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Search // 40
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A decade ago Turtle Beach Corporation (NASDAQ: HEAR), a leading audio technology company for over 40 years, pioneered the console gaming headset category and is set to do so again in 2016 with its revolutionary Turtle Beach® Elite Pro Tournament Gaming Headset, Elite Pro Tactical Audio Controller (T.A.C.) and Elite Pro accessories designed for competitive gamers, which establishes a new standard for eSports gaming audio performance and comfort. Turtle Beach’s “Elite” series products represent the highest level in audio and build quality, and the all-new Elite Pro Headset, T.A.C. and Elite Pro accessories are the Company’s all-new line of competitive gaming audio gear created to meet the demands of today’s professional and aspiring pro teams and players. The Elite Pro Headset’s journey began in 2013. Seeing the consistent growth and popularity of eSports, Turtle Beach launched a comprehensive scientific research program to deeply examine the needs of professional and hardcore gamers as it pertained to game audio, communicating with teammates, and overall comfort. The result is the all-new Elite Pro Tournament Gaming Headset – a ground-up redesign of the competitive gaming headset that brings to market multiple first-and-only innovations in the core mechanics of headset design, weight and fit. Not only does the Elite Pro Headset provide Turtle Beach’s best-in-class game audio and chat performance, but also delivers groundbreaking comfort-driven technologies, including the ComforTec® Fit System with multiple adjustment points for a truly personalized headset fit and feel, Aerofit® Ear Cushions that stay cool in the heat of battle, and Turtle Beach’s all-new patented ProSpecs® Glasses Relief System that finally makes wearing a gaming headset comfortable for players who wear glasses. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3216 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 4m7s | Views: 1045 | Comments: 0
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radio top 40 party
Tags // club  party 
Categories // Event and Party 
Added: 6508 days ago by bAsTi23
Runtime: 0m31s | Views: 6530 | Comments: 2



Dean Foods (NYSE: DF) today announced the nationwide retail launch of TruMoo®, a better-for-you chocolate milk made with fresh white milk brought to you by regional dairies across the country. TruMoo milk contains just 40 more calories than plain white milk per serving and is made without high fructose corn syrup. To find coupons, TruMoo retailers, and a Switcheroo Calculator that compares TruMoo milk’s nutrition facts to other beverages, visit To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 4925 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 1m49s | Views: 6191 | Comments: 0
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Obwohl Toyota bei seinem RAV4 des Modelljahrgangs 2013  zumindest in der USA-Version - in den Bereichen Lenksäule und Fußraum das neue Modell nachgebessert hat, ist es beim von dem anerkannten amerikanischen Insurace Insitute für Highway Safety (IIHS) durchgeführten Frontalcrasch mit kleiner Überlappung durchgefallen. Mit dem Crash, bei dem mit einer Geschwindigkeit von 40 Meilen (64,37 km/h) 25 Prozent der Front auf eine Barriere treffen, werden die Auswirkungen eines Unfalls simuliert, bei dem zwei Fahrzeuge mit ihren Frontecken zusammenstoßen beziehungsweise das Auto auf einen Baum prallt. Ein sehr realistischer Test, den das Institut erst seit vergangenem Jahr zu seinen vier anderen Crashformen – moderate Überlappung der Front, Seite, Überschlag und Heck – hinzugefügt hat und inzwischen mit der „moderaten Überlappung“ zusammen als wichtigsten Test ansieht. Der – wegen der Nachbesserungen des Herstellers – extra verschoben, verlief nun alles andere als erfolgreich. Laut IIHS wurde die Karosserie-Struktur schwer beschädigt und drang teilweise in den Fußraum, so dass auch der linke Fuß des Fahrers – wenn es kein Dummy gewesen wäre – verletzt worden wäre. Darüber hinaus zeigte sich der Frontal-Airbag als „nutzlos“, da die Lenksäule durch den Aufprall nach rechts gebogen wurde und der Kopf des Dummys kaum geschützt wurde. Und obendrein arbeitete der Sicherheitsgurt nicht korrekt, so das Kopf und Oberkörper auf das Armaturenbrett prallten. Auch wenn der RAV4bei den anderen vier Crashtest überall mit der Note „Gut“ abgeschnitten hatte, gab es nur ein Urteil: Schlecht.
Tags // toyota  crash  test  dummie 
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 4231 days ago by unitedpictures
Runtime: 2m14s | Views: 1054 | Comments: 1
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It’s a total surprise when 40-something Allison Chamberlain feels a divine nudge to buy a Harley motorcycle and go wherever it takes her. Soon she finds herself in the darkest corners of society, experiencing the heartache of the poor. Will she discover that healing comes through the voice of God and those who follow it… Learn more about this book here: and its author here: Christian, women’s fiction, Christian Romance, inspirational
Categories // Miscellaneous  Business 
Added: 5217 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m3s | Views: 6301 | Comments: 2
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As storage volumes increase by up to 40 percent a year, most enterprises are not prepared to deal with the influx. To control costs and ensure accessibility, enterprises need to adopt new ways to make their storage more efficient. Frost & Sullivan recently published a whitepaper, The Coming Storage Armageddon: What Your Database Administrator Isn’t Telling You, correlating the business risks to a hands off approach. Additionally, the whitepaper identifies easy and cost-effective solutions that can have a high impact on improving the storage environment. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5036 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 8m20s | Views: 5975 | Comments: 0
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Terracotta. Official Website : email :,, BB pin : 28AF6765 082-479-5528, 087-513-5725 ; Introducing
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Categories // Music 
Added: 4601 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 3m51s | Views: 4491 | Comments: 0
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International Connections Academy, an accredited online private school for students in grades K-12, is making it easier for families moving or currently living abroad to transition their children to school anywhere in the world through its new online education resource for expat families. International Connections Academy currently serves students in more than 40 countries across the globe – with the number of expat families it serves growing each semester. The school’s 2016 Parent Satisfaction Survey recently revealed that 80 percent of currently enrolled families living abroad moved for business purposes, with two-thirds planning on living in their new country for at least four years. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3088 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m26s | Views: 779 | Comments: 0
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The National Park Foundation, the official charity of America’s national parks, today unveiled a new public service campaign reminding all Americans of the heroes of United Flight 93, and encouraging their support in building a national memorial in their honor. On September 11, 2001, the 40 passengers and crew of United Flight 93 heroically fought back against terrorists, and in doing so, saved countless lives and our nation’s capital. In their struggle, they lost their own lives as the plane plummeted into a field outside of Shanksville, PA. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 5293 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m2s | Views: 7306 | Comments: 1
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Super 8®, the world’s largest economy hotel chain, today celebrated 40 years of hospitality by joining TV host and former NSYNC pop star Joey Fatone in South Dakota to break the Guinness World Record for the largest pillow fight. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous  Event and Party 
Added: 3743 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m1s | Views: 860 | Comments: 1
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A new Obama administration regulation–the so-called Stream Protection Rule–is about to drive up energy costs and unemployment with no gain in environmental benefits, cautions the National Mining Association. “The primary motive of this regulation is not to protect streams, as its title would suggest, but to protect federal regulators' jobs at the expense of coal miners' jobs as the nation's energy providers,” said Luke Popovich, vice president of communications for the National Mining Association. In a classic example of needless regulation, the U.S. Office of Surface Mining, or OSM, plans to change more than 475 regulations, as well as add more new rules – despite no demonstrated need. OSM has crafted the rule behind closed doors, Popovich said, shutting cooperating states out of discussions about the purpose and content of the regulation. The new rule carries a heavy economic price tag, Popovich warned. He pointed to an analysis by an independent consultant that found that OSM’s rule would put more than 268,000 mining and dependent jobs at risk—adding to the 40,000 high-wage jobs already lost in the industry. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3405 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 4m53s | Views: 972 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated Stories of Music by Holly E. Tripp ( ) is an award-winning, interactive anthology which brings together over 40 authors and artists from 11 countries who tell their personal stories of how music has affected – and changed – their lives. It’s used to heal emotions, lullaby babies, mourn losses, transform criminals, bond differences, and celebrate culture. Music is the all-powerful, non-excluding force that makes this book difficult to put down, and it is emotionally impactful. Stories of Music (ISBN-10: 0996932704, ISBN-13: 978-0996932707, 2015, Timbre Press, Interactive paperback $29.00, 176 pages) includes URLs and QR codes throughout to direct readers to a free companion web edition with the audio and video pieces. The book is available on the author’s website: on iTunes, and on Amazon and Barnes&Noble. Media Contact: Scott Lorenz of Westwind Communications Book Marketing at or by phone at 734-667-2090
Tags // stories  of  music 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3099 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 1m32s | Views: 765 | Comments: 1
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