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On One Knee by Gyles 2012, Lyrics: Gyles & Reece, Music: Duffmusiq, Produced by Justin Forsley co-produced by Duffmusiq. Mastered by Tom Rogers Atomix Studios, Los Angeles, CA. Video by Modifeo Productions - twitter@gylesmusic
Tags // on  one  knee  gyles  on  one  knee  gyles  duffmusiq  reece  modifeo  productions  atomix  studios 
Categories // Music 
Added: 4662 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 3m22s | Views: 3536 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated



Do we need more gun control? More guns? More target gun control? With the Sandy Hook shooting fresh in our memories how can we make sure that this doesn't happen again? Arm teachers? Ban all guns? Watch the newest Meme Factory episode and find out, with just a tad of satire mixed in. Get Smart Fast. Want to see more of the Meme Factory? Check us out on; Youtube: Vimeo: Twitter: Facebook: Web: And our Podcast at Or on iTunes at the Meme Factory Podcast Check out my personal nonsense too at and Thanks for watching everybody! See you on the wire
Tags // gun  control  meme  factory  satire 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4432 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 5m17s | Views: 1063 | Comments: 0
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Gully & Gazza (Marlonn Brando) ___ FAMILY SENCI
Categories // Music 
Added: 4997 days ago by BLADDHA
Runtime: 3m51s | Views: 5747 | Comments: 0



Freestyler Group fitness: - One functional training fitness device - endless possibilities - Supreme core workout with multi-axis movements - Online & offline instructor education support - Step by step programs supported by Video center Fitness instructors are amazed with endless workout possibilities The Freestyler group workout system contains a set of different classes which are constantly updated with ever new workouts. In this way instructors and fitness clubs are able to pick from variety of workouts which best suit their clients' needs. Connect with us online! Youtube: Follow us on Twitter: Add us on Facebook: Visit our shop:
Tags // functional  fitness  workouts 
Categories // Funny 
Added: 4369 days ago by Freestyler
Runtime: 1m2s | Views: 1040 | Comments: 1
Not yet rated New Gospel Rap track by Rev Lelton Davis, Keion Trigg and Harvey Davis offers a southwest feel.This video was shot by Bershel Conchola, and the hot beat was made by Big Baby aka Deandre Johnson. This video is a song about the need for each and everyone of us to keep one another in prayer.
Tags // gospel  rap  gospel  rap  track  rev  lelton  davis  christian  rap 
Categories // Music 
Added: 4567 days ago by realvideofile007
Runtime: 5m54s | Views: 2465 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated - Gorilla Chin Crunch - Ab Workouts - the Gorilla Chin Crunch combines a pullup with a crunch - one of the things that makes this a great workout to add to your ab routine is that you are not only working out your abs but your triceps and back. Performing workouts that use different muscle groups like the Gorilla Chin Crunch is a fantastic way to get the most out of your workouts in the least amount of time. For more information drop by our YouTube channel or visit us in the web at and find us on Facebook at
Categories // Sport 
Added: 4699 days ago by dfmillington
Runtime: 0m52s | Views: 3926 | Comments: 1
      Grab the free report that is already making people money and it is such a SIMPLE method. Just hit the connect with Facebook button and we
Categories // Fashion and Lifestyle 
Added: 4953 days ago by walterbayliss
Runtime: 0m41s | Views: 4689 | Comments: 0
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Check out Lindsay's audition who has been cast for a new comedy TV reality show in Essex! #GoldenLadies. Currently we are auditioning various potential Golden Ladies across the Essex region in the UK to take part in a comical new reality show. More auditions will appear over the coming weeks. So subscribe, share, comment and let us know what you think of our cast so far.
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Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4213 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 1m55s | Views: 2183 | Comments: 0
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Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4694 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 0m15s | Views: 4105 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated Going on a road trip with no predetermined destination? Waiting to get that thunderous sound of your bike chiming in, planning that road trip...your stop along the way should be at the Colonial B&B at Stamford NY A cross country road trip planner will tell you that the Colonial B&B at Stamford NY is your home away from home. Like Us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter:
Tags // nys  catskills  bed  and  breakfast  best  bedand  breakfast  in  new  york  go  on  a  road  trip  with  no  predetermineddestination  bb 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4319 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 1m26s | Views: 3142 | Comments: 0
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This production is an initial approach to the GLOW Awakening story, featuring Christian Navarro's song "GLOW - For My Eye Only." Follow us at:Facebook: @NAVARRO.TVOFFICIAL@Bowermasterproductions Navarro.TV Navarro - Glow (For My Eye Only) Written and Performed by Navarro Produced and Mixed by Dr Ford Mastered by Randy Merrill Guitars by Joel Van Dijk
Categories // Music 
Added: 2556 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 8m12s | Views: 799 | Comments: 5
Not yet rated get the hot single History by Glitch Arsonist G5 on iTunes today. Follow Glitch Arsonist G5:
Tags // glitch  arsonist  g5 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4314 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 1m28s | Views: 612 | Comments: 0
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