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Search // family
Results 457-468 of 934 for ' family ' (0 seconds)
My Grand-daughter morphing into her Mother. If you like this and want me make a similar video to see YOUR child grow in seconds contact me for details.
Tags // morph  child  mother  image  baby  babies  family  growth 
Categories // Miscellaneous  Family  People and Blog 
Added: 4510 days ago by Britman
Runtime: 0m20s | Views: 3657 | Comments: 3
     Family & Friends is an international Christian Ministry focusing on helping marriages and families to live life full of love, joy and adventure.
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4607 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 8m11s | Views: 4255 | Comments: 0
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Lord & Taylor’s annual holiday windows have acted as host in the creation of many memorable family moments. Sharing the story of L&T’s hundred-year-old building and New York City’s unique holiday experience, the windows are inspired by vintage New York, capturing its rich history and tradition. Fifth Harmony performed two traditional holiday songs as well as two songs from their recently released EP, Better Together, currently ranked in Billboard's Top 10. Following their performance, Fifth Harmony made an in-store appearance, where they took photos with customers and handed out signed copies of their new EP. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Music  Fashion and Lifestyle  Business 
Added: 4133 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m2s | Views: 846 | Comments: 0
     - This video provides you with loads of details about enjoying one of the log cabin holidays in Gloucestershire. In the video you will find details on the various log cabin parks in this region, some more information about what you can expect from the accommodation and any facilities that may be available. The log cabins in Gloucestershire are a perfect way to spend some time with family, friends or just the two of you. After you have viewed the video you can check out all the log cabins and find out more information about them from the Holidayparkhols website. So settle back and discover the joys of staying on a log cabin holiday in one of the most stunning areas of the UK.
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4683 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 2m23s | Views: 4882 | Comments: 0
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Vanderbilt Mortgage and Finance, Inc., a Berkshire Hathaway company, has implemented an internal customer satisfaction scoring system aimed at measuring the overall experience of its home loan origination process. The internal customer satisfaction score that Vanderbilt has created is a metric calculated from surveyed responses by customers within two weeks of funding their loan. The customers are asked to give a score ranging from zero to 10 on how likely they are to recommend Vanderbilt Mortgage to family and friends based on their home loan origination experience. “We want to be transparent about the feedback we receive from our customers,” said Eric Hamilton, president of Vanderbilt Mortgage and Finance, Inc. “Continuously listening to customers’ needs in order to improve is our top priority. This scored system gives us a structured way to measure how we are doing and determine in which areas we can do better. It’s important for us to meet and exceed our customers’ expectations.” To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3172 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m26s | Views: 852 | Comments: 0
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Occasional forgetfulness is a normal part of the aging process; the memory loss and disorientation caused by Alzheimer's are not. Fresh video, photos, documents and links posted in the Brookdale Alzheimer's Resource Center explain Alzheimer's warning signs and how they differ from typical age-related memory slips. The new material also details Brookdale's innovative Clare Bridge Crossings program for people in the early stages of dementia and how a family credits it with slowing the advance of their loved one's Alzheimer's. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 3768 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 1026 | Comments: 1
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With Live Trading Support you can have the life your family deserves. Learn how to provide finacial security for your family without being away. Short and flexible trading hours make e minis the perfect way to a better life. Watch this video to learn about the e-mini future trading programme at or visit us at
Categories // Business 
Added: 6013 days ago by soutv
Runtime: 0m59s | Views: 7641 | Comments: 3
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Debt is a burden that millions of Americans carry on a daily basis. In fact, the average family spends 20 percent of their household income paying down debt. But the scary fact about debt is that it doesn’t just impact your finances. No one knows the far-reaching impact of debt more than Sharon, a former client of the nonprofit organization, Money Management International (MMI). Sharon struggled for years to stay current on more than $40,000 of debt, but eventually found a solution for overcoming the financial burden that she had faced for so long. Sharon, as well as others in similar situations, share their experiences and their journey throughout the debt repayment process through MMI’s new podcast series. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4903 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 2m58s | Views: 6259 | Comments: 0
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Luzaida Cuevas was told that her infant daughter Delimar had died in a fire in their Philadelphia apartment. But she always believed that her daughter was still alive, and six years later she saw a little girl at a birthday party that she knew in her heart was Delimar. Despite the skepticism of everyone around her, she set out to prove that the little girl was her missing daughter. Premieres Sunday 8/17 at 8pm ET on Lifetime Movie Network.
Tags // lifetime  lmn  little  girl  lost  movie  family  judy  reyes  ana  ortiz  fire  tragedy  loss  reuinion 
Categories // Miscellaneous  Family 
Added: 6064 days ago by lifetimepd
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 7726 | Comments: 0
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Luzaida Cuevas was told that her infant daughter Delimar had died in a fire in their Philadelphia apartment. But she always believed that her daughter was still alive, and six years later she saw a little girl at a birthday party that she knew in her heart was Delimar. Despite the skepticism of everyone around her, she set out to prove that the little girl was her missing daughter. Premieres Sunday 8/17 at 8pm ET on Lifetime Movie Network.
Tags // lifetime  lmn  little  girl  lost  movie  family  ana  ortiz  fire  tragedy  loss  reuinion 
Categories // Miscellaneous  Family 
Added: 6082 days ago by lifetimepd
Runtime: 0m46s | Views: 6827 | Comments: 0
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Luzaida Cuevas was told that her infant daughter Delimar had died in a fire in their Philadelphia apartment. But she always believed that her daughter was still alive, and six years later she saw a little girl at a birthday party that she knew in her heart was Delimar. Despite the skepticism of everyone around her, she set out to prove that the little girl was her missing daughter. Premieres Sunday 8/17 at 8pm ET on Lifetime Movie Network.
Tags // lifetime  lmn  little  girl  lost  movie  family  ana  ortiz  fire  tragedy  loss  reuinion 
Categories // Miscellaneous  Family 
Added: 6076 days ago by lifetimepd
Runtime: 0m16s | Views: 7688 | Comments: 0
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“Someone special at St. Jude would like to say hello,” this is what Guests at Chili’s® Grill & Bar Highland Springs restaurant heard after choosing to donate to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital® during this year’s Create-A-Pepper campaign. It’s often difficult to connect how an add-on donation at the end of a meal or coloring a pepper while at Chili’s can have an impact on the kids at St. Jude, but over the past 15 years, each donation and pepper has added up to more than $64 million to support St. Jude’s mission of Finding cures. Saving children®. This year, Chili’s is showing how a little action can create a big impact by continuing to connect those who care with those in need of care. ChiliHeads at Highland Springs in Beaumont, Calif. surprised everyday Guests with a special thank you for their donation to St. Jude. Guests came in expecting a normal dining experience and got something completely different. After a donation, Guests received a video call from a St. Jude survivor who personally shared their story and the difference each donation makes in ensuring that no family ever receives a bill. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2668 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m21s | Views: 890 | Comments: 3
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