring by a professional pest company. The simplest way to take care of this infestation is by signing up for a contract with a pest controller.
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Added: 1219 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 0m51s | Views: 819 | Comments: 0
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LivaNova PLC (NASDAQ:LIVN; LSE: LIVN) (“LivaNova” or the “Company”), a market-leading medical technology and innovation company, today recognizes that more than one million people in the United States with drug-resistant epilepsy continue to be treated unsuccessfully with drugs, despite the proven effectiveness of non-drug treatment options. LivaNova’s VNS Therapy®, for example, is a medical device treatment specifically designed for people with drug-resistant epilepsy that is already used by more than 85,000 people around the world. One in three people with epilepsy has the type that is not well controlled with drugs, called drug-resistant epilepsy. For those people, prescribing more medicine is usually not the most effective option. In fact, research shows that if you haven’t found seizure freedom after your first two drugs, there is a 95 percent chance that no drug or combination of drugs will result in seizure freedom. “Despite what we know about drug-resistant epilepsy, the majority of people affected by this condition will continue to be prescribed additional medications instead of being evaluated for surgery or seen in a specialized epilepsy facility,” said Jason Richey, president of LivaNova’s U.S. Region and general manager of the Neuromodulation Business Franchise. “This treatment gap means over one million individuals in the U.S. with undertreated epilepsy remain at risk for dangerous side effects of continued seizures, including injury, depression, memory issues and death.” To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 3040 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 5m11s | Views: 922 | Comments: 0
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A new survey from Alcon, the global leader in eye care and a division of Novartis, demonstrates that people experience significant emotional and lifestyle benefits after cataract surgery. Nearly three in four respondents who expressed an opinion agreed that after having the surgery, they were happier, more satisfied and had a greater appreciation for life. The survey also confirmed that life before surgery posed several daily challenges. A majority of survey respondents said cataracts made simple, day-to-day tasks harder, and made them feel annoyed, frustrated and old. In recognition of Cataract Awareness Month this June, Alcon conducted the MyCataracts survey with 1,300 US adults, age 60 and over, who have undergone cataract surgery, to better understand the emotional journey of the condition and the lifestyle benefits of treatment. The survey expands Alcon’s ongoing MyCataracts awareness campaign by uncovering insights that will help people make informed treatment decisions together with their doctors. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2837 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m37s | Views: 749 | Comments: 0
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Life is unpredictable and can be even more so when you have allergies. During this fall allergy season, your runny nose, sneezing or itchy, watery eyes just might earn you top honors in Allegra's new Allergy Adventures contest on Facebook. Allergy sufferers are invited to upload a short video showing their daily challenges with allergies for a chance to win $5,000 toward a fun-filled adventure where they can enjoy life – without worrying about allergies. Over 40 million adults suffer from indoor and outdoor allergies in the United States. During the fall, many people suffer from allergy triggers such as ragweed and dust mites. The contest is meant to help people say farewell to disruptive allergy symptoms now that fast (starts working at hour one), long-lasting, non-drowsy relief is available over-the-counter from Allegra. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
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Added: 4957 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m11s | Views: 4936 | Comments: 1
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