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Southwest Airlines® (NYSE: LUV) introduced a modern new look to its iconic brand today at an event dedicated to its Employees. The airline proudly unveiled a new aircraft livery, named Heart, airport experience, and logo. The new look puts the airline’s Heart on display, showcasing the strength of the nearly 46,000 Employees Companywide—whose dedication can be felt by every Customer each time Southwest Airlines connects them to what’s important in their life. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business  Travel and Holiday 
Added: 3857 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m16s | Views: 785 | Comments: 2
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Volvo Cars, the premium car maker, has announced that it will introduce Skype for Business, Microsoft’s leading collaborative productivity app, to its new 90 Series cars. Volvo Cars is the first carmaker to launch such an in-car productivity tool. “We’ve all been there. Sitting in the car trying to join a conference call. You either fumble with or drop your phone while trying to connect or you forget the long pin code to join. It’s not the best way to start an important call in the car. On top of all that your attention is not where it should be – on the road. With the addition of Skype for Business all that goes away,” said Anders Tylman-Mikiewicz Vice President Consumer Connectivity Services at Volvo Car Group. Skype for Business is actively used by millions of people at work around the globe. In Volvo’s 90 Series cars people will be able to view their upcoming meetings and participant details, and join meetings with one click via the large centre display. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3014 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m45s | Views: 819 | Comments: 0
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Sherwin-Williams introduces its latest innovation: ColorSnap®, the company’s most comprehensive, integrated color selection system ever offered. Designed to help consumers and professionals make confident and efficient paint color selections, ColorSnap includes a first-of-its-kind, in-store display that makes color selection fast and easy, in addition to enhanced online and offline tools, and new colors. “With the ColorSnap system, we’ve created a completely new way to navigate color. Whether in their neighborhood Sherwin-Williams store, at home or on the go, ColorSnap provides a solution to easily explore and find color any way the consumer chooses,” said Jackie Jordan, director, color marketing, Sherwin-Williams. ColorSnap starts rolling out this month and will be available in all 4,000 Sherwin-Williams stores across the U.S. and Canada by the end of January 2016. To view the multimedia release please visit
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3506 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m8s | Views: 816 | Comments: 0
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Ein eindeutiges Bekenntnis zum Motorsport und zu seinen privaten Kundenteams lieferte Seat beim legendären GTI-Treffen am Südufer des Wörthersees. Klarer Held auf dem Seat Stand dabei der neue Leon Cup Racer. Er zeigt bereits sehr konkret, wie ein neuer Renntourenwagen für den Einsatz in den verschiedensten weltweiten Rennserien aussehen kann. So bildet der 243 kW/330 PS starke Leon Cup Racer die Basis für die Entwicklungsarbeiten und Testfahrten der kommenden Monate. Begleitet wird der Cup Racer auf dem Seat Stand von fünf weiteren, besonders feurigen und individuell ausgestatteten Versionen der Baureihen Ibiza und Leon sowie einem umfangreichen Programm für die Fans der spanischen Marke. Schon optisch liefert der auf dem fünftürigen Leon basierende und in metallischem Matt-Grau mit orangefarbenen Akzenten lackierte Cup Racer einen beeindruckenden Auftritt: Überaus kraftvoll steht er auf seinen 18 Zoll-Rennrädern, immerhin ist die Spurbreite des Rennwagens fast 40 Zentimeter größer als beim Serienmodell. Die neue Front ist auf optimale aerodynamische Effizienz und maximale Belüftung von Motor und Bremsanlage ausgelegt, die mächtigen Radhäuser mit ihren Öffnungen an der Rückseite unterstützen die Kühlwirkung für die Vierkolben-Bremsanlage. Die Schweller sind weit herausgezogen, zusammen mit dem Frontspoiler, dem glatten Unterboden, dem Diffusor am Heck sowie dem zweistufigen, auf einer Stütze montierten Dachspoiler schaffen sie maximalen Abtrieb für hohe Kurvengeschwindigkeiten. Rennfertig präsentiert sich auch das Interieur. Konsequente Gewichtsreduktion und die Konzentration auf das Wesentliche bestimmen den von einem höchstfesten Käfig zusätzlich geschützten Innenraum. Die Grundform des Seriencockpits bleibt erhalten, die Fahrerinformation und die Bedienung des Rennwagens konzentrieren sich aber auf das Multifunktions-Lenkrad und das hochauflösende TFT-Display dahinter. Für mächtigen Vortrieb sorgt ein Zweiliter-Vierzylinder-Turbomotor. Seine maximale Leistung beträgt 243 kW/330 PS, das maximale Drehmoment liegt bei 350 Newtonmeter. Für die Kraftübertragung auf die Vorderachse sorgen ein 6-Gang-Doppelkupplungsgetriebe DSG, bedient am Lenkrad, und ein elektronisch gesteuertes Sperrdifferential. Eine spezielle Variante des Cup Racer für Langstreckenrennen kann mit einem sequentiellen Renngetriebe mit Schalthebel auf der Mittelkonsole und einem mechanischen Sperrdifferential ausgerüstet werden. Selbst ein vorläufiger Kaufpreis für den Leon Cup Racer ist bereits definiert: 70.000 € (ohne Mehrwertsteuer) soll die Version mit DSG-Getriebe kosten, 95.000 € (ebenfalls ohne Mehrwertsteuer) die Langstrecken-Ausführung mit sequentiellem Getriebe und mechanischem Sperrdifferential.
Tags // volkswagen  audi  seat  skoda 
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 4340 days ago by unitedpictures
Runtime: 1m42s | Views: 1464 | Comments: 1
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Casino operators at the ICE Totally Gaming 2015 conference and trade show (“ICE 2015”) will experience first-hand the strategic benefits of the combination of Scientific Games’ (NASDAQ: SGMS) Bally, WMS, Shuffle Master, SG Gaming, Williams and Barcrest brands. At ICE 2015 on February 3-5 at ExCel London Exhibition and Convention Center, stand #N1-440, Scientific Games (the “Company”) will showcase more than 125 gaming products that address casino operators’ diverse needs across all of their land-based and interactive channels, thereby demonstrating the value of the Company’s recent merger with Bally Technologies. For more details on Scientific Games’ products on display at ICE 2015, please visit To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business  Science and Technology 
Added: 3717 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m27s | Views: 857 | Comments: 2
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Last night Sandvik Coromant, a global leading supplier of cutting edge tools, tooling solutions and know-how to the metalworking industry, lit up the Chicago skyline with insightful images designed to spread the word about the profound impact data and technology has on the manufacturing industry and people’s daily lives. The display also included inspirational images depicting the future of digital manufacturing created by Samuel and Erika Flickinger, a brother and sister from Decatur, IL. The two students, who participated in STEM education “Dream It. Do It.” summer camps created by The Manufacturing Institute, literally helped ‘flip the switch’ on the light show and also each received a $1,000 check toward their future education. “Our goal with this light show was to raise awareness about the amazing opportunities that the use of data is driving in the manufacturing industry and honor two very creative students,” said Sean Holt, President Sandvik Coromant Americas. “We are proud to help raise awareness about the present and future opportunities of digital manufacturing, including the skilled and high paying career options for future generations.” To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3119 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m5s | Views: 803 | Comments: 0
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Saint Francis and the Nativity is an engaging story that weaves together the history of the first nativity with the fictional story of a young shepherd boy, who helps Saint Francis of Assisi find a way to visually display the true meaning of Christmas. There are suggested family activities in the back of the book. Learn more about the book here: and its author here: and its illustrator here:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 5245 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m5s | Views: 6073 | Comments: 0
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This Video is from the upcoming QB aka Mr Casualty Project. Hailing from Youngstown, Ohio, QB continues to display lyrical talent and diversity in his work. Be on the lookout in 2014 for more!
Categories // Music 
Added: 4137 days ago by taton
Runtime: 1m53s | Views: 2416 | Comments: 0



Five weeks after accepting a prize delivery of one million Pop-Tarts® toaster pastries, Tyler Kozar, a student at The Art Institute of Pittsburgh, unveiled an over the top display of pop art made from Pop-Tarts®. Held in the gallery at The Art Institute of Pittsburgh, Kozar’s creations include an assortment of Pittsburgh inspired artwork and a mixture of pieces ranging from 3D exhibits to life-size sculptures, fun framed displays and even a larger-than-life, 14-foot tall Tyrannosaurus Rex, the school’s beloved mascot. Kozar’s answer to the question, “How would you share one million Pop-Tarts®?” won him the grand prize in the Pop-Tarts® Pop-it-Forward™ Contest, which culminated last December. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5102 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 1m18s | Views: 4987 | Comments: 0



The Art of the Olympians began as a dream of Olympic gold medalist Al Oerter. He spent the last two years of his life organizing Art of the Olympians by collecting artwork in various mediums from Olympic athletes, lobbied for a permanent location in Fort Myers and worked in partnership with the United States Olympic Committee (USOC), which ultimately lead to an agreement for the Art of the Olympians to display the U.S. Olympic rings at the facility. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Tags // peggy  fleming  olympic  film  host  gold  medal  al  oerter  life  rings  usoc  art  artwork  consumer  multivu  46025 
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5296 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 3m48s | Views: 8954 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated Check out the outdoor banner stand the BannerPro offers to make your outdoor banners display professionally.
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4701 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 0m40s | Views: 6693 | Comments: 0
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More @ For some reason, this guy believes that riding a rolling office chair downhill is a fun idea. Watch as you see how stupid this guy is from his downhill experience as he crashes and faceplants down at the bottom. This hilarious display features slow-mo action from his office chair funny fail crash ride wreck. If your still bored, check out/add my profile/videos if you like \'fails\' or are into that sort of thing.
Tags // office  chair  fail  downhill  crash  ride  funny  wreck  crazy  office  chair  roll  stupid  hilarious  lol  hill 
Categories // Funny  Comedy 
Added: 5907 days ago by failfunnies
Runtime: 0m44s | Views: 13239 | Comments: 2



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