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Visit: for more shadow videos. The majority of Bob Stromberg's career has been spent comic, the unique gift he has is in presenting his delightfully amusing stories to through the form of shadow puppetry
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 5470 days ago by timgrable
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 7162 | Comments: 0
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Thailand is one among the countries that has long been recognized as a world’s spa and well-being destination. Whether it’s the Thai massage, Thai herbal and beauty products and treatments, or the genuine service and hospitality, Thailand has got it all. And there can never be a more suitable place for an international spa convention to take place than in our country. Today, we are going to find out more about World Spa & Well Being Convention 2012 held from September 19 – 21 at Impact Arena Maung Thong Thani. With the slogan “By hand, through head, with heart,” the event brings together a product, service, and the newest innovation exhibition; seminars, and Thailand Spa & Well Being Award ceremony.
Tags // world  spa  thai  massage  thailand  herbal 
Added: 4478 days ago by kade6337
Runtime: 3m1s | Views: 1749 | Comments: 1
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It still pays to play nice at work, a new Robert Half survey confirms. Nearly half (48 percent) of workers interviewed said being courteous to others can help an employee rise through the ranks. Another 41 percent said etiquette plays at least some role in career advancement. Robert Half also has introduced new videos illustrating some of the most egregious examples of office etiquette faux pas as part of the firm’s ongoing video series, “Don’t Let This Happen to You.” The lighthearted videos, including “The Cupcake Caper,” along with advice on avoiding common blunders, can be found at To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 4886 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m57s | Views: 6586 | Comments: 0
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The official music video for Woo Child's "Don't I".
Lead Single off the Heirs EP produced by @JBJRofficial Woo Child's Music has been featured on TV and Video Games, including Target's Bullseye University, WWE Monday Night Raw and Friday Night Smackdown, as well as the video games "UFC Undisputed 3" and "Saint's Row 3". Versatile, talented, and honest, Woo Child is rapidly making a name for himself as a true up and comer in the fiercely competitive hip hop game. A relentless work ethic and skilled flow is vaulting Woo Child to new heights, as he writes and performs all of his own music, which is garnering interest across the country through internet marketing and free downloads. After the free release of Woo Child Presents: Industry Takeover and generating thousands of downloads by fans all over the world, he began crafting his current project, ?Anywhere?."
Tags // woo  child  dont  i  dont  i  woo  child  rive  video  rive  rap  hip  hop  official  music  video  official 
Categories // Music 
Added: 3967 days ago by rivevideo
Runtime: 3m20s | Views: 1222 | Comments: 0
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Wolf was the World's Only Talking Pomeranian Dog. WOLF IS NOW WITH GOD! This is a movie by Christian and presented by THE BEAR CAVE SYSTEM. We hope you enjoy Wolf saying things like: Hi Mom....Mom...I want one...I want one right now!...and more....Enjoy! Wolf was a real live dog. I was the owner of "WOLF" the real talking dog. WOLF was a Pomeranian. Some of the things WOLF spoke were : Hello, Hi Mom I want one! I want one right now. May you enjoy watching a video clip of Wolf talking dog...Also you may type in Google: Wolf the Talking Pomeranian is now with God but remains the World's Only Talking Pomeranian: WOLF....and Wolf is a part of the BEAR CAVE SYSTEM of Caves on the internet. In any go bar type or copy and paste: pabear48 and WATCH WHAT HAPPENS! Or Visit pabear's BOOKS AND ART at Announcing...Bob's books now available at Amazon AND AVAILABLE BY ELECTRONIC SATELLITE TO KINDLE as Author Robert William Vincent.......Amazon Kindle Books Title: Nine Months Plus One Day Author: Robert William Vincent I still remain amazed at the responses to my newest books! Especially: Nine Months Plus One Day about a baby telling the story from inside the womb from God to birth, and explaining all the things he hears through the "Magic Wall". The story begins at God and enters conception and follows through till birth. In between is the adventure told from the babies view and understanding inside the womb. This story will make you laugh and cry warm tears! Absolutely a PRO LIFE story! And, easily could be given as a gift to all young pregnant mothers as an aid for them to make connection with the child within them in a special way. The must have book for every woman! My book series titled Hray-Mah is now available via direct download to hand held book units, as is Nine Months Plus One Day. I remain amazed! The Hray-Mah Jesus Christ is Coming! As Christians today we face so many denominations and named churches each sharing the Good News from the pulpits: Yet! We as individuals have forgotten that we each are called to learn for ourselves with the Comforter who is the Teacher of the Word of God that God shared through writers inspired by the Spirit to write the scriptures and stories we now accept as Inspired as the Bible. Throughout the world the Bible is in every language and many translations, and yet in every single one the Precept and Concept brought forth by the Indwelling Spirit to every writer and contributor to the Holy Word is always intact. No translation can change the Concept and the Precept as it was granted by the Father through the Spirit and revealed by the Son of God, whom is Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Jesus opened the simple pathway to know the Father. I am amazed when so many know the Lord's Prayer Jesus gave us all to pray: And yet, so few have ever read or heard of the special prayers Jesus gave ONLY to those following him. Nonetheless, these prayers are in the New Testament in every translation in the world. And, they are not spoken of from the pulpits? Why? Go read for yourself and then enter your prayer chamber with the Creator and ask what you were simply missing and why? These are the end days spoken of by the Lord, and we as Christians must be prepared and send out the Trumpets Sounding. Behold! Jesus Christ is Coming! Amen and Amen Theology is simply the individual studying of the Word and sharing what you have studied in its ground roots form. You can do this! Be a Good Shepard and Steward of the Word. Ask and you shall receive...Seek and you shall find...Knock and the door shall be opened unto you...Amen and Amen The HRAY MAH series of books will bring you back to the foundation stone and the FIRST LOVE! Amen They are a guide to knowing the precepts and concepts.
Tags // pabear  pabear48 
Categories // Pets and Animals  Funny  Comedy 
Added: 6061 days ago by pabear48
Runtime: 3m39s | Views: 7116 | Comments: 3



Wolf was very remarkable! IN MEMORY OF WOLF! I was the owner of "WOLF" the real talking dog. WOLF was a Pomeranian. Some of the things WOLF spoke were: Hello, Hi Mom I want one! ( which means to us that he wants a doggie bone )I want one right now. May you enjoy watching a video clip of Wolf talking dog...Also you may type in Google: Wolf the Talking Pomeranian... Wolf, the World's only Talking Pomeranian passed away on September 14th 2006. He will be very missed. How does one share unto others that quality which Wolf had? His remarkable ability to speak the human language and use it correctly was extraodinary to say the least. Many hospital patients and children will miss the visits by Wolf, whom had absolute free roam to visit the hospital wards and patients. He brought many smiles to the childrens wards and the seniors and even the staff members. His videos are good, but do not carry the wonder of seeing him in persona and watching him actually talk. Wolf was totally remarkable...In the mornings one could say hello to him and he responded with hi or hello back...crazy little dog. But, he was enjoyed by multitudes upon multitudes and shall be sadly missed. All we can say: Is God has a new puppy now! Mr. Wolf is resting in peace and the land of endless bones. I appreciate it very much! Visit BEAR CAVE SYSTEM at Visit Wolf's Memory Shop at Wolf passed away September 2006..Sadly missed! August 2008 Note from pabear48 I still remain amazed at the responses to my newest books! Especially: Nine Months Plus One Day about a baby telling the story from inside the womb from God to birth, and explaining all the things he hears through the "Magic Wall". The story begins at God and enters conception and follows through till birth. In between is the adventure told from the babies view and understanding inside the womb. This story will make you laugh and cry warm tears! Absolutely a PRO LIFE story! And, easily could be given as a gift to all young pregnant mothers as an aid for them to make connection with the child within them in a special way. The must have book for every woman! My book series titled Hray-Mah is now available via direct download to hand held book units, as is Nine Months Plus One Day. I remain amazed! The Hray-Mah Jesus Christ is Coming! As Christians today we face so many denominations and named churches each sharing the Good News from the pulpits: Yet! We as individuals have forgotten that we each are called to learn for ourselves with the Comforter who is the Teacher of the Word of God that God shared through writers inspired by the Spirit to write the scriptures and stories we now accept as Inspired as the Bible. Throughout the world the Bible is in every language and many translations, and yet in every single one the Precept and Concept brought forth by the Indwelling Spirit to every writer and contributor to the Holy Word is always intact. No translation can change the Concept and the Precept as it was granted by the Father through the Spirit and revealed by the Son of God, whom is Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Jesus opened the simple pathway to know the Father. I am amazed when so many know the Lord's Prayer Jesus gave us all to pray: And yet, so few have ever read or heard of the special prayers Jesus gave ONLY to those following him. Nonetheless, these prayers are in the New Testament in every translation in the world. And, they are not spoken of from the pulpits? Why? Go read for yourself and then enter your prayer chamber with the Creator and ask what you were simply missing and why? These are the end days spoken of by the Lord, and we as Christians must be prepared and send out the Trumpets Sounding. Behold! Jesus Christ is Coming! Amen and Amen Theology is simply the individual studying of the Word and sharing what you have studied.
Tags // pabear48 
Categories // Pets and Animals  Funny  Family 
Added: 6061 days ago by pabear48
Runtime: 0m8s | Views: 8191 | Comments: 2



IN MEMORY OF WOLF! I was the owner of "WOLF" the real talking dog. WOLF was a Pomeranian. Some of the things WOLF spoke were: Hello, Hi Mom I want one! ( which means to us that he wants a doggie bone )I want one right now. May you enjoy watching a video clip of Wolf talking dog...Also you may type in Google: Wolf the Talking Pomeranian... Wolf, the World's only Talking Pomeranian passed away on September 14th 2006. He will be very missed. How does one share unto others that quality which Wolf had? His remarkable ability to speak the human language and use it correctly was extraodinary to say the least. Many hospital patients and children will miss the visits by Wolf, whom had absolute free roam to visit the hospital wards and patients. He brought many smiles to the childrens wards and the seniors and even the staff members. His videos are good, but do not carry the wonder of seeing him in persona and watching him actually talk. Wolf was totally remarkable...In the mornings one could say hello to him and he responded with hi or hello back...crazy little dog. But, he was enjoyed by multitudes upon multitudes and shall be sadly missed. All we can say: Is God has a new puppy now! Mr. Wolf is resting in peace and the land of endless bones. I appreciate it very much! Visit BEAR CAVE SYSTEM at Visit Wolf's Memory Shop at Wolf passed away September 2006..Sadly missed! August 2008 Note from pabear48 I still remain amazed at the responses to my newest books! Especially: Nine Months Plus One Day about a baby telling the story from inside the womb from God to birth, and explaining all the things he hears through the "Magic Wall". The story begins at God and enters conception and follows through till birth. In between is the adventure told from the babies view and understanding inside the womb. This story will make you laugh and cry warm tears! Absolutely a PRO LIFE story! And, easily could be given as a gift to all young pregnant mothers as an aid for them to make connection with the child within them in a special way. The must have book for every woman! My book series titled Hray-Mah is now available via direct download to hand held book units, as is Nine Months Plus One Day. I remain amazed! The Hray-Mah Jesus Christ is Coming! As Christians today we face so many denominations and named churches each sharing the Good News from the pulpits: Yet! We as individuals have forgotten that we each are called to learn for ourselves with the Comforter who is the Teacher of the Word of God that God shared through writers inspired by the Spirit to write the scriptures and stories we now accept as Inspired as the Bible. Throughout the world the Bible is in every language and many translations, and yet in every single one the Precept and Concept brought forth by the Indwelling Spirit to every writer and contributor to the Holy Word is always intact. No translation can change the Concept and the Precept as it was granted by the Father through the Spirit and revealed by the Son of God, whom is Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Jesus opened the simple pathway to know the Father. I am amazed when so many know the Lord's Prayer Jesus gave us all to pray: And yet, so few have ever read or heard of the special prayers Jesus gave ONLY to those following him. Nonetheless, these prayers are in the New Testament in every translation in the world. And, they are not spoken of from the pulpits? Why? Go read for yourself and then enter your prayer chamber with the Creator and ask what you were simply missing and why? These are the end days spoken of by the Lord, and we as Christians must be prepared and send out the Trumpets Sounding. Behold! Jesus Christ is Coming! Amen and Amen Theology is simply the individual studying of the Word and sharing what you have studied in its ground roots form. You can do this! Amen
Tags // pabear48 
Categories // Pets and Animals  Comedy  Family 
Added: 6061 days ago by pabear48
Runtime: 0m20s | Views: 8388 | Comments: 3



IN MEMORY OF WOLF! I was the owner of "WOLF" the real talking dog. WOLF was a Pomeranian. Some of the things WOLF spoke were: Hello, Hi Mom I want one! ( which means to us that he wants a doggie bone )I want one right now. May you enjoy watching a video clip of Wolf talking dog...Also you may type in Google: Wolf the Talking Pomeranian... Wolf, the World's only Talking Pomeranian passed away on September 14th 2006. He will be very missed. How does one share unto others that quality which Wolf had? His remarkable ability to speak the human language and use it correctly was extraodinary to say the least. Many hospital patients and children will miss the visits by Wolf, whom had absolute free roam to visit the hospital wards and patients. He brought many smiles to the childrens wards and the seniors and even the staff members. His videos are good, but do not carry the wonder of seeing him in persona and watching him actually talk. Wolf was totally remarkable...In the mornings one could say hello to him and he responded with hi or hello back...crazy little dog. But, he was enjoyed by multitudes upon multitudes and shall be sadly missed. All we can say: Is God has a new puppy now! Mr. Wolf is resting in peace and the land of endless bones. I appreciate it very much! Visit BEAR CAVE SYSTEM at Visit Wolf's Memory Shop at Wolf passed away September 2006..Sadly missed! August 2008 Note from pabear48 I still remain amazed at the responses to my newest books! Especially: Nine Months Plus One Day about a baby telling the story from inside the womb from God to birth, and explaining all the things he hears through the "Magic Wall". The story begins at God and enters conception and follows through till birth. In between is the adventure told from the babies view and understanding inside the womb. This story will make you laugh and cry warm tears! Absolutely a PRO LIFE story! And, easily could be given as a gift to all young pregnant mothers as an aid for them to make connection with the child within them in a special way. The must have book for every woman! My book series titled Hray-Mah is now available via direct download to hand held book units, as is Nine Months Plus One Day. I remain amazed! The Hray-Mah Jesus Christ is Coming! As Christians today we face so many denominations and named churches each sharing the Good News from the pulpits: Yet! We as individuals have forgotten that we each are called to learn for ourselves with the Comforter who is the Teacher of the Word of God that God shared through writers inspired by the Spirit to write the scriptures and stories we now accept as Inspired as the Bible. Throughout the world the Bible is in every language and many translations, and yet in every single one the Precept and Concept brought forth by the Indwelling Spirit to every writer and contributor to the Holy Word is always intact. No translation can change the Concept and the Precept as it was granted by the Father through the Spirit and revealed by the Son of God, whom is Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Jesus opened the simple pathway to know the Father. I am amazed when so many know the Lord's Prayer Jesus gave us all to pray: And yet, so few have ever read or heard of the special prayers Jesus gave ONLY to those following him. Nonetheless, these prayers are in the New Testament in every translation in the world. And, they are not spoken of from the pulpits? Why? Go read for yourself and then enter your prayer chamber with the Creator and ask what you were simply missing and why? These are the end days spoken of by the Lord, and we as Christians must be prepared and send out the Trumpets Sounding. Behold! Jesus Christ is Coming! Amen and Amen Theology is simply the individual studying of the Word and sharing what you have studied in its ground roots form. You can do this! Amen
Tags // pabear48 
Categories // Pets and Animals  Funny  Family 
Added: 6061 days ago by pabear48
Runtime: 0m13s | Views: 8435 | Comments: 2



To celebrate 90 years of two much-loved British icons, Winnie-the-Pooh and the Royal Birthday is released today as a brand new illustrated and audio adventure, narrated by Oscar winning actor Jim Broadbent and available for free at This brand new story has been specially written to celebrate the upcoming official 90th birthday celebrations of Her Majesty The Queen, and also Winnie-the-Pooh’s 90th anniversary, with October 2016 marking 90 years since his first publication and arrival in the Hundred Acre Wood. Featuring Pooh’s first ever meeting of the Royal Family, the tale beautifully presents the loveable bear and his friends embarking on an unforgettable journey from the Hundred Acre Wood to London with the wish of delivering their own thoughtful 90th birthday presents to The Queen. Illustrations drawn in the classic E.H. Shepard style by Mark Burgess see the nation’s favourite bear and friends travelling through London on an open-top bus, taking in the sights including Trafalgar Square and Buckingham Palace guards, before a chance meeting with The Queen, which allows Pooh to present their birthday gifts. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3230 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m51s | Views: 1012 | Comments: 0



The summer is now synonymous with gazing at your Cheetos snacks and letting your imagination run wild – pondering, “is that a dog? a unicorn? a sailboat? a Flamin’ Hot cat?” For imaginative snackers, each Cheetos shape offers the opportunity to find the unexpected, and potentially be rewarded for it. Cheetos, one of the flagship brands from PepsiCo’s Frito-Lay division, will once again celebrate the interesting shapes fans see in their Cheetos snacks, but with a twist: By giving them the chance to win what they see in their favorite snack. Now through September 2, Cheetos fans can submit a photo of their uniquely shaped Cheetos snacks with a description for the chance to win a prize inspired by what they see. Each entry period, a fan submission will be rewarded a once-in-a-lifetime prize related to their Cheetos shape. Do you see a palm tree? You just won you a tropical vacation. A guitar? Your very own custom electric guitar and concert tickets. Using your imagination to find unique shapes in your Cheetos bag can now unlock amazing adventures and prizes. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2454 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m6s | Views: 1160 | Comments: 1
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There is only one place to be on St. Patrick’s Day and that is Ireland. The St. Patrick’s Festival is truly one of the great spectacles of the world — a week-long celebration of music, dance and outdoor shows culminating in the stunning St. Patrick’s Day parade through the historic streets of Dublin on March 17th. The festival is one of the early year highlights on the cultural calendar in Ireland and what a year 2014 is going to be. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Travel and Holiday 
Added: 4059 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m40s | Views: 1738 | Comments: 0



The TOEIC Program recently launched Why English Matters, a new content-based website that seeks to build awareness and share information about the important role that English-language proficiency plays in the global economy. Why English Matters features a new video documentary series that explores the role of English through interviews with human resource managers and decision makers from leading global organizations. The site also features related research and news articles about the impact of effective English communication skills for the international workforce. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business 
Added: 4009 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m47s | Views: 867 | Comments: 1
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