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Most people have digestive problems that create a variety of illnesses that we see as they age. The main problem is with the food that they eat. As has already been saying many times, we eat more junk, processed, and packaged food than our stomach can digest. We eat more meat and protein than we should. We drink more unusual drinks that are mainly sugar.
Tags // acid  reflux  acid  reflux  remedies  acid  acid  reflux  home  remedy 
Categories // Family 
Added: 1674 days ago by rss41
Runtime: 3m17s | Views: 800 | Comments: 0
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Regional winners of the Rotten Sneaker Contest® gathered at Ripley’s Believe It Or Not! Times Square for the 2016 national competition. Six contestants from across the country, ages seven to thirteen, went head-to head in New York City today to show off their foul smelling sneakers for a chance to win the national title. But only one pair of sneakers could be crowned the winner and they belonged to 12 year old, Mason Young-Hiss, from Berthoud, CO. The Odor-Eaters Rotten Sneaker Contest is the ultimate test that shows how offensive kids’ sneakers can get when they are playing outdoors, splashing through puddles, slogging through mud and more. The contest has a long history (over 40 years) and kids from across the country look forward to this annual event in their hometown. Participants take pride in mucking up their shoes to stand out from their competitors to ultimately win over the judges. Sneakers are judged on the interior and exterior conditions of the shoe, and most importantly odor, by a professional panel that includes NASA “Master Sniffer” George Aldrich, Chemical Specialist for NASA space missions, and Rachel Herz, Ph.D., an expert and author on the psychology of smell. Additionally, Brittany Every, Marketing Manager of Ripley’s Believe Or Not! Times Square joined the expert judges this year. Brittany is accustomed to seeing the unexpected and unusual at Ripley’s so she was up for the task. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3272 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m17s | Views: 885 | Comments: 0
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Most of these means of transportation won’t take you a few kilometers from home to work but they’ll do just fine for a stroll in a city park or moving around the office in any case they look unusual and for that alone deserve your attention: so here are the 10 craziest means of transportation. №1 Double- round skate Unlike a conventional skates the double round model allows you to freely manage your feet turn and spin at the heart of the skateboarder two wheels with a diameter of 25 centimeters and a comfortable platform for the feet. No 2: Hoverboard Levitating an inch above the ground the hendo borders for disc straight motors that create a magnetic field repelling the board from the ground or rather from a non ferromagnetic material over which it harbors. No 3: One wheel electric Skateboard The one-wheel skate is a self-balancing unicycle electro mechanical skateboard in simple terms it’s a new toy for adults, boys and girls it reaches speeds of about 19 km/h. No 4: Aeyo Segue started a flood of developments in the field of devices for personal mobility and some designs are quite crazy. Aeyo is a cross between a scooter a bike and a pair of roller skates which falls in the middle of the scale. No 5: Half-Bike Riding a half bike is a combination of running and cycling because you’re in a standing position and so the bike responds better to your body’s movements and turns more agility more fun and the surprise looks of passes by.No 6: Air Bike Aero-X
Tags // most  amazing  vehicles 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3043 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 4m35s | Views: 995 | Comments: 0



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