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Search // mysterious
Results 37-39 of 39 for ' mysterious ' (0 seconds)
Apothic Wines, known for their bold, intense blended wines that combine Old World intrigue with New World sophistication, is excited to announce the return of Apothic Dark. Its secret blend highlights unique and uncommon grapes to create a mysterious wine that is evocative of the romance found in darkness. This red wine blends dark fruit flavors of blueberry and blackberry with opulent notes of coffee and dark chocolate for a rich, yet silky smooth, wine experience. To celebrate the return of Apothic Dark, Apothic Wine is convincing the world to “Go Dark” with its #GoDark campaign. The #GoDark promotion kicked off on September 24 when an impromptu dark parade descended on downtown Austin. Onlookers helping to “Keep Austin Dark” joined more than 50 mysteriously cloaked performance artists and Apothic enthusiasts in a procession that originated from Congress Bridge and culminated with dark revelry at a historic downtown theater. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3436 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m-0s | Views: 785 | Comments: 1
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Plagued by his past as The Phantom of the Opera, Erik’s madness is reborn. A ruthless bounty hunter pursues him for a murder he didn’t commit. Can he outrun him while his heart chases two women and his memories one mysterious man… Memories of Philippe Georges Marie, Comte de Chagny... Abendlied Jennifer Linforth Book Trailer Find out more about this author and book here Romance, Historical Fiction
Tags // phantom  of  the  opera  leroux  phantom  video  murder  bounty  hunter  romance 
Categories // Miscellaneous  Business 
Added: 5592 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m4s | Views: 8523 | Comments: 3
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Tupac died when he was only 25 years old. He was well on his way to becoming one of the great leaders and icons of the next generation. I hope this song brings you back to when the whole east coast was fueding with the west coast and how crazy the game got. Tragically, that era will always be remembered by the murder of 2Pac and Biggie and not just the amazing music. This song is a blatant borrowing of a very early Bob Dylan song called Davey Moore. I added some words and switched some around in order to speak to the mysterious murder of one of Hip-Hop's greatest: Tupac Shakur. It would have been great to see what young Tupac became when he grew older. May his memory be a blessing.
Tags // who  killed  tupac  shakur 
Categories // Music 
Added: 3524 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 2m19s | Views: 1059 | Comments: 0
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