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La nouvelle punk moderniste ? OK maybe not :) But we have tried to keep The Clash spirit and we are proud to again participate in the Specialized project benefitting the Teenage Cancer Trust. You can support that by pre-ordering Specialized 4: Combat Cancer here: It is for a great cause and is run by great people, plus this year even more fantastic groups are participating, including The Riots, Paz Antiguana, and the Sound of Pop Art plus once again our friends InDeEd from France.
Tags // mod  music  mod  revival  clash  cover 
Categories // Music 
Added: 3541 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 1m46s | Views: 797 | Comments: 0
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1. sign up to this site for free 2 .fill in ten surveys(get a auto filler to be quick) 3. choose your prize you need 20 points for 1600 Microsoft points 4. check your email for the redeem code 5. enjoy
Tags // free  microsoft  points  xbox  360  xbox360  get  halo  3  halo3  legendary  maps  for  free 
Categories // Music  Games  Howto and DIY 
Added: 6173 days ago by bradrulez1
Runtime: 0m51s | Views: 9305 | Comments: 2



Vidéo des adieux de la terroriste Reem Riyashi avant son attentat suicide une terroriste auteur dun attentat suicide considère le meurtre de sionistes comme un billet dentrée au paradis. Bilan : 4 morts Site internet du Hamas, 2004-2009 Je suis la martyre Reem Riyashi, jespère que les lambeaux de ma chair seront des éclats dobus qui déchireront les sionistes en morceaux, frapperont à la porte du paradis avec des crânes sionistes. Je me suis si souvent adressée à mon âme : Ô mon âme, si tu hais les sionistes ennemis de ma religion, mon sang sera la voie qui me mènera au paradis. Depuis ma dixième année, je me suis efforcée de demander quotidiennement des conseils à ceux qui pouvaient me guider, mécouter et maider. Je souhaitais tant accomplir une Shahada (attentat suicide) en Israël. Grâce à ma persévérance et avec laide dAllah, mon vœu a été exaucé. (more)
Tags // gaza  israele  reem  rishay  fatah  tv  armee  violence  aiiah 
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5712 days ago by scinova
Runtime: 0m46s | Views: 12106 | Comments: 0
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Francesco Saverio Boni - Rock 4 U ! 2015
Tags // energy  italy  germany  chile  spain  music  musik  fsb  love  italian  music  cantanti  amor  amar  rock  drum  n  bass  tribal  italy  web 
Categories // Music  Funny  Event and Party 
Added: 3371 days ago by Hulkenbestvideos
Runtime: 5m40s | Views: 846 | Comments: 3
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This is a tribute video to our customers who played at Diablo Venture Games Paintball for the past 1/4 century. It starts off with shots of some of our many volunteer ref\'s and paid managers. Diablo Venture Games was always proud of those ref\'s who represented our paintball games to the public. Our customers most often commented both in person, phone and email on how well our staff performed and serviced their needs, ensuring the safest paintball games in the San Francisco Bay Area. It\'s not surprising, giving the fact that we always attracted and accepted only those young people with the very best character traits. Most all my staff the past 1/4 century went on to college and are active and productive members our great nation. We count 15 eagle scouts among our ref\'s. Many went on to military carriers, taking what they learned on our paintball fields to the battle fields. Among my very proudest are 2 west Point, 3 Annapolis and 1 Air Force academy graduates, not to mention the many enlisted who worked their way up the enlisted ranks. Although there are some relevantly new customers represented in the video, most shots take you back the the mid eighties and continue into the early nineties. In my opinion, this was Venture Games golden years as well as paintball its self, before it went total commercial and corporate {Note} Diablo Venture Games Paintball Park opened on April 12th 1986, due to the property owner selling the land; it was forced to close down on January 31st 2009. It was home to the original Ironmen recreational paintball team from 1986 to 1988 before it switched to a tournament team. Home to the Lost Boys, Little Rascals, Wild Geese, Out of Shape, Team Taurus and countless others no one ever herd of but deserve mention in this world of the internet!
Categories // Sport 
Added: 5700 days ago by tacticalir
Runtime: 5m51s | Views: 5771 | Comments: 0



Fly over of Competition Ridge Race Ranch a 1.7 mile road course, 3/4 mile oval track, and 1/4 mile drag strip under construction near Lake Havasu City AZ.
Tags // race  tracks  in  arizona 
Categories // Cars and Vehicles  Sport 
Added: 6228 days ago by racetrackrandy
Runtime: 0m38s | Views: 10365 | Comments: 2
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The Nord Stream pipeline is one of Europe\'s largest energy projects. A total investment of 7.4 billion Euros underlines the importance of the project for the economic relations between Russia and Europe. The construction of the first line of the 2-line pipeline begun in spring of last year and the first gas will begin to flow this fall. Now the operators were able to announce the positive completion of the financing of the project at a press conference.
Added: 5118 days ago by mhoch4
Runtime: 1m40s | Views: 5884 | Comments: 0



Eighteen years after opening its internationally prominent Center for Fetal Diagnosis and Treatment, The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) celebrates 1,000 fetal surgeries – highly complex surgical interventions to repair birth defects in the womb. Approximately 4,000 fetal surgeries have been done worldwide, meaning a quarter of them have been performed at CHOP, the largest number of any hospital in the world. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4293 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 9m57s | Views: 2823 | Comments: 1
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A new kitchen ranks high on many homeowners' dream lists, and Ferguson Bath, Kitchen, and Lighting Gallery made those dreams come true today for one lucky Delaware family. William and Monica Snowden were selected from over 1.4 million total entries as the Grand Prize winner of the Ferguson Dream Kitchen Giveaway contest. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5379 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 1m20s | Views: 7416 | Comments: 0
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Fergie, six-time Grammy Award winner and Avon spokesperson, was a special guest at the eighth annual Los Angeles-area Avon Walk for Breast Cancer in Santa Barbara, CA, on September 11-12. The Avon Walk raised more than $6.4 million to advance access to care and breast cancer research, and attracted more than 2,800 participants from 45 states and Canada, including 322 breast cancer survivors. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 5286 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 4m59s | Views: 10738 | Comments: 1
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Fergie, eight-time Grammy Award winner and global ambassador for the Avon Foundation for Women, was a special guest at the tenth annual Southern California Avon Walk for Breast Cancer in Santa Barbara, CA, on September 22-23. The Avon Walk Santa Barbara, the seventh of nine Avon Walks this year, raised more than $4.7 million to advance access to care and breast cancer research. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Event and Party 
Added: 4548 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m48s | Views: 2945 | Comments: 0
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this episode is about building the headlight bucket on this bike
Tags // super  sick  bike 
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 5814 days ago by suckerpunchsallys
Runtime: 0m55s | Views: 5381 | Comments: 1
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