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Strategic Partners, Inc., the leader in the manufacturing and marketing of medical apparel, lab wear, footwear and accessories, today announced the launch of its next generation of medical apparel: scrubs, lab wear and accessories protected with CERTAINTY™ antimicrobial technology. On a daily basis, many healthcare professionals are exposed to unwanted bacteria on their clothing. CERTAINTY antimicrobial technology can provide more fabric protection than traditional scrubs, giving healthcare professionals the freedom to perform their duties in comfortable, fashion-inspired clothing. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business 
Added: 3595 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m9s | Views: 937 | Comments: 0
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In this video you can see how cellulosic ethanol will lower the dependence on foreign oil without competing with food production. The carbon footprint is also much lower.
Added: 3176 days ago by gogreen
Runtime: 1m-0s | Views: 616 | Comments: 1
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As the year comes to a close, one thing is for sure: it’s party season! Planning a soiree that wows friends and family can seem like a stressful endeavor for even the most seasoned hostess. There’s planning the menu, handling the shopping, completing the prep work, making the food, the list goes on – and that’s before guests even arrive! With a little preplanning and thinking outside the box, throwing your next party can be fun and easy! Busy working mom and Food Network star Ceci Carmichael shares tips that any hostess throwing a party this holiday season needs to know.
Added: 4096 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 5m4s | Views: 896 | Comments: 3
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The CCCL Austellungsmannschaft (Luzern's chef's guild competition cooking team) led by Chef Leonard recently completed their 4th team test cook in preparation for the IGEHO exhibition in Basel in November, only 1 more test cook remains in order to correct the dishes so that finished items look perfect. To assist the team in their cause to achieve this perfection 2 of the Swiss Cooking associations top judges (Franz Jonke and Werner Schumacher) were invited to critique the dishes which will be on display on the 25th November, their expertise and assistance will allow the team progress to the next level and hopefully aid our cause to achieve some medal status at the competition itself.
Added: 5576 days ago by imi_luzern
Runtime: 5m32s | Views: 8685 | Comments: 1
Not yet rated Want something that will be a huge hit at your next company picnic, post prom or other event? Check out Up of our most requested rides this year!
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4381 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 0m33s | Views: 3063 | Comments: 0
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With each generation comes a new style and a new language. It’s as unique as a fingerprint and can be seen everywhere from pop culture to the greeting card aisle. Enter justWink, a new greeting card line from American Greetings (NYSE: AM) which offers the next generation of greeting card shoppers something completely new and unexpected that also connects cards with the mobile world for the first time with a free greeting app for iPhone and Android users. Something for the person who values their personal style, a great (if sometimes offbeat) sense of humor, and who is dedicated to keeping in touch with all of the important people in their lives. Something designed precisely for right this very now. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5003 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 0m45s | Views: 5129 | Comments: 0
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Holiday car thieves had their busiest day in 2014 on, ironically, Labor Day, stealing 2,200 vehicles according to new data released today by the National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB). NICB’s 2014 Annual Holiday Vehicle Theft Report analyzes data from the National Crime Information Center (NCIC), which showed a total of 695,246 vehicle thefts for the year. After Labor Day, New Year’s Day was the next most active holiday with 2,011 thefts. Halloween came in third with 2,010 thefts followed by Memorial Day with 1,933 thefts. Independence Day rounds out the top five holidays for 2014 with 1,877 thefts. The holidays with the fewest thefts in 2014 were Christmas Day with 1,225 thefts and Thanksgiving with 1,384 thefts. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3388 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m34s | Views: 783 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated - Verified Safe Recommends Aeroseal Mobile Detailing Expert Devon Rowe For Your Next Car Detailing Nashville Tn. EXPRESS DETAIL $49.00* -Hand Wash and Dry -Clean Wheels/Dress Tires -Power wash wheel wells -Vacuum Interior -Shampoo/Clean Front Floor Mats -Dust Dash, Console and Door Panels(soft brush) -Windows (Inside and Out) Call Nashville\'s no.1 Verified Safe Car Detailing Nashville Tn Service TODAY... Devon Rowe (Owner) 615-403-9905 Aeroseal is Certified By Verified Safe -- Car Detailing Nashville Tn. Visit my Car Detailing Nashville Tn Facebook page for more details:
Categories // Cars and Vehicles  Miscellaneous 
Added: 4758 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 4890 | Comments: 2
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Participants at next month’s Canton Fair, set to open on October 15, can look forward to a range of unique events and services designed to make their experience in Guangzhou comfortable, informative and profitable. The 55th anniversary of China’s most prestigious trade event also coincides with the 10-year anniversary of China’s accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO), and a forum will be held to celebrate the auspicious occasion. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 4901 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 2m4s | Views: 4622 | Comments: 0
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From transparent 3D televisions to bicycles you ride standing up, innovation was the name of the game at this year’s spring installment of the Canton Fair. Now, with the introduction of the new Canton Fair Design Awards (CF Awards), China’s most prestigious trade show is really driving cutting edge design to the next level. “Made in China” is about to become “Created in China
Added: 4159 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m16s | Views: 905 | Comments: 2
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Transcript: “That's a great question. What is MechanicSpeak? We are experienced mechanics and we do automotive repair consulting for individuals such as yourself. So in the old scenario, your car breaks down, which often leads to some financial panicking. You bring yoCan I really save money with an auto repair consultation? ur car to a shop, you have them diagnose it, you have them provide you with an estimate. Now, based on your limited understanding of the situation, you can accept their diagnosis and their estimate, or you can leave, not knowing how bad the problem REALLY is or what to do next. In the new scenario, you call MechanicSpeak, which is a service you can pre-subscribe to or purchase on the fly when you need us. And what you get is an instant, one-on-one telephone consultation with an experienced, knowledgeable mechanic that is hand-picked based on their ability to communicate. And we provide you with an assessment of the situation; we have no financial affiliation with any shop, so we have nothing to gain by you paying any more than is absolutely necessary for your automotive repair. We also know how the service works from the inside and we can often provide you with options that you may not know that you have. We will listen to your side of the story, get as many facts as possible, we will even talk to your mechanic if you want us to. We will gather all the information possible about the situation and then we will provide you with an assessment. We can let you know if the diagnosis was thorough enough, we can let you know if the estimate is an appropriate price to be paying for that repair. Check out our website. There's tons of information on how to use our service and how it works. It's a low price and it's a wonderful experience to have, very new for some people, a feeling of good about their car, good about their mechanic, and good about what they just paid to get their repair done. In conclusion, what you get with your one-on-one telephone consultation with the automotive experts at MechanicSpeak is an honest assessment of your mechanic's credibility, you get an unbiased opinion of the diagnosis and the estimate, you get to make an informed decision and have peace of mind.” youtube:
Tags // auto  repair  mechanic  advice 
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 4520 days ago by MechanicSpeak
Runtime: 2m40s | Views: 1550 | Comments: 4
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Callaway Golf Company (NYSE: ELY) today revealed its next generation golf GPS device, the Callaway upro mx. A successor to the Company’s acclaimed original upro device, which earned a Best of What’s New Award from Popular Science, the Callaway upro mx sets a new standard for innovation in the category with a host of intuitive To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Tags // callaway  golf  upro  mx  gps  device  consumer  technology  multivu  46337 
Added: 5142 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m33s | Views: 6605 | Comments: 1
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