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Eğer kuran şeriatına uymayıp mahkemelerde hakkınızı ararsanız dinden çıkmış sayılırsınız,dinden çıkan birinin cezasıda ölümdür.
Allah; erkeğe, kadının iki misli miras vermenizi emreder. Nisa Suresi 11. ayet
Nisa 34.Ayet: Allah´ın insanlardan bir kısmını diğerlerine üstün kılması sebebiyle ve mallarından harcama yaptıkları için erkekler kadınların yöneticisi ve koruyucusudur. Onun için sâliha kadınlar itaatkârdır. Allah´ın kendilerini korumasına karşılık gizliyi (kimse görmese de namuslarını) koruyucudurlar. Baş kaldırmasından endişe ettiğiniz kadınlara öğüt verin, onları yataklarda yalnız bırakın ve (bunlarla yola gelmezlerse) dövün. Eğer size itaat ederlerse artık onların aleyhine başka bir yol aramayın; çünkü Allah yücedir, büyüktür.
Kuran'a göre Arabistan'a gelen Hz. Ibrahim ve oğlu İsmail Allah'ın isteği üzerine Kabe'yi inşaa etmişlerdir. Peki Hz. İbrahim'in Arabistan'daki gerçek hikayesi nedir ? Merak ediyorsanız izleyin.
24-hour preschool television channel Sprout will premiere Justin Time, a new animated series for preschoolers that focuses on imaginary adventures and delivers fun, friendship and adventure along the way. Produced by Toronto’s Guru Studios, the show centers on Justin, a young boy who imagines himself traveling around the world at different points in history. Debuting Sunday, April 22, at 3:45 p.m. ET, the premiere of Justin Time kicks off a week-long celebration – “Justin Time for Earth Week”– promoting conservation and the importance of caring for the environment. Celebrating Earth Week for the past seven years, Sprout is a proud supporter of Green is Universal, NBCUniversal’s ongoing environmental initiative, and will be turning its on-air and online logos green all week long. Justin Time will also be making its broadcast television debut on July 7 when it airs on the new NBC Kids, programmed by Sprout.
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When Super Bowl XLVI kicks off here at Lucas Oil Stadium on February 5, millions of Americans will be making predictions on the outcome. But a RiseSmart analysis shows that one of the most startlingly accurate predictors of Super Bowl success comes from the unlikeliest of sources: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) unemployment data.
To view Multimedia News Release, go to A good iPhone game developed by INZMORE, it is super addictive and cannot stop playing it. It is available at AppStore. Check it out at for more information.
Jaguar announced the three renowned actors to appear in “Rendezvous,” its 60-second television advertisement to debut during the second half of Super Bowl XLVIII, and revealed details of its largest-ever brand and product marketing campaign, called “British Badboys” which introduces the Jaguar F-TYPE Coupe (on sale spring, 2014). “Rendezvous” stars Sir Ben Kingsley, Tom Hiddleston and Mark Strong, and was filmed by Oscar-winning British director, Tom Hooper, in London. It is Jaguar’s first Super Bowl TV advertisement.
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In this video you can see the reasons to convert your car to natural gas. That will your contribution for 30% lower greenhouse emissions and for saving over 1 billion $ each day for oil imports to the US.
In this video you can see the reasons to convert your car to natural gas. That will your contribution for 30% lower greenhouse emissions and for saving over 1 billion $ each day for oil imports to the US.
In this video you can see the reasons to convert your car to natural gas. That will your contribution for 30% lower greenhouse emissions and for saving over 1 billion $ each day for oil imports to the US.