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As Christmas is nearing, Hamburg is all dressed up for the occasion: during the Advent season, 16 different Christmas markets in the city centre will attract over 6 million visitors – making Hamburg the Christmas capital of the north. No other European Christmas destination offers such diversity, ranging from the elegant/nostalgic market on the Rathausmarkt and the cool/erotic Santa Pauli market in the legendary Reeperbahn entertainment district to the exclusive/maritime market on the Jungfernstieg and the gay/lesbian market with its DJ set in the hip St Georg quarter. While there are countless ways of celebrating Christmas, Hamburg’s locals are well acquainted with traditional Christmas carols such as “Silent Night.” During the Advent season, this classic German song can be heard at Christmas markets across the city. The port city of Hamburg is Germany’s most international, cosmopolitan and multicultural city, and if you listen closely at one of the Christmas market’s mulled wine stands, you will find that this popular song is actually being sung in various different tongues. What results is a festive “Holy Hamburg Christmas Carol” – sending Hamburg’s seasonal greetings around the world. To experience the Hamburg Christmas feeling, visit and the social web using the #HolyHamburg hashtag. To view the multimedia release go to:
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