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Results 25-36 of 41 for ' limit ' (1 seconds) Fifty States HALF Marathon Club is a club for runners & triathletes of all levels and abilities... Walker Friendly, No time limit to complete challenges. No minimums to become a member. The 50 States HALF Marathon Challenge is to finish a HALF in all 50 states (which can be a half marathon OR a half ironman triathlon with a 13.1 half marathon finish). Runners can also choose to work toward the 50 States Endurance Challenge instead of the 50 States HALF Marathon Challenge, which allows half marathons, marathons, half ironman triathlons, or ironman events, or combination of any of those distance events, in all 50 states. All members can also work toward the 100 HALF Anywhere Challenge (which is ONLY
Categories // Sport 
Added: 4355 days ago by eliasradie3
Runtime: 1m6s | Views: 1724 | Comments: 0
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New recommendations from the American Society of Clinical Rheumatologists (ASCR), published in Postgraduate Medicine, highlight updated management recommendations for patients with acute gout. These new recommendations come at a time when the incidence of gout is soaring; 8.3 million Americans are estimated to be gout patients. Instead of challenging, restrictive dieting, patients are encouraged to consume a balanced diet of fresh fruit and vegetables, low-fat dairy products, nuts and grains. More importantly, patients should limit their intake of high fructose corn syrup, a common ingredient in many processed foods and drinks, and purine-rich foods, particularly red meat, beer and shellfish. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 4696 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m56s | Views: 4929 | Comments: 0
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Learn how to make more money playing music. Do your own music bookings and be your own music agent.
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Categories // Music  Business  Howto and DIY 
Added: 5472 days ago by pianomandan
Runtime: 0m46s | Views: 5963 | Comments: 2
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Das ist ein Ausschnitt aus Upps die Pannenschau
Categories // Funny  Family  People and Blog 
Added: 5926 days ago by Blacky11859
Runtime: 3m8s | Views: 15294 | Comments: 1



Das ist ein Ausschnitt aus Upps die Pannenschau
Categories // Funny  Family  People and Blog 
Added: 5911 days ago by Blacky11859
Runtime: 3m28s | Views: 14196 | Comments: 1



Das ist ein Ausschnitt aus Upps die Pannenschau
Categories // Funny  Family  People and Blog 
Added: 5916 days ago by Blacky11859
Runtime: 3m10s | Views: 13968 | Comments: 1



Das ist ein Ausschnitt aus Upps die Pannenschau
Categories // Miscellaneous  Funny  Family 
Added: 5878 days ago by Blacky11859
Runtime: 3m33s | Views: 13326 | Comments: 1
Tags // dvj  bazuka  sexy  energy  dance  music  electro  video  clip  fetish  girl 
Categories // Sexy 
Added: 6386 days ago by dvjbazuka
Runtime: 3m21s | Views: 9439 | Comments: 1



During flu season, when fever, aches, and chills hit, it is easy to forget one’s manners. A recent survey of more than 1,000 Americans found that nearly two-thirds (64%) of those who had influenza in the past three years admit to being “That Guy,” who despite experiencing flu symptoms, continues to go about his/her daily activities. As part of its “Are You That Guy?” influenza education campaign, the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases (NFID) is partnering with the Emily Post Institute to remind Americans to do the responsible thing during flu season and practice behavior that will help limit the spread of influenza, a highly contagious virus. The campaign also reminds Americans to see a doctor quickly if flu strikes. The campaign offers flu etiquette tips for managing common situations where the flu virus might be shared from one person to another, such as shaking hands during a business meeting, over a family dinner, or when faced with a fellow airplane traveler who is showing signs of flu. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Tags // dr  rehm  take  3  to  prevent  flu  flu  influenza  symptoms  health  nfid  vaccine  vaccination  multivu  54309 
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 4816 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m48s | Views: 5858 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated Combo KungFu is a hit new casual game for iPad and iPhone. Can you defeat the Evil Ninja in the Grand Tournament? Your challenge is to perform combo sequences quickly and carefully, to progress through the belts and defeat a series of opponents. Only by becoming the true Combo KungFu Master will you complete your mission and rescue the kidnapped maiden. With three game modes, you can choose to focus on your speed, your accuracy or achieving your belts. It might look simple but you'll be tested to the limit. Improve your World Rank, secure Game Center achievements and compete against your friends. Addictive, competitive and completely original, this game will keep you swiping, tapping and learning combos long into the night. Enjoy!
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4439 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 1m0s | Views: 4314 | Comments: 0
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http://fitnessweightlosscenter - Cable Crossover - Chest Workouts - One of the most common chest exercises is the bench press and there is no doubt that it's a great exercise. However, a lot of people limit their chest workouts to bench presses or a variation of the bench press. The cable crossover is a fantastic workout to add to your chest routine to add variety and workout the muscles from different angles. The main drawback to this exercise is that you will need to join a gym as it's most likely people do not have the equipment to do the cable crossover at home. For more information drop by our YouTube channel or visit us in the web at and find us on Facebook at
Categories // Sport 
Added: 4726 days ago by dfmillington
Runtime: 0m53s | Views: 3858 | Comments: 1



High speed always includes a special kind of rush – be it above or below sea level. At the boot in Düsseldorf any enthusiast can explore the technological limits. And these lie beyond what is humanly possible.
Tags // boot  messe  dusseldorf  trade  fair  boat  water  sports  high  speed  rush 
Categories // Sport  Travel and Holiday 
Added: 3352 days ago by mhoch4
Runtime: 1m56s | Views: 1055 | Comments: 4
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