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Fiber is one of the necessities for good colon function and constipation relief. Discovery the reasons to use fiber and the diseases you can avoid when you include fiber in your diet. Start using more fiber to get good constipation relief. Not only will you feel better but you will be preventing many diseases that just waiting to be created in your body. Do you see any of the diseases listed above that people come down with as they age? Did they eat enough fiber? Will you eat enough fiber? Please do.
Categories // Family 
Added: 1774 days ago by rss41
Runtime: 4m21s | Views: 716 | Comments: 0
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this is what happens when you play with fire
Tags // lostfile 
Categories // Games 
Added: 2111 days ago by lostfile
Runtime: 0m10s | Views: 1080 | Comments: 0
      Watch this video to see examples of great call to action buttons and reasons behind their success. The video primarily focuses on web design call to action buttons. But this info can be adapted to a call-to-action across any medium. 3 call to action buttons examples are detailed in this video. This video would help you greatly when it comes to designing your web pages. .
Tags // call  to  action  importantance  of  call  to  action 
Categories // Business  Howto and DIY 
Added: 4624 days ago by aeva
Runtime: 3m29s | Views: 2552 | Comments: 2
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In a recent article on front page, it talked about a study that indicated using nutritional supplement could be dangerous to your health. When reading these types of studies, I always like to see who puts out the study and who sponsored it. The medical industry always sponsors studies that point to a detrimental effect, when using nutritional supplements. It seems to me that the medical industry is quite happy to keep you sick so that you can provide them with a continual doctor and hospital visits and purchase drugs. Hi, Rudy, Nutritionist, here again, to give you some good information on supplements and their use.
Tags // vitamin  d  calcium  vitamin  d  and  calcium 
Categories // Family 
Added: 1747 days ago by rss41
Runtime: 3m26s | Views: 925 | Comments: 0
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In the video shown above, a girl and a boy are conversing with each other. Boy is a bit frustrated after purchasing a car as he is now facing trouble in paying debts. Girl is suggesting him to apply for debt consolidation loans to manage his debts. Video is brought to you by
Tags // debt  consolidation 
Categories // Business 
Added: 4637 days ago by ericbrown7
Runtime: 1m8s | Views: 4195 | Comments: 1
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Based on its recent analysis of the condition monitoring market, Frost & Sullivan recognizes GE’s Bently Nevada® product line, a unit of GE Measurement & Control Solutions, with the 2011 Global Frost & Sullivan Award for Customer Value Enhancement. The company leverages more than 50 years of experience in condition monitoring to understand the issues of customers in a wide variety of industries. It follows a customer-driven innovation strategy when developing new products or enhancing existing product capabilities to address those issues. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business 
Added: 5014 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 4m41s | Views: 7312 | Comments: 2
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In theaters July 27th. Whos Your Caddy? is a hilarious, fish out of water comedy about superstar rap mogul, C-Note (Big Boi), who runs into fierce opposition when he tries to join the super stuffy Carolina Pines Golf and Country Club.
Tags // whos  your  caddy  big  boi  atwon  patton  lil  wayne  faizon  love  golf  trailer 
Categories // Funny  Comedy 
Added: 6450 days ago by benown
Runtime: 2m18s | Views: 9516 | Comments: 2
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WHOOP today announced consumers will have the opportunity to train like elite athletes when its performance optimization system goes on sale to the general public on The WHOOP Strap 2.0 will ship in time for the holiday gifting season. WHOOP also announced today that 20 Olympic athletes, including front-runners like swimmer Ryan Lochte, wrestler Adeline Gray, and beach volleyball team Casey Patterson and Jake Gibb, are training on the sports performance platform in preparation for Rio. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3161 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m34s | Views: 928 | Comments: 0
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From carpools to soccer practices, the back-to-school routine can be hectic. Whirlpool brand’s newest side-by-side refrigerator saves consumers time and energy when it’s needed most. In fact, new MicroEtch™ Spill Control shelves offer the most shelf space1 and the largest crisper in the industry stores it all – from last night’s casserole to tomorrow’s school lunches. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5289 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 1m19s | Views: 6578 | Comments: 0
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In a departure from the long-held industry tradition of feature wars, Whirlpool brand today announced the launch of Every day, care™, a campaign about changing the perception of how people view the daily chores necessary to care for one’s family. Too often these simple acts of cooking, cleaning and washing feel tedious and insignificant, when in fact they play a huge role in shaping the people we love and the world we live in. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business 
Added: 3810 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m2s | Views: 1051 | Comments: 2
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More @ A party in the whirlpool is being enjoyed by everyone until a very, very surprizing ending. Get ready to laugh as you will see why when one particular female has a nature call in the middle of a party with friends. If your still bored, check out/add my profile if you like 'fails' or are into that sort of thing. Find more 'fails' & total 'lolz' @ my blog - Fail Funnies -
Categories // Funny  Comedy 
Added: 5714 days ago by failfunnies
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 11427 | Comments: 1
     This article/video is brought to you by: where you can find information about Water Bottle Labels and Your Hub for Online Information. This Article (Part 1 of 3) Gives examples about when educating your kids, you can also have some fun and save some money.
Categories // Family  Howto and DIY 
Added: 5239 days ago by OnlineInfoHub
Runtime: 1m37s | Views: 4415 | Comments: 0
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