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Since Newton witnessed a bubble rising from his bathtub, mankind has sought the stars. When William III of England commissioned Capt. William Kidd to command the first expedition to Mars in the late 1600s, he proved that space travel was both possible and profitable. The Adventures of Arabella Ashby series by David D. Levine, beginning with Arabella of Mars and continuing in Arabella and the Battle of Venus, offers adventure, romance, political intrigue, and Napoleon in space! Find out more at- Scifi/Fantasy
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2697 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m17s | Views: 788 | Comments: 2
Not yet rated ORDER NOW! Call or Text: Philippines: 0916-3868503 (Globe) / 0947-2298138 (Smart) U.A.E: +971-507124671; Qatar: +974-55247071; eMail: FREE DELIVERY WITHIN METRO MANILA! Be A Member of Sante Pure Barley for ONLY P3,988.00 and Get HUGE DISCOUNTS of up to 50% - REGISTER NOW! -
Tags // pure  barley  barley  pure  barley  nz  barley  pure  barley  pure  nz  sante  pure  barley  sante  international  cancer  cure  cancer  tr 
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 4798 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 4m36s | Views: 5863 | Comments: 1
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In this anemia kindle e-book or paperback, Quick and Easy Diet Cures 4 Iron Deficiency Anemia, I provide you with powerful information that you need to get a cure for anemia. Doctors don’t give you this treatment for anemia because they don’t have this information or they are not allowed to use natural ways to help with your condition
Categories // Family 
Added: 1579 days ago by rss41
Runtime: 3m47s | Views: 748 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated Jad Rahme sings new hit single Ana Rijal, written & composed by Salah Kurdi. Salah Kurdi has written many hit Arabic songs for Lebanese singers such as Fadl Shaker,Melhem Zein, Elissa, and Jad Khalife. Born in Lebanon, Jad Rahme's main Arabic musical influence has been Lebanese singer George Wassouf. Today, Jad Rahme's dabke hit can be downloaded on iTunes, soundcloud, E-music, Rhapsody and Amazon mp3. Visit for show dates and to subscribe to the mailing list to receive updates, freebies, and private event invites.
Categories // Music 
Added: 4540 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 5m3s | Views: 2093 | Comments: 0
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The Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Global Initiatives and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation today launched a global thought leadership platform to help frame and stimulate regional and global debate on vital development issues shaping the Middle East. The “Middle East Exchange” will commission original articles from international experts including Nobel laureates, heads of state, academics and intellectuals. New articles will be published weekly in newspapers globally on a wide range of topics relevant to the region, from health and education to development and innovation. UAE Minister of Cabinet Affairs His Excellency Mohammed Al Gergawi discussed the project at a meeting with Bill Gates, Co-Chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, in Abu Dhabi on December 6. Speaking after the meeting, H.E. Al Gergawi said: “The Middle East has spent too long in the global spotlight as a source of conflict and trouble. His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid’s vision is for innovative and tangible solutions that benefit people’s lives on the ground. There is a huge appetite for practical ideas. The Middle East Exchange will be the number one global platform for positive voices and ideas for the Middle East.” To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3365 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m34s | Views: 944 | Comments: 0
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Handheld Group, a leading manufacturer of rugged mobile computers, today announced the launch of its new Android tablet, the ALGIZ RT7. The ALGIZ RT7 is a powerful, lightweight and ergonomic 7-inch tablet designed for reliable performance in demanding environments. The Algiz RT7, which runs Android 5.1.1 (Lollipop), provides a wide range of features and exceptional value to mobile workforces. It’s fully rugged, meeting stringent MIL-STD-810G U.S. military standards for protection against drops, vibrations and extreme temperatures, and its IP65 rating means that it’s waterproof as well as fully sealed against sand and dust. Weighing just 650 grams, the Algiz RT7 is designed for mobility. Industry-leading technology from Qualcomm — an MSM8916 (Snapdragon) chipset and 1.2 GHz quad-core processor — powers the Algiz RT7 for impressive processing speed, ultra-fast connectivity and long battery life. The Algiz RT7 comes standard with LTE data and voice capabilities as well as 802.11 b/g/n WLAN, BT Class 1 and Class 2, and NFC functionality. It also boasts dual cameras (8-megapixel rear-facing and 2-megapixel front-facing), as well as dual SIM card slots. The unit comes with a built-in accelerometer, gyroscope and e-compass and a stand-alone u-blox GPS receiver for navigation. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3397 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m59s | Views: 866 | Comments: 0
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’’Only4u”è un thriller accattivante e coinvolgente,ricco di azione,dove partecipano Alexia Mell come attrice principale, Vicenzo Esposito,Daniela Sergi e Donatello Croce.
Tags // action  movie  thriller  murder  love  passion  azione 
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 5264 days ago by michelabest
Runtime: 3m54s | Views: 4936 | Comments: 0
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Albert Einstein E=mc2 / T-shirt. Buy this t-shirt (Click here):
Categories // Science and Technology 
Added: 5263 days ago by roswellboutique
Runtime: 0m13s | Views: 7722 | Comments: 0
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Bu ilginç videoda bu küçük maymunun otomatik içecek makinadan nasıl içecek aldığını görebilirsiniz. Yakın akrabamız ile ilgili hem eğlenceli hem de düşündürücü bir video.
Categories // Pets and Animals  Miscellaneous  Funny 
Added: 4171 days ago by superbilimsel
Runtime: 1m19s | Views: 2118 | Comments: 1
Not yet rated[EXTRACT] Find The Best E-Business And E-Marketing Products In The Market
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4751 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 1m0s | Views: 10207 | Comments: 0
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Vier Modelle fallen im aktuellen Winterreifentest glatt durch und erhalten die Note „mangelhaft“. Aufgrund deutlicher Schwächen auf nasser Fahrbahn rät der ADAC vom Kauf des Kormoran Snowpro b2, des Maragoni 4 Winter E+, des Interstate Winter IWT-2 und des Sailun Ice Blazer WSL-2 ab. Verbraucher haben dennoch eine große Auswahl: Insgesamt haben ADAC und Stiftung Warentest 32 Modelle untersucht - elf Reifen erhalten ein „gut“ und sind damit besonders empfehlenswert. Gleich sieben gute Reifenmodelle gibt es in der kleinen Dimension mit der Größe 185/60 R15T (z.B. für Audi A 1, Citroën C3, Fiat Punto Renault Clio, VW Polo). Testsieger mit Bestnoten auf nasser Fahrbahn sowie auf Schnee und auf Eis ist der Continental ContiWinterContact TS850. Der neu entwickelte Dunlop Winter Response-2 überzeugt die Tester besonders auf nasser Fahrbahn, auf Schnee und beim Kraftstoffverbrauch. Ebenfalls sparsam ist der Semperit Speed-Grip 2. Der Michelin Alpin A4 glänzt beim Verschleiß und der Nokian WR D3 überzeugt auf trockener Fahrbahn. Bei den größeren Reifen (225/45 R17H z.B. für Audi A 3, Mercedes C-Klasse, Opel Astra, Skoda Oktavia) schneiden vier Produkte mit „gut“ ab. Drei Modelle setzen nach Ansicht der Tester besondere Akzente: Der Continental ContiWinterContact TS850 mit der Topbewertung auf Schnee, der Bridgestone Blizzak LM-32S mit der Bestnote auf Nässe und der Michelin Alpin A4 mit dem geringsten Verschleiß. Der ADAC Winterreifentest hat insgesamt 18 Prüfkategorien und bietet somit dem Verbraucher umfassende Informationen. Es wird unter anderem ein Praxistest auf einer verschneiten Passstraße, umfangreiche Brems- und Ausweichversuche auf Nässe, Schnee und Eis sowie Tests zu Verschleiß und Kraftstoffverbrauch durchgeführt. Im Gegensatz dazu bietet das EU-Reifenlabel nur Informationen zu Rollwiderstand, Nassbremsen und Außenfahrgeräusch - wie wintertauglich ein Pneu ist, zeigt es nicht.
Tags // winter  reifen  winterreifen  test  adac 
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 4182 days ago by unitedpictures
Runtime: 2m13s | Views: 1158 | Comments: 2



Der ADAC hat insgesamt 150 Waschstraßen und sogenannte Portalanlagen bundesweit getestet. Resultat: Waschstraßen waschen besser als sogenannte Portalanlagen. Die beste Waschstraße heißt „Soft Wash Park“ und ist in Magdeburg. Diese Anlage schneidet mit der Gesamtnote „sehr gut“ (1,5) ab. Im Durchschnitt bekommen die Waschstraßen die Note „gut“. Die Portalanlagen - ein „Tor“ mit Waschelementen fährt bei dieser Art der Säuberung über das stehende Fahrzeug und zurück - kommen nur auf einen Notenschnitt von 3,6, sind also nur „ausreichend“. Weder eine Portalwaschanlage (66 wurden getestet), noch eine der 84 geprüften Waschstraßen fällt im Test durch. Allerdings ist auch keine Portalanlage dabei, die ein „gut“ oder „sehr gut“ schafft. Die wichtigste Testkategorie ist die „Waschleistung“.
Tags // adac  waschanlage 
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 4153 days ago by unitedpictures
Runtime: 2m31s | Views: 1073 | Comments: 1



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