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Results 37-48 of 166 for ' stand ' (0 seconds)
See America, Allergan’s initiative to fight against preventable blindness in the United States, today unveiled a powerful video featuring award-winning actor and hip-hop artist Common, that urges Americans to “stand in the way of darkness”. The video harnesses Common’s striking spoken word ability, calling on Americans to fight against vision loss and prioritize their vision. Common highlights the 61 million Americans at-risk of severe vision loss, and challenges us all to imagine a life without sight. “I'm proud to join Allergan in the fight against preventable blindness,” said Common. “Sight is something that far too many of us take for granted. I hope our message resonates with people across the country, no matter what age or background.” To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2910 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m30s | Views: 787 | Comments: 0
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The St. Baldrick’s Foundation, a volunteer-powered charity dedicated to funding children’s cancer research, is recognizing National Childhood Cancer Awareness Month with a number of activities planned throughout September. As the leading non-governmental funder of childhood cancer research grants, St. Baldrick’s is asking people to get involved by helping to raise awareness and funds for childhood cancer research. “One in five kids with cancer will die in the first five years of diagnosis, and those that do survive face a lifetime of serious health issues caused by the toxicity of their cure,” said Kathleen Ruddy, CEO of St. Baldrick’s. “The American public wants kids with cancer to be a national health priority, but our leaders are leaving these kids behind with the lack of federal research funding. We are calling upon everyone to speak up about the need for increased childhood cancer research funding as well as to stand up in support of kids with cancer during this important month.” Today, as part of the official kickoff for Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, St. Baldrick’s will ring the opening bell at the NASDAQ Stock Market. St. Baldrick’s board members will be joined by researchers, as well as children and families directly affected by childhood cancer. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3470 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m47s | Views: 757 | Comments: 0
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With the critical success and recognition of I Am Shelby Lynne, she was awarded the Best New Artist GRAMMY® in 2000 – after nearly 13 years in the business. Love, Shelby was released in 2001, followed by a pair of intimate, self-produced albums – Identity Crisis (2003) and Suit Yourself (2005). She made her acting debut in 2005, playing Johnny Cash's mother in the Fox Searchlight motion picture Walk the Line. Just a Little Lovin’, her critically acclaimed tribute to Dusty Springfield, was released in 2008. 
Never one to go with the crowd, Shelby continues to stand apart from the mainstream music world. She recently founded her own label, EVERSO RECORDS. Lynne’s Tears, Lies, And Alibis, EVERSO’s first release, debuted at No. 16 on Billboard’s Top Independent Albums chart in April of 2010. A Top 10 hit at Americana radio, it was hailed by Newsday as “her strongest album in a decade,” a sentiment echoed by numerous critics. She followed Tears, Lies, And Alibis with her first-ever holiday collection, Merry Christmas, released in the fall of 2010. Revelation Road – Shelby’s most personal record yet – will be released on October 18, 2011. She wrote, recorded and produced the album, which leads off with the title track and first single, “Revelation Road,” a stirring reflection on reckoning and redemption. Lynne will be touring North American this fall.
Tags // shelby  lynne  music  video  country  christian 
Categories // Music 
Added: 4675 days ago by rivevideo
Runtime: 3m44s | Views: 40849 | Comments: 0



A child’s inspirational artwork for a holiday card will drive awareness, donations and hope in the fight against childhood cancer as the centerpiece of a new digital holiday campaign launching today by Northwestern Mutual. The campaign, Share Unstoppable Happiness!, aims to raise up to $25,000 by Dec. 30 for Northwestern Mutual’s Childhood Cancer Program nonprofit partners, Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation and Starlight Children’s Foundation. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4472 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m36s | Views: 2305 | Comments: 0
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Steel and sorcery clash as the Harhn incursion sweeps through the Hugue. Only Lord Baudouin and Lady Lucia, a Dragon Maiden from the Order, stand in the enemy’s path. Only together will there be any hope to repel the onslaught, and preserve the future for a mysterious girl they do not know. Learn more about this book here, and its author here, Fantasy
Tags // jack  whitsel  fantasy  sorcery  war  mystery  epic  book  trailer  book  video 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4673 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m3s | Views: 5089 | Comments: 1
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Three Upper East Side teens find that they have been tapped for The Secret Society, an elite order with roots going back to ancient Egypt. Once they accept Secret Society membership, they stand to benefit beyond their wildest dreams, with one caveat, once they get in, they can never get out. Secret Society Tom Dolby Book Trailer Find out more about this author here Find out more about this book YA
Categories // Miscellaneous  Family  Business 
Added: 5638 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 0m46s | Views: 13179 | Comments: 3
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Ein eindeutiges Bekenntnis zum Motorsport und zu seinen privaten Kundenteams lieferte Seat beim legendären GTI-Treffen am Südufer des Wörthersees. Klarer Held auf dem Seat Stand dabei der neue Leon Cup Racer. Er zeigt bereits sehr konkret, wie ein neuer Renntourenwagen für den Einsatz in den verschiedensten weltweiten Rennserien aussehen kann. So bildet der 243 kW/330 PS starke Leon Cup Racer die Basis für die Entwicklungsarbeiten und Testfahrten der kommenden Monate. Begleitet wird der Cup Racer auf dem Seat Stand von fünf weiteren, besonders feurigen und individuell ausgestatteten Versionen der Baureihen Ibiza und Leon sowie einem umfangreichen Programm für die Fans der spanischen Marke. Schon optisch liefert der auf dem fünftürigen Leon basierende und in metallischem Matt-Grau mit orangefarbenen Akzenten lackierte Cup Racer einen beeindruckenden Auftritt: Überaus kraftvoll steht er auf seinen 18 Zoll-Rennrädern, immerhin ist die Spurbreite des Rennwagens fast 40 Zentimeter größer als beim Serienmodell. Die neue Front ist auf optimale aerodynamische Effizienz und maximale Belüftung von Motor und Bremsanlage ausgelegt, die mächtigen Radhäuser mit ihren Öffnungen an der Rückseite unterstützen die Kühlwirkung für die Vierkolben-Bremsanlage. Die Schweller sind weit herausgezogen, zusammen mit dem Frontspoiler, dem glatten Unterboden, dem Diffusor am Heck sowie dem zweistufigen, auf einer Stütze montierten Dachspoiler schaffen sie maximalen Abtrieb für hohe Kurvengeschwindigkeiten. Rennfertig präsentiert sich auch das Interieur. Konsequente Gewichtsreduktion und die Konzentration auf das Wesentliche bestimmen den von einem höchstfesten Käfig zusätzlich geschützten Innenraum. Die Grundform des Seriencockpits bleibt erhalten, die Fahrerinformation und die Bedienung des Rennwagens konzentrieren sich aber auf das Multifunktions-Lenkrad und das hochauflösende TFT-Display dahinter. Für mächtigen Vortrieb sorgt ein Zweiliter-Vierzylinder-Turbomotor. Seine maximale Leistung beträgt 243 kW/330 PS, das maximale Drehmoment liegt bei 350 Newtonmeter. Für die Kraftübertragung auf die Vorderachse sorgen ein 6-Gang-Doppelkupplungsgetriebe DSG, bedient am Lenkrad, und ein elektronisch gesteuertes Sperrdifferential. Eine spezielle Variante des Cup Racer für Langstreckenrennen kann mit einem sequentiellen Renngetriebe mit Schalthebel auf der Mittelkonsole und einem mechanischen Sperrdifferential ausgerüstet werden. Selbst ein vorläufiger Kaufpreis für den Leon Cup Racer ist bereits definiert: 70.000 € (ohne Mehrwertsteuer) soll die Version mit DSG-Getriebe kosten, 95.000 € (ebenfalls ohne Mehrwertsteuer) die Langstrecken-Ausführung mit sequentiellem Getriebe und mechanischem Sperrdifferential.
Tags // volkswagen  audi  seat  skoda 
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 4311 days ago by unitedpictures
Runtime: 1m42s | Views: 1455 | Comments: 1
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Erstmals gibt es in der Leon-Familie ein dreitüriges Modell. SEAT bietet ihn mit dem Namenszusatz SC an. Das Kürzel steht für Sportcoupé und soll die Sinne das Fahrers mehr ansprechen, als die Konkurrenz in der Kompaktklasse. Dass er dynamischer als sein fünftüriger Bruder wirkt, hat weniger mit den zwei fehlenden Türen zu tun. Der Radstand ist um rund dreieinhalb Zentimeter geschrumpft, das Dach um 1,5 Zentimeter flacher geworden. Verbunden mit den kurzen Überhängen vorn und hinten und den seitlichen scharf geformten Linien, symbolisiert er bereits im Stand seine Sportlichkeit.
Tags // seat  leon  kompaktklasse 
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 4340 days ago by unitedpictures
Runtime: 2m10s | Views: 1352 | Comments: 1
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Casino operators at the ICE Totally Gaming 2015 conference and trade show (“ICE 2015”) will experience first-hand the strategic benefits of the combination of Scientific Games’ (NASDAQ: SGMS) Bally, WMS, Shuffle Master, SG Gaming, Williams and Barcrest brands. At ICE 2015 on February 3-5 at ExCel London Exhibition and Convention Center, stand #N1-440, Scientific Games (the “Company”) will showcase more than 125 gaming products that address casino operators’ diverse needs across all of their land-based and interactive channels, thereby demonstrating the value of the Company’s recent merger with Bally Technologies. For more details on Scientific Games’ products on display at ICE 2015, please visit To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business  Science and Technology 
Added: 3688 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m27s | Views: 851 | Comments: 2
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Whether from a supermarket, farm stand, or your own garden, fresh fruits and vegetables are highlights of summertime. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration reminds you that foodborne bacteria multiply faster in warm weather – and what’s more, safe handling of produce and fresh-squeezed juice is especially important because these foods are often consumed raw. Keep foods safe this summer by practicing the Four Steps to Food Safety: clean hands and surfaces often; separate raw meats from other foods; cook to the right temperatures; and chill foods promptly. And with delicious, nutritious produce and fresh-squeezed juices, follow these additional tips to prevent food poisoning. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // People and Blog  Howto and DIY 
Added: 4609 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m53s | Views: 3747 | Comments: 1
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Diversified, snappy and extraordinary that’s how you could style Stronger Than Before, Rene Finn and Friends latest album, released 2009 on EMG Music in Stuttgart. Atmospheric pop ballads like Great Wheel Of Time invite to dream and take turns with groovy rock songs. Just like on the three forerunner-releases all songs stand out due to deep going lyrics about life and experience as well as to catchy melodies, whose magic one can’t elude.
Tags // rene  finn  friends 
Categories // Music 
Added: 5871 days ago by emgmusic
Runtime: 5m40s | Views: 8738 | Comments: 0
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He liked to laugh, President Lincoln and as a matter of fact, he was criticized for it once. And he said, if I couldn’t laugh I couldn’t stand this job for fifteen minutes
Tags // abraham  lincoln  franklin  roosevelt  liked  to  laugh  reagan  wit 
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 4469 days ago by reaganpaintings
Runtime: 0m38s | Views: 1981 | Comments: 0
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