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What impact would an ice sheet have on a Swedish final repository for spent nuclear fuel? And how does a final repository affect the surroundings if the ground is constantly frozen? The answers to these questions can be found in Greenland. The nuclear fuel repository has to function and be safe for very long periods of time. SKB’s safety analyses investigate what will happen to the repository during as long a period of time as one million years. That’s the equivalent of as much as eight ice age cycles. By examining existing ice sheets, like the one in Greenland, climatologists can learn enough to be able to model what could occur in the far future. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Science and Technology 
Added: 4396 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 8m29s | Views: 2619 | Comments: 0
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What impact would an ice sheet have on a Swedish final repository for spent nuclear fuel? And how does a final repository affect the surroundings if the ground is constantly frozen? The answers to these questions can be found in Greenland. SKB is also studying what happens at the ground surface in a permafrost landscape. How does the water at the surface flow in a landscape where the ground is constantly frozen? And how does the biosphere work, where all life is? These are questions for the GRASP Project: Greenland Analogue Surface Project. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Science and Technology 
Added: 4396 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 8m53s | Views: 2244 | Comments: 0
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KitchenAid has introduced a new spiralizer attachment for its iconic stand mixer that gives cooks fresh new ways to get creative with fruits and vegetables. Available now at Sur La Table and at the beginning of August on, the spiralizer attachment carries a suggested retail price of $129.99. “The spiralizer is powered by the KitchenAid stand mixer and operates virtually hands-free, simplifying the process of fixing a quick and healthy meal,” said Beth Robinson, senior brand experience manager for KitchenAid. “Whether putting a healthy twist on a traditional recipe, or creating something completely original, the spiralizer gives cooks more ways to make delicious meals with fresh produce.” To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Howto and DIY 
Added: 3562 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m45s | Views: 989 | Comments: 2
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Digital Signage Expo is the world\'s largest international trade show dedicated to digital signage, interactive technology and out-of-home networks. Innovation drives these industries, and in turn, is the driving force behind DSE 2012. The 2012 show will bring: More than 150 exhibitors 32 Educational Seminars 12 Pre- and Post-Show Workshops 40 Industry Vertical Discussion Groups 30+ Free On-Floor Presentations ...and More! To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4786 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 4m44s | Views: 5413 | Comments: 1
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Until recently, a one-size-fits-all approach for firefighter respiratory protection might have been considered the norm. However, no two fire stations are alike, and each has differing needs, preferences and expectations of their protective equipment. This understanding served as the key driver behind the development of a new and innovative self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) platform – called the M1 SCBA – that was unveiled today at the 125th French Firefighters Congress by MSA Safety Incorporated (NYSE: MSA), a global leader in firefighter safety. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2358 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m0s | Views: 773 | Comments: 1
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When asked how they feel about mixing their work and personal lives, 58% of Generation Mobile workers feel guilty, according to new research from MobileIron. The MobileIron Gen M Survey, a global study of more than 3,500 full- and part-time professionals who use a mobile device for work, highlights an emerging demographic in the workplace: Generation Mobile or “Gen M.” The study found that Gen M, which is composed of mobile workers who are either men age 18-34 or people with children under age 18 in their households, relies more heavily on mobile technologies than the general population to mix their work and personal activities. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // People and Blog  Business 
Added: 3612 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m42s | Views: 777 | Comments: 1
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Snack bar maker Larabar is launching a movement inspired by the brand’s foundational belief to make simple and wholesome food accessible for all and joining Feeding America® in the fight to end hunger along the way. The partnership is part of a larger integrated marketing campaign titled “Food Made From Food” that challenges consumer misperceptions of packaged food. According to a recent survey commissioned by Larabar, 72 percent of participants responded that there is a difference between packaged food and real food. However, the majority also believe that primary Larabar ingredients fruits and nuts are real food at 90 and 78 percent, respectively. By highlighting the whole, simple ingredients within each bar, Larabar aims to show consumers just how easy it can be to choose real food. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3330 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m57s | Views: 728 | Comments: 0
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Whole You, a Mitsui Chemicals Company dedicated to offering innovative healthcare solutions to help those with sensory and physical mobility challenges experience life more fully, launched its Whole Day campaign video today. The video follows acclaimed photographer Bruce Hall, who has been legally-blind since birth, as he captures a celebration of the senses and movement. “At Whole You we want nothing less than to change how people understand what it means to be healthy – we develop solutions that enable people to move, see, smell, taste and experience the world more fully than ever before,” said Hiromi Inagaki, chief innovation officer, Whole You. “The video with Bruce is an expression of this vision, a place where sensory or physical mobility challenges don’t hold us back, where we celebrate the senses and freedom of movement to have a deeper appreciation of a life lived beyond limitations.” To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3386 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m9s | Views: 1021 | Comments: 0
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From 14-17 September, Furniture China 2011 ( will take place at Shanghai New International Expo Centre and will showcase a gathering of world furniture industry experts. The exhibition will host 2,000 exhibitors, both domestic and overseas, which when compared with last year is a 10% and 15% increase respectively. Approximately 80,000 professionals from home and abroad are estimated to visit this great ‘annual party’ for the world’s furniture industry. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business 
Added: 4991 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 4m19s | Views: 7694 | Comments: 2
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Cepsa Tower, the company's new corporate headquarters that houses almost 2,000 people, is Spain's second tallest building and represents the materialization of Cepsa's growth and internationalization strategy of in recent years, following the entry of International Petroleum Investment Company (IPIC), as sole shareholder. The headquarters, designed by the architect Norman Foster, reflects the transformation of Cepsa's business model to focus on an increasingly international market. Its height, at 248 metres, provides a unique view of Madrid from its upper floors, taking in some of the city's most emblematic locations such as the Paseo de la Castellana, the Parque del Retiro and the Santiago Bernabéu stadium. Cepsa today operates an integrated business model spanning the entire hydrocarbon value chain. This integration allows the company to act with greater flexibility and the ability to respond quickly as a business. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3380 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m4s | Views: 935 | Comments: 0
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After successful exploration runs in 2013 and 2015 the Dutch polar cruise company Oceanwide Expeditions has announced two new expeditions to the Ross Sea in 2017. The ice-strengthened vessel “Ortelius” will be accommodated with helicopters for the two Antarctica cruises, sailing from the South-American continent to the Antarctic Peninsula, crossing the Polar Circle, further west to Peter I Island, sailing in the Bellingshausen sea along the ice-edge of “deep Antarctica” into the Ross Sea. The voyage continues to the uninhabited sub-Antarctic Campbell Island and ends after 32 days in New Zealand. The second cruise offers the same itinerary, but in reverse. The Ross Sea Challenge The Ross Sea region of Antarctica has always presented a dream but also a challenge to visit to explorers. The Ross Ice Shelf prevents a full seasonal operation and distances are enormous. Apart from the extremes, landing sites are still difficult to reach. “With the advantages of the “Ortelius” in combination with the use of helicopters, our travelers are having some great opportunities exploring Antarctica’s most fascinating sites”, says CEO Michel van Gessel. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3352 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 4m46s | Views: 911 | Comments: 0
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In the impressive conference center of the Milad Tower rising over Tehran’s roofs the 16th Energy Globe World Awards have been handed over in an international gala. Vice President Mrs. Masoumeh Ebtekar referred in her speech to the importance of such awards for outstanding environmental projects and their implementation. This event is the starting signal for intensified efforts concerning sustainability in Iran which is underlined by an expansion program for Renewables and energy efficiency. Also Maneka Gandhi emphasized that a sustainable change in our world can’t be achieved by talks or laws but only by taking action as showed by the Energy Globe submissions. Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and presenter Prof. Munasinghe said: It is necessary that poor and rich countries take each other’s hand in order to exchange experiences and support each other. 3 nominees respectively from all 5 continents competed in the 5 categories Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Youth. The nominees have been chosen from around 2000 submissions from 177 countries. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3338 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m1s | Views: 948 | Comments: 1
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