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Results 385-396 of 1000 for ' out ' (0 seconds) Greetings Citizens Angerland's debut dose of heavy post-punk rage-n-roll has arrived! Introducing; 'The Clown King'. "It’s great to finally get these songs out – they reflect the angry times we will live in. A soundtrack to a rage without borders. In the words of President Trump; "It's idealistic, it's wonderful, it's a beautiful thing." Streaming and download to follow via all major outlets. Released as part of 'The Clown King' EP also featuring 'This Blood Machine' and 'A Comedy Of Hate' Directed by Gary J Brady @ Total Thrive Productions Clown make-up by Luke Renouf
Tags // punk  rock 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 1940 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 4m50s | Views: 789 | Comments: 0
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An international coalition of cities is calling for an ambitious global goal to prevent more than 100 million new cases of diabetes by 2045. The target is set out alongside new research in a report launched today by the Cities Changing Diabetes partnership at a global summit in Houston, Texas. The report comes with the stark warning that achieving the goal requires cutting rates of obesity by a quarter. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2685 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m44s | Views: 678 | Comments: 2
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The Center For Aesthetics ~ 800-575-8337 ~ "True beauty shines from the inside out." Dr. Catherine Durboraw shares the story and passion of CFA Beauty premier aesthetic medical centers in Scottsdale, Jackson Hole, Idaho Falls. The first thing Cathy’s long-time patients say is that they feel seen: “She really sees me. She studies my face carefully and helps me imagine what’s possible.” The first meeting, and each one after is distinguished by a patients-first devotion. We’re your partner all along the journey. CFA Beauty Medical Spa & Plastic Surgery
Tags // center  for  aesthetics 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 1961 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 1m28s | Views: 830 | Comments: 0
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Comic novels can be whimsical, absurd or just plain funny, rarely are they all three. A riotous romp on the high seas that’s sharply intelligent and refreshingly zany. A five star cruising experience with passengers unaware that plots are afoot to rob them of their jewels and maybe their freedom culminating in an astonishing and unpredictable ending. This is one trip you don’t want to miss. Find out more at comedy/thriller
Categories // Miscellaneous  Funny 
Added: 3514 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 0m59s | Views: 1000 | Comments: 2
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This is a showdown between two hiphop wannabees. The thin guy shows his remarkable dance groove while the fat guy shows his funny dance steps. Who wins? Check it out by seeing Your Vote is IMPORTANT!
Categories // Cartoon 
Added: 5525 days ago by ADASPORT
Runtime: 0m38s | Views: 7425 | Comments: 2



Listen to the Emotional Wisdom of Your Muscles and Experience a Deeper Level of Healing You know a lot about the emotions in your mind and heart, but you probably don’t know much about the emotions in your muscle body. The muscles are storehouses of emotion, and pain in those muscles is how your body reveals what needs to be healed—both emotionally and physically. Organized by muscle groups, The Body Heals Itself is your ideal guide to understanding the link between your emotions and muscle bodies. This book acts as a road map for the energetic journey within your own body, showing you how to recognize and release stored emotions to let go of pain. You’ll discover which emotions are often paired with a specific muscle area and how muscles speak of everything from past traumas to current celebrations. Using stretches, affirmations, visualizations, and more, Emily A. Francis teaches you to unite your mind and body for better health and emotional well-being. The Body Heals Itself: How Deeper Awareness of Your Muscles and Their Emotional Connection Can Help You Heal Find out more at Non Fiction/Self help
Categories // Miscellaneous  Howto and DIY 
Added: 2580 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m9s | Views: 1012 | Comments: 3
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Try to eat that sandwich and experience the Lady Gaga or Elvis Presley within you. Experience the excitement and thrill in voting an animation clip. Check this out and place your vote==>
Tags // black  sandwich,  Lady  Gaga,  Elvis  Presley 
Categories // Sport 
Added: 5531 days ago by ADASPORT
Runtime: 1m3s | Views: 8853 | Comments: 1
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Björn has once seen a streaker on television, and being an Olympic streaker when Åre and Östersund are organising the games has become his call. In the beginning he trains at home where his mother disturbs him sometimes, later he dares to go out and finally all residents get used to him and are greeting him when he is out streaking. In town, at the sauna, on the slopes, at the skibar, Björn is well known and accepted. He is the best streaker of the world!
Tags // streaker  olympic  games  fun  funny 
Categories // Event and Party 
Added: 5769 days ago by sinsymonds
Runtime: 2m35s | Views: 7199 | Comments: 2
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Check This Out:‎
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4695 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 0m50s | Views: 29131 | Comments: 0
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Tired of Being Alone on the Holidays?Check out the Best Homosexual Dating Service You\'ve Ever Seen!Finally Find The Love of Your Life.
Tags // homosexual  dating  service 
Categories // Fashion and Lifestyle 
Added: 5863 days ago by HelpForYou
Runtime: 0m41s | Views: 4221 | Comments: 0
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This Trio bring the house down! Amazed with their dance moves, it is not a surprise that other clips will chill out! Is this great? Visit and find out how to vote for this clip. It's SHOWTIME!!!!
Tags // Sychronized  Trio  Three  Orbit  Gum  Dancing  Chewing  Gum 
Categories // Funny 
Added: 5517 days ago by ADASPORT
Runtime: 0m34s | Views: 6314 | Comments: 0



Read Review Here: Apparently some cats and dogs respond badly to this medication, but it works wonderfully for my cat. She weighs just 10 pounds, so I give her half a tablet (I cut them apart in a regular pill cutter) and any fleas she's picked up fall off and die. My vet explained to me that the chemical in Capstar isn't recognized by the animal's body - it just passes through without being absorbed and broken down. It comes out as a gas through the pores of the skin, and acts on the fleas like cyanide gas acts on people. It's instantly lethal to the fleas. Unfortunately, when the fleas get the first whiff of gas, they respond by biting REALLY HARD in a reflexive reaction. Some cats and dogs who have several fleas may experience sudden very hard bites in many areas of their bodies, which could account for the jumping around and panting. It doesn't feel very good. Flea bites are terrible under normal circumstances, and their
Tags // cat  flea  treatment  cat  flea  dog  flea  treatment 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4674 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 1m46s | Views: 3855 | Comments: 2
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