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Search // hilton
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The 11 Category Winners and the European Public Champion in the 2014/15 European Business Awards will be announced on 26th May at a Gala Ceremony in London, Hilton Park Lane. EUROPE's 12 best businesses will celebrate their success in the 2014/15 European Business Awards, sponsored by RSM, at an exclusive awards ceremony in London which will be attended by leading business leaders, politicians, ambassadors and academics from across Europe. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business 
Added: 3573 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m33s | Views: 1315 | Comments: 0
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She\'s a single mother looking for a husband. He\'s a con man looking for his next victim. Together they board an emotional rollercoaster that can only be derailed by someone neither of them expected. Award-winning director David E. Talbert brings to life this passionate story of love, friendship and betrayal. Starring film and television favorite Lawrence-Hilton Jacobs (Welcome Back Kotter and The Jacksons mini-series) and a dynamic cast of unforgettable characters, MR. RIGHT NOW has the power to touch your soul and heal your heart.
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 5274 days ago by benown
Runtime: 3m2s | Views: 6903 | Comments: 0
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International Escape Artist Curtis Lovell II - This is the official video demo for international escape artist Curtis Lovell II. It displays his accomplishments while performing with his corporate clients at special functions, of being buried alive, shackled and dropped into the Singapore River, escaping from a straightjacket, appearances with Tony Curtis & Larry King and an illusion with Paris Hilton -cutting her in half. Also it highlights some of his media accomplishments with CBS News, Washington Times and LA Citizen Magazine.
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4619 days ago by BaulBarton
Runtime: 3m-0s | Views: 3692 | Comments: 0
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Con Edison\'s Green Team will host an energy efficiency summit on May 1 at the Hilton New York for commercial and industrial building owners looking to make their properties more energy efficient and connect with hundreds of experts on saving energy. The one-day summit will feature innovative products and services and valuable rebates available to help Con Edison C&I customers reduce energy consumption, lower their energy bills and improve their green footprint. Property and facility managers, engineers and energy managers, C-level executives, energy consultants, architects, designers, contractors, distributors and installers can register for the Summit To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4694 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 3m13s | Views: 5535 | Comments: 1
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became muslim after viewing a youtube video
Added: 5991 days ago by Sharkawy
Runtime: 8m50s | Views: 8959 | Comments: 2



Paris Hilton, David Beckham, Lindsay Lohan, Kate Moss, Joe Clazaghe, Calum Best… They all wear Band t-shirts from
Categories // Fashion and Lifestyle 
Added: 5946 days ago by thetugger
Runtime: 1m14s | Views: 8646 | Comments: 0
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Is your dog a hero? American Humane Association’s Hero Dog Awards™ national search kicks off today at The Film & Television Unit of American Humane Association is heading up the search for America’s Hero Dogs. Dogs may be nominated in eight categories: Law Enforcement and Arson Dogs; Service Dogs; Therapy Dogs; Military Dogs; Guide Dogs; Search and Rescue Dogs; Hearing Dogs; and Emerging Hero Dogs. Finalists in each category will be selected by the public from the pool of contestants, and the winners will be announced at the first-ever American Humane Association Hero Dog Awards™ celebrity gala, presented by CESAR® Canine Cuisine, at the Beverly Hilton Hotel in Los Angeles, California on October 1, 2011. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Pets and Animals 
Added: 5093 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 1m47s | Views: 10102 | Comments: 0



AAAAAAAAA1 Tom Jones Tribute Act AAA TOM JONES TRIBUTE ACT a1 aba ace act tom jones tribute act by IAN SCOTT the NO 1 International Tom Jones Tribute Act and Celebrity Impersonator. Since appearing on THE OFFICIAL Granada TV Stars in their eyes live THEATRE tour Ian has become the WORLDS NO.1 Most Popular Fly-Back Tom Jones Tribute Show. He is also the favorite Tom Jones Tribute act with DUBAI & BAHRAIN Hotels, MILLENNIUM STADIUM, ALL THE MAJOR FOOTBALL AND RUGBY STADIUMS, CRUISE SHIPS ( Caribbean & Mediterranean), VILLAGE - McDONALD - AND ALL THE VERY EXCLUSIVE LUXURY HOTELS SUCH AS THE SHANGRI-LA HOTEL - DUBAI, MAYFAIR HOTEL LONDON, ST. DAVIDS HOTEL - CARDIFF, HILTON HOTEL - SWANSEA, CARDIFF INTERNATIONAL HOTEL and many many more. Ian performs across the globe at Weddings, Birthdays and all major corporate events and Open Air concerts. He is also the most booked Tom Jones Tribute in Wales being on the books of 13 Welsh Tribute Agencies. Ian has played all the clubs around Pontypridd where Tom Jones performed with his band THE SENATORS in the early 60's!!!! Ian is also the only Soundalike/Lookalike who has that VOCAL POWER & ABILITY & DELIVERY to do Sir Tom Jones justice in this age of weak voices trying to emulate him!! Ian is used extensively by the TV companies and radio when they want a TOM JONES TRIBUTE ACT who can REALLY sing. Ian has been used on GMTV with the LEGEND Keith Chegwin, BBC, SKT TV ( Hull Kingston Rovers - 20,000 Super League crowd ), CHANNEL 5 ( Christmas Advert)and GRANADA TV ( London Marathon Charity Event and You've Been Framed). Ian is the only Tom Jones Tribute act that is a true soundalike for Sir Tom Jones and indeed the only Soundalike that actually has that wonderful powerful,warm vocals that set him apart from all other TRIBUTE Acts. Checkout As quoted by all the discerning and leading clients, venues and agencies...THE VOICE and still....THE VERY BEST!!! SEEN HERE SINGING CLIPS FROM HIS TOM JONES TRIBUTE SHOW ON BOARD THE OCEAN VILLAGE CRUISE SHIP IN THE CARIBBEAN FOR JLP EVENTS WITH RESIDENT BAND THE JETSETS ON CLIPMOON PREMIUM. JUST TURN UP THE VOLUME AND STAND BACK. IAN IS THE NO.1 FOR TOM JONES 90's PERIOD WHEN HE MADE HIS COMEBACK WITH THE HIT SINGLE
Tags // tom  jones  tribute  act  tom  jones  tributes  tom  jones  lookalike  google  maps  viva  las  vegas  advert  news 
Added: 5609 days ago by TOMJONESTRIBUTE
Runtime: 9m59s | Views: 9541 | Comments: 2



AAAAAAAA1 Tom Jones Tribute Act AA TOM JONES TRIBUTE ACT aba act tom jones tribute act by John Prescott the NO 1 International Tom Jones Tribute Act and Celebrity Lookalike. Since appearing on Granada TV Stars in their eyes live tour John has become the biggest name Tom Jones Tribute Act in the World.He is also favorite Tom Jones Tribute act with Hilton Hotels, Best Western, Park Plaza, Marriot, Raddison, Warner and many more.John performs across the globe at Weddings, Birthdays and all major corporate events and Open Air concerts. He has also represented Wales for the second year at the Celtic music festival due to popularity.John is also the only Lookalike for Sir Tom Jones he has been used in film and Television Commercials like the 2009 Six Nations on BBC 1. He was also used on GMTV, ITV and S4C. John is the only Tom Jones Tribute act that is a true soundalike for Sir Tom Jones and indeed the only Soundalike that actually looks like Tom Jones. Checkout As quoted by thousands.
Tags // tom  jones  tribute  act  tom  jones  tributes  tom  jones  lookalike  google  maps 
Added: 5610 days ago by aaatomjonestribute
Runtime: 1m25s | Views: 8040 | Comments: 1



Jeder Klick zählt
Tags // sexy  party  venus  tokio  hotel  paris  hilton 
Categories // Music  Event and Party 
Added: 6283 days ago by LaMeiki
Runtime: 1m0s | Views: 135844 | Comments: 3
     Celebrities in Cowboy Boots: Miley Cyrus, Taylor Swift, Eva Longoria, Jennifer Lopez. Cameron Diaz, Britney Spears, taylor swift, Kate Moss, Nicole Richie, Olsen Twins, Paris Hilton, Rihanna, Lindsay Lohan, Ashley Tisdale, Jessica Simpson, Hilary Duff, Jessica Alba, Kate Bosworth, Rosario Dawson
Tags // cowboy  boots  fashion  style  celebrities  hot  shoes 
Categories // Sexy  Street  Fashion and Lifestyle 
Added: 5642 days ago by lpn
Runtime: 2m59s | Views: 11057 | Comments: 3
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