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In this video you can see, why you should make use of solar hot water. You should use what the cavemen already used.
Added: 3182 days ago by gogreen
Runtime: 1m7s | Views: 644 | Comments: 4
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Are you thankful for witnessing the month of Ramadan. Allah values thankfulness so much that he made Ramadan part of Islam.
Tags // islam  islamic  allah  prophet  muhammad  quran 
Added: 4251 days ago by Muslimah
Runtime: 9m40s | Views: 2498 | Comments: 0
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Are you thankful for witnessing the month of Ramadan. Allah values thankfulness so much that he made Ramadan part of Islam.
Tags // ramadan  islam  muslim  men  women 
Added: 4252 days ago by Muslimah
Runtime: 8m51s | Views: 811 | Comments: 0
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Are you thankful for witnessing the month of Ramadan. Allah values thankfulness so much that he made Ramadan part of Islam.
Tags // islam  islamic  allah  prophet  people  serious  ramadan  men  women 
Added: 4251 days ago by Muslimah
Runtime: 9m44s | Views: 808 | Comments: 0
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Are you thankful for witnessing the month of Ramadan. Allah values thankfulness so much that he made Ramadan part of Islam.
Added: 4251 days ago by Muslimah
Runtime: 9m45s | Views: 764 | Comments: 0
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Are you thankful for witnessing the month of Ramadan. Allah values thankfulness so much that he made Ramadan part of Islam.
Tags // islam  islamic  allah  prophet  quran  men  women  funny  ahmed 
Added: 4251 days ago by Muslimah
Runtime: 9m34s | Views: 1379 | Comments: 1
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Men are known for their power and position for all the time. Good clothing means a lot to create an impression on people’s mind. You can now have to afford a minimum time to update your clothing fashion. You can get a lots of men’s clothing online
Tags // mens  suit  mens  clothing  online 
Categories // Business 
Added: 4299 days ago by mensuits
Runtime: 1m3s | Views: 687 | Comments: 2
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What would you do to peer inside the walls of successful corporations to discover the most closely guarded secrets of their success? To be a fly on the wall in the executive boardroom, to find out how they consistently make and exceed their sales quotas, while other companies struggle to survive? Well, now you can. Sandler Training, a global sales and management training firm, has made available at a valuable report on a research study that provides a glimpse into what these ‘best-in-class’ companies do differently, plus the opportunity to participate in an interactive research assessment. This assessment provides companies with a scorecard that can measure how their process, approach, and technology stack up against those ‘best-in-class’ companies, while identifying actionable recommendations for improvement if gaps exist. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // People and Blog  Business 
Added: 5060 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m57s | Views: 5976 | Comments: 2
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As millions of Americans begin choosing a health plan for the first time under the Affordable Care Act, the new Healthgrades American Hospital Quality Outcomes 2014: Report to the Nation released today reveals how hospital selection can dramatically impact a patient’s health. The report demonstrates that individuals are far more likely to die or suffer complications at hospitals receiving the lowest Healthgrades rating. In fact, each year an estimated 234,252 lives could potentially be saved and 157,418 complications could be avoided if all hospitals performed similarly to the highest rated hospitals. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 4158 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m5s | Views: 701 | Comments: 1
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Land of Lincoln Health™, the first and only consumer operated and oriented health insurance plan (CO-OP) in Illinois, is offering 35 health insurance plans on the State of Illinois’ health insurance marketplace, Get Covered Illinois. Land of Lincoln Health is a non-profit health insurance company with the primary focus of improving services for its members. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business 
Added: 4178 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m26s | Views: 1887 | Comments: 0
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Jeffrey Bacha, president and CEO of DelMar Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (OTCQB: DMPI) (“DelMar Pharma” or “DelMar”) discusses new clinical research and treatments in development for glioblastoma, the most common and severe form of brain cancer. Less than one out of three patients will survive two years after their diagnosis. DelMar is a cancer-focused company developing new therapies for patients with little to no treatment options. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to:
Categories // Science and Technology 
Added: 3966 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 6m10s | Views: 1196 | Comments: 1
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In this video you can learn why insulation of your basement is important.
Added: 4188 days ago by gogreen
Runtime: 1m2s | Views: 2193 | Comments: 1
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