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„Der neue Rapid Spaceback ist für uns ein Meilenstein: Er bedeutet den Einstieg in das strategisch wichtige Segment kompakter Kurzheck-Modelle. Im neuen Skoda-Design und den bekannten guten Eigenschaften unserer Autos tritt er frisch und dynamisch auf. Ein Kompakter mit sportlichem Chic, geräumig und praktisch, ideal für junge Menschen und Familien“, gibt sich der Skoda Vorstandsvorsitzende Winfried Vahland bei der Vorstellung des jüngsten Sprößlings des tschechischen Autobauers optimistisch. Und der Optimismus ist durchaus nachzuvollziehen, da der Spaceback nicht nur viel Platz, jede Menge ‚Simply Clever’ Ideen, Top-Sicherheit, interessante Individualisierungsmöglichkeiten, geringen Verbrauch und mit einem Einstiegspreis von 14.990 Euro ein sehr gutes Preis-/Wert-Verhältnis bietet, sondern sich bei ersten Testfahrten auch als leistungsstark und agil erwies. So macht Autofahren – wenn die Straße denn halbwegs frei ist – einfach nur Spaß. Der Rapid Spaceback setzt auf einen klaren, eigenständigen Auftritt – mit besonderem Chic. Ein Auto mit sportlicher Frische und dynamischer Eleganz. Besondere Akzente setzt die Seitenansicht. Sie wirkt im Vergleich zu konventionellen Kurzheck-Modellen sportlicher und gestreckter, fast Coupé-artig. Damit setzt sich das Fahrzeug optisch und funktional vom Wettbewerbsumfeld ab. Die dynamische Silhouette wird geprägt durch eine klare Linienführung, den langen Radstand (2,60 Meter) und die scharfe, hohe Tornadolinie. Das Heck unterstreicht den sportlichen Charakter des Spaceback. Es ist klar gezeichnet und wirkt ausgewogen und aufgeräumt. Ein schwarzes Diffusor-Element betont die horizontale Ausrichtung ebenso wie die breiten Heckleuchten im Marken-typischen C-Design. Das Frontdesign des Rapid Spaceback folgt dagegen bis zur B-Säule der Gestaltung der Rapid Limousine. Kernelemente: markanter Grill mit 19 vertikalen Lamellen und Chromeinfassung und neues Logo. Das Interieur zeichnet sich durch sportliche 3-Speichen-Lenkräder, schicke Dekorleisten und frische Designs für die Sitzbezüge aus. Typisch Skoda bietet der Innenraum viel Platz: Obwohl das neue Modell im Außenmaß knapp 18 Zentimeter kürzer ist als die Rapid Limousine, sind die Platzverhältnisse für die Insassen genauso großzügig wie beim ‚großen Bruder’. Der Rapid Spaceback bietet in seinem Segment die größte Kniefreiheit (64 Millimeter) und die größte Kopffreiheit hinten (980 Millimeter). Auch das Kofferraum-Volumen zählt mit 415 Litern bzw. mit 1.380 Litern bei umgeklappter Rücksitzbank zu den besten Werten im Segment. Zu diesem großzügigen Raumangebot kommen zahlreiche ‚Simply Clever’ Lösungen: Der Kofferraum hat zum Beispiel auf Wunsch einen doppelten Ladeboden, so dass das Gepäckabteil in zwei horizontale Ebenen eingeteilt werden kann und damit doppelt nutzbar ist. Den Doppelboden muss man nicht zu Hause lassen, falls man den maximalen Raum nutzen möchte – er ist einfach in die untere Position verschiebbar. Darüber hinaus bietet der Spaceback alle nützlichen Features, die aus dem Rapid bekannt sind.
Tags // skoda  volumen  kofferraum 
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 4124 days ago by unitedpictures
Runtime: 2m27s | Views: 1621 | Comments: 1
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TEFAF Maastricht is the finest art and antiques fair in the world. From 18-27 March 2011 more than 30,000 works of art spanning 7,000 years will go on sale at the MECC (Maastricht Exhibition and Congress Centre) in the city of Maastricht in the southern Netherlands. The European Fine Art Fair (TEFAF) attracts major collectors and museum curators from all over the globe. Last year more than 170 private jets flew into the local airport during the Fair with 82 arriving for the glamorous opening night party at which some 12,500 glasses of champagne were served. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 5095 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m14s | Views: 5134 | Comments: 0
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This is a continuation of the original HashemsFilms Series
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5361 days ago by BoriChumba
Runtime: 10m0s | Views: 7801 | Comments: 2



In February 2012, Sydney’s iconic Manly Beach will be swimming with surfers and buzzing with tourists and spectators as it hosts the inaugural Australian Open of Surfing event from February 11-19. The Australian Open of Surfing will go far beyond the traditional boundaries of a surfing event, creating a significant experience that promotes the energy of Sydney’s outdoor lifestyle, with a nine-day festival of surfing, skate, music, fashion and art specifically aimed at the youth traveler (18 to 30 year olds). To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 4905 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 3m54s | Views: 8916 | Comments: 0



The best of our city in summer is back with a vengeance as Sydney Festival returns in its 39th year. 2015 will see a spectacular program of free and ticketed events spanning contemporary and classical music, theatre, dance, visual arts, circus, cabaret and much more. There’s no better way to get into the swing of summer in Sydney than by enjoying a free outdoor concert in the heart of the city, with 60,000 of your closest friends. The Domain concert series return with four large-scale concerts including a special Summer Sounds in The Domain headlined by South American superstar Seu Jorge whose samba sounds will kick-start summer in Brazilian style. Sydney Festival 2015 will see 18 world premiere performances including Masquerade based on the iconic children’s book by Kit Williams, and 11 Australian premiere works including Quebec’s Cirque Alfonse in Timber!, Roysten Abel’s newest work The Kitchen, and a taste of Belgian theatrical flair in Kiss & Cry a dance work for a duo of hands.
Added: 3737 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m56s | Views: 1346 | Comments: 2



For new parents and caregivers, nothing is more important than child safety. And for SuperBaby, an animated online video character, nothing is more important than keeping young children safe. This is the third year of the SuperBaby web series that targets 18-29 year-old new parents. This month, a new SuperBaby episode is being distributed on the internet to kick off National Window Covering Safety Month. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5220 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 0m49s | Views: 6356 | Comments: 0
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For the second straight year, State Farm and Major League Baseball (MLB) are giving fans from coast to coast the chance to deliver a big hit for their favorite charitable organization. Through the Go To Bat program, an online, charitable initiative driven by State Farm’s commitment to helping communities get to a better state, fans can support the causes that mean the most to them and take their shot at winning one of the $18,000 weekly donations for their favorite charity and a trip for two to the 2011 World Series. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 4942 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 1m2s | Views: 7735 | Comments: 0
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For the third consecutive year, State Farm and Major League Baseball (MLB) are rallying fans to swing for the fences to benefit outstanding charitable organizations. Fans can support causes that make a difference in communities across the nation through the Go to Bat program, an online, charitable giving initiative driven by a commitment State Farm makes to helping communities “get to a better state.” Fans can win a VIP trip for two to the 2012 World Series in addition to winning an $18,000 donation to the charity they choose to support. Starting today, fans are invited to visit and play the State Farm Go to Bat game. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Event and Party  People and Blog 
Added: 4576 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m55s | Views: 3171 | Comments: 1
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Starwood Hotels and Resorts, Inc. (NYSE: HOT) announced that it will grow its New York City portfolio by 50% this year and open more hotels in New York in 2010 than any other city in the world. Today, Starwood operates 12 hotels in the Big Apple across six of its nine distinct and compelling brands. The company's NYC boom will result in 18 high-caliber Starwood hotels including the debut of Starwood's two newest brands in Manhattan — Aloft and Element. The company's bullish focus on NYC is illustrative of its meaningful global growth strategy — Starwood is on track to open more than 80 hotels in key markets around the world this year. To view Multimedia Newsw Release, go to
Categories // Business  Travel and Holiday 
Added: 5293 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m50s | Views: 5422 | Comments: 2
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The National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB) today warned drivers in the Las Vegas area to be on the lookout for criminals targeting trucks in a deliberate attempt to cause an accident for the purpose of collecting insurance money. As many as 100 suspected staged accidents along the I-15 corridor through the metropolitan Las Vegas area have been reported to NICB in the past 12-18 months and as many as 25 of those accidents targeted big rig trucks. The NICB is working closely with its member companies, the Nevada Insurance Council, the Nevada Highway Patrol, and the Nevada Attorney General’s Office to track down the organizers behind these schemes. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 4330 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m20s | Views: 2739 | Comments: 1
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One of the key issues to be discussed at this year's St Petersburg International Economic Forum on 16-18 June is the financing of Russia's modernization. A number of sessions will be devoted to this subject, in particular the session 'Raising Capital for Russia's Growth' on June 18, co-produced by UBS and televised by Bloomberg TV. As the Russian President, Dmitry Medvedev, noted at a news conference held at Moscow's Skolkovo management school on May 18, 2011,
Categories // Business  News and Politics 
Added: 4983 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 9312 | Comments: 2
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Desde el momento en que nacen, cada uno de los animales de nuestro planeta comienza la misma travesía con un objetivo final: sobrevivir y asegurar la descendencia. Al igual que los humanos, los animales tienen que enfrentar difíciles obstáculos en cada etapa de sus vidas, ya sea el medioambiente, sus enemigos o hasta la propia familia. Esta cautivadora y visualmente espectacular serie muestra el comportamiento de varias especies y los desafíos a los que se enfrentan. SOBREVIVIR (#Sobrevivir) se estrena en Discovery en Español el 18 de octubre a las 8PM E/ 5PM P, y se transmitirá los domingos a esa misma hora. Narrada por el actor mexicano Enrique Rocha, la serie captura las historias individuales de varios animales, desde su perspectiva y en su hábitat natural, mostrando en cámara cómo dan sus primeros pasos, aprenden a adaptarse a la vida sin sus padres, se refugian de sus enemigos, ganan una posición de poder en su mundo, encuentran pareja y procrean una nueva generación. “No había tenido la fortuna de narrar una serie y ha sido una gran experiencia poder contar esta increíble historia sobre la vida con la visión y credibilidad de Discovery en Español. ‘Sobrevivir’ le da acceso exclusivo a los televidentes y les ofrece ser testigos del maravilloso y muchas veces difícil ciclo de la vida”, comentó Enrique Rocha. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3395 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 993 | Comments: 0



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