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Search // try
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Stouffer’s, provider of premium-quality frozen meals, took the tailgating experience – and food – up a notch by teaming up with baseball stars Kris Bryant and Mike Moustakas, to serve up their nutritious and contemporary frozen meal line – STOUFFER’S FIT KITCHEN – to fans. Kansas City’s renowned third baseman Mike Moustakas, and Chicago’s breakout third baseman, Kris Bryant, recently partnered with STOUFFER’S FIT KITCHEN to host two unique Tailgate Takeover events in their respective markets. “It was great to be back in Kansas City with Stouffer’s to see the fans,” said Moustakas, “I had a blast serving up Fit Kitchen meals so that, before heading the game, fans at the Tailgate Takeover were able to try all of the delicious, protein-packed meals that Fit Kitchen offers.” To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3312 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m53s | Views: 1150 | Comments: 0
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STOUFFER’S FIT KITCHEN, creator of protein-packed, premium-quality frozen meals, once again teamed up with baseball stars Kris Bryant of Chicago and Kansas City’s Mike Moustakas to host the Fit City Takeover, an interactive day of fun that celebrated all the ways people incorporate fitness into their everyday lives. STOUFFER’S FIT KITCHEN took over Phoenix elevating one of America’s favorite pastimes, recreational softball, surprising Arizona State University students with guest coaches for the day – Kris Bryant and Mike Moustakas. Two intramural teams took their game a step closer to the big leagues as Bryant and Moustakas went head to head in a friendly rivalry, sharing advice with the collegiate teams and showing fans everyone has a different way of staying fit. The Fit City takeover, also included a never-before-seen Fit City Course that was modeled after an actual city, featuring obstacles like a skyscraper climbing wall and stationary bike that lights up the Fit City course. After exhausting all of their energy during the softball game and taking on the Fit City Course, fans had the opportunity to try the different fit feats and fuel up on free STOUFFER’S FIT KITCHEN samples to get a taste of the meals Moustakas and Bryant have been enjoying this off-season. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3236 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m50s | Views: 1023 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated A unique solution to optimize everyday management of your back office, Store Manager for VirtueMart is an application that allows you to manage your store at ligntning speed. Store Manager for VirtueMart allows you to multiply your management performances by 100 times or more. This invaluable time gained on a daily basis can then be spent much more productively on developing your turnover!So, no time to waste...try it out right now on your own e-shop! Manage your store on the fly in no time at all!
Categories // Business 
Added: 4756 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 2m5s | Views: 5487 | Comments: 1
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If you overeat all the time and want to stop it may be that you are tired and are using food to try to get energy. Whether you just overeat or are suffering from binge eating disorder this link gives you a free self hypnosis healing recording.
Tags // stop  eating  raw  food  raw  food  diet  weight  loss  how  lose  20  pounds  fast  how  binge  eating  how  compulsive  junk  food  how  cra 
Categories // Fashion and Lifestyle  Business 
Added: 4615 days ago by debbiew48
Runtime: 6m58s | Views: 4752 | Comments: 1
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dont try to b.s against the rock, itll only make you feel sorry for giving him a hard time
Tags // the  rock  dwayne  johnson  lamborghini  funny  car  fast  and  furious  6 
Categories // Miscellaneous  Funny  Comedy 
Added: 4279 days ago by InfiniteVoiceovers87
Runtime: 1m24s | Views: 821 | Comments: 3
Not yet rated - Stiff Leg Deadlifts | Leg Workouts - The is a super exercise for your hamstrings and lower back. As with all weight training exercise proper form/technique is essential for not only getting the most out of the exercise but also to avoid injury. As you lower the bar towards the floor make sure to keep your eyes/head up as this will facilitate keeping your back straight. And as shown in the video do not bend you knees - remember you are targeting your hamstrings and lower back. Because technique/form is so essential to the stiff leg deadlifts start off with a lower weight and concentrate on performing the exercise correctly. Do not sway as you lower the weight but try to keep slightly more than 50% of your weight on your heals. And as with all weight training exercises keep your movements slow and steady - again concentrate on form not reps. You will get more out of the exercise with proper form and fewer reps than more reps with incorrect form. After you have performed the stiff leg deadlift with the correct technique successfully you can increase the weight. Don't make too large a jump in weight but move the weight up slowly. You should not be in a rush to max out the weight. I'll say it again proper form with fewer reps will yield greater results that incorrect form and more reps. A word of caution - do not perform the stiff legged deadlift if you have lower back problems or are dealing with a lower back injury. And as with any weight training exercise if you begin to experience pain you should discontinue the exercise. For more info drop by our YouTube channel or visit us on the web at and find us on Facebook at
Categories // Sport 
Added: 4700 days ago by dfmillington
Runtime: 1m2s | Views: 4506 | Comments: 1



http://www.slam-​n-​ -​ Im­mor­tal Mar­tial Arts Inc. was the orig­i­nal man­u­fac­tur­er and dis­trib­u­tor of the Bat­tling Ropes® brand. Af­ter six years of sup­ply­ing heavy train­ing ropes for John Brook­field Im­mor­tal de­cid­ed to launch their own new and im­proved patent pend­ing brand of heavy train­ing ropes called Slam N ropes®. All of our ropes are made of com­mer­cial qual­i­ty ma­te­ri­als specif­i­cal­ly de­signed for rope waves, slams and un­du­la­tion ex­er­cis­es. SLAM N ROPES® BRAND THE NEED FOR A BET­TER ROPE: Af­ter much tri­al and er­ror and prod­uct re-​de­sign and many thou­sands of dol­lars lat­er, we came up with the best com­mer­cial qual­i­ty and most func­tion­al de­sign of heavy train­ing ropes in the in­dus­try. We are con­vinced about the qual­i­ty, dura­bil­i­ty and unique de­sign of our prod­ucts com­pared to what's cur­rent­ly avail­able that we have filed a full util­i­ty patent for our de­signs with the US Patent & Trade­mark of­fice. In ad­di­tion in 2012 Im­mor­tal re­ceived a reg­is­tered trade mark cer­ti­fi­ca­tion by the USP­TO for Slam N Ropes®.
Tags // slam  n  ropes 
Categories // Sport 
Added: 4411 days ago by coachbrucepahl
Runtime: 4m48s | Views: 1410 | Comments: 1
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When hunters try and get the elk, its not them who spook it, its the FREQUENCY
Tags // john  travolta  robert  de  niro  killing  season  2013  funny  playing  dead  haha  death  died  lol 
Categories // Pets and Animals  Funny  Comedy 
Added: 4213 days ago by InfiniteVoiceovers87
Runtime: 2m26s | Views: 799 | Comments: 3
Not yet rated I always try to put an album together rather than a collection of songs, and Beautiful is no exception. Let me ask you... Have you ever felt unworthy, ugly, ashamed, dirty, imperfect, even hopeless? Most of us have, and we then try to go through life, putting on a happy face as best we can, but feeling so inadequate inside. Fact: Research shows that between 77% and 90% of women think that they're ugly. Fact: The majority of men doubt themselves and live with fear and insecurity. Fact: 97% of Americans FAIL to achieve their life goals (& it's probably the same in Australia and at least the rest of the western world) Beautiful is a song that brings hope and declares the truth of God's word that basically says you're beautiful and the with God on your side, it's impossible to fail... not a bad promise to keep in mind. As a good friend of mine says, God bankrupted heaven so that he could have you as His friend. You are the pearl of great price and he sold all he had, gave His only Son, so that he could buy you. May God bless you as you listen and may he lift you to a point that you realise that it is God himself who sees you as beautiful, proclaiming you perfect through the blood of Jesus, his Son. Please let me know how God ministers to you through this. Kind regards Jim. go here for more information about my album - go here to listen to samples of all my music -
Tags // youtube  gospel  music 
Categories // Music 
Added: 4274 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 4m22s | Views: 2371 | Comments: 2



I've played several theatre organs built by Compton and Wurlitzer but never a Christie until today! Im playing "I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts" on the Christie theatre organ at the Social Welfare Hall in Harworth near Doncaster. The organ was originally built in 1934 for the Essoldo cinema in Durham and had 2 manuals and 7 ranks of pipes. It was installed here in the 1960s and had an extra manual and some extra ranks of pipes added. When playing a cinema organ my aim has always been to try and play as they did in your average 1930s surburban cinema. In otherwords - knock out the tune! The emphasis these days tends to be on "orchestral" styling etc.
Tags // christie  theatre  cinema  organ  harworth 
Categories // Music  Miscellaneous 
Added: 5554 days ago by christhompsonorganis
Runtime: 1m51s | Views: 7610 | Comments: 0
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Two pranksters try to sneak into the Vodafone McLaren Mercedes Formula 1 2008 Season Launch at the Australian Grand Prix in Melbourne.
Categories // Cars and Vehicles  Comedy  Sport 
Added: 6179 days ago by sammygee
Runtime: 3m58s | Views: 9212 | Comments: 2



While the state of the economy and high unemployment are still top of mind for most Americans, it is the majority of the country’s young adults—not their parents—who are more optimistic and determined to improve their personal finances in 2011. The Chase Slate-U.S. News Consumer Monitor, released today by Chase Card Services, a division of JPMorgan Chase & Co. [NYSE: JPM], and U.S. News & World Report, found that young adults (ages 18-34) are most likely to want to save more and spend less money, pay down debts, and develop a budget in 2011 compared to others. In fact, while one in four Americans set a personal financial goal as their main New Year’s resolution, four in five Americans – including 98% of Americans aged 18-34 – indicated they will try to save more money and three in five will try to develop a budget in 2011. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5166 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 7976 | Comments: 0
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