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Results 37-48 of 92 for ' golf ' (0 seconds)
Callaway Golf Company (NYSE: ELY) today announced the February 18 retail availability of the new Odyssey® D.A.R.T.™ line of putters, featuring a groundbreaking target alignment system from the #1 Putter in Golf®. Odyssey’s Direction and Realignment Technology (D.A.R.T.) utilizes a dart-like pattern on the top of the putterhead to easily align the center of the putter face with the target when addressing the ball. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Sport  Business 
Added: 5147 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 6044 | Comments: 2
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Callaway Golf Company (NYSE: ELY) today announced the April 13 retail availability of the new Odyssey® Metal-X™ line of insert putters, representing the latest in the brand’s storied history of game-changing innovations surrounding the most important club in the bag. With a lightweight aluminum face in front of a urethane backer layer, Metal-X putters provide golfers the crisp feedback of a metal striking surface with the benefits of a softer feel for optimal touch. Aesthetically pleasing with a sleek midnight black finish, the putters also offer a textured face that delivers a truer, more consistent roll. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Sport 
Added: 4742 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 5910 | Comments: 1
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Now, THE ONLY APP TO CALCULATE YOUR OFFICAL USGA HANDICAP can be yours! myGolfstats helps you keep easy track of driving, GIR, scramble, sand saves, putts, score, handicap, just like the pros do! In mere seconds, you can input your score then check your season progress on the US handicap site and get a real USGA handicap. Click “...More” to learn why you should download this App today!
Tags // golf  scorecard  handicap  usga  sports  iphone 
Categories // Games  Sport 
Added: 4169 days ago by paul_anderson
Runtime: 1m20s | Views: 1206 | Comments: 2



This is my first official youtube video, and its really just to introduce myself to the youtube community. A comment below and a nice warm welcome would be awsome. And please check out my other video I would really love it if you would comment, rate, and subscribe to me and all my videos, to show your support :) 99% of my videos are not edited, and i keep them all raw and real as possible, i dont feel the need to add effects, also i shoot all my videos in 240p and im proud of it!
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4697 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 0m27s | Views: 7560 | Comments: 1
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The USGA and The R&A have unveiled a preview of proposed new Rules of Golf, as part of a joint initiative to modernize the Rules and make them easier to understand and apply. The online release of this preview begins a six-month feedback and evaluation period during which all golfers worldwide can learn about the proposed changes and provide input before they are finalized in 2018 and take effect January 1, 2019. The announcement follows a comprehensive review process that began in 2012 with a working group of key USGA and R&A Rules administrators, professional tour officials and other Rules experts. While the Rules are revised every four years, this is the first fundamental review since 1984, and was established to ensure the Rules fit the needs of today’s game and the way it is played around the world. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2935 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 4m51s | Views: 824 | Comments: 1
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Lithium Golf Batteries
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4641 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 1m0s | Views: 2671 | Comments: 0
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Automobili Lamborghini S.p.A. and Callaway Golf Company (NYSE: ELY) have signed an agreement to connect the resources of their world-renowned Research and Development teams. This unique alliance establishes an ongoing collaboration to develop innovative technologies and materials designed to enhance the performance of each company’s products. The partnership, as well as the introduction of a new, co-developed material called Forged Composite™, was officially celebrated today at the 2010 Paris Motor Show by Automobili Lamborghini President and CEO Stephan Winkelmann and George Fellows, President and CEO, Callaway Golf. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Cars and Vehicles  Business 
Added: 5275 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m17s | Views: 10000 | Comments: 3
Not yet rated Not everyone can have junior golfing lessons and become a kid golfing prodigy like Tiger Woods. It
Categories // Sport 
Added: 5444 days ago by frankwyatt77
Runtime: 0m46s | Views: 12223 | Comments: 2
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John Peden was one of those larger-than-life personalities. “When he would walk into a room, it was like all the attention was on him,” said his stepdaughter, Jenna Peden. “He just had this power emanating out of him.” The 6-foot, 4-inch former U.S. Air Force captain was a respected dental surgeon in Nashville. He was active in his church and made many mission trips to provide dental care in Central America through Health Talents International. That’s why it was such a shock to his family and friends when an MRI revealed a brain tumor the size of a golf ball. “Life as we knew it was no more,” said his wife, Vicki Peden. “John never worked another day in his life.” To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // People and Blog  Business 
Added: 3798 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m7s | Views: 1260 | Comments: 2
Not yet rated Tiger Woods continues to dominate the media when it comes to golf no matter how he plays. Is he dead or isn't he, that is the question? Here at we publish what we consider to be the best golf stories of the day along with all the latest news, views and reviews.
Categories // Miscellaneous  People and Blog 
Added: 4766 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 1m2s | Views: 6926 | Comments: 1
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iGATE CEO Cup has created a thrilling format for a charitable tournament with CEOs representing many of the world's top companies playing for a noble cause. iGATE, the NASDAQ-listed leading outsourcing services company, in association with Forbes, publisher of Forbes magazine and, take the second iGATE CEO Cup Golf tournament international. This first-class championship-style golf tournament will be held March 21 – 22, 2014, at Course No. 2 and Course No. 8 of the legendary Pinehurst Resort & Country Club in North Carolina, USA. Grand Slam champion Gary Player will co-host the iGATE CEO Cup just as he did for the inaugural tournament last year. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Tags // igate  ceo  cup  forbes  charity  golf  tournament  chip  perry  business 
Categories // Sport  Business 
Added: 4183 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m58s | Views: 1879 | Comments: 2
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Watch as Beaver Creek shows you the different ways to test your golf cart battery. You\'ll find out what battery testers are available to Beaver Creek Golf Carts and what battery testers you can use at home. We\'ll show you how to test your golf cart battery, how to read the results to know if your battery is still good or if it needs replacing.
Tags // golf  carts  golf  cart  buggies  golf  car  electric  golf  cart  golf  cart  parts  gas  golf  cart  used  golf  cart  ez-go 
Added: 4501 days ago by BeaverCreekGolfCarts
Runtime: 4m26s | Views: 954 | Comments: 3
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