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A press conference was held on Wednesday, June 26, at 11:00 a.m. at Saint Timothy School located at 5100 Camden Avenue in San Jose, California, to release the world’s first executive caliber, leadership training curricula for 2-9 year olds. Dr. Alan E. Nelson, EdD, Lecturer of Management at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, CA, and Founder of KidLead has been working on the first-ever leadership program for preschoolers and early childhood students. This social innovation is designed to identify influencers while they’re still very moldable in character and skill, as well as to teach others on how to problem solve in teams and be led by peers. Dr. Nelson is considered a global expert in young leader development, but this work is a first, to start so young. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Family 
Added: 4274 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 4m39s | Views: 1526 | Comments: 1
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The saga continues and it's that dreaded time; the morning after the night before, bodies are strewn across the floor and the place is covered in unrecognisable stains and stickiness. Will there be regrets, tears, sore heads?
Added: 5732 days ago by christinacollins
Runtime: 4m49s | Views: 5854 | Comments: 1



Pilot Corporation of America (Pilot Pen) is encouraging parents and students to help erase bullying this school year through their ‘Erase Bullying for Good’ campaign. This campaign was developed in partnership with STOMP Out Bullying, the leading bullying prevention organization in the U.S. The ‘Erase Bullying for Good’ campaign is funded with proceeds from sales of Pilot’s FriXion Clicker erasable gel ink pen, a revolutionary kind of erasable pen that enables students to enjoy mistake-free writing. A total of $125,000 will be donated to STOMP Out Bullying for the educational and support programs they offer parents, students and educators designed to transform and prevent negative bullying behaviors in U.S. schools. Bullying has become a real problem in U.S. schools and Pilot Pen wanted to help be part of the solution. “There are a lot of parents that work at Pilot, and we are well aware of the challenges facing kids today. We wanted to help address the issue of bullying at a national level by supporting STOMP Out Bullying. They are the ideal resource & partner, with their educational programs and confidential help chat line for teens,” said Ariann Langsam, Director of Marketing at Pilot Corporation of America. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3484 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 4m48s | Views: 907 | Comments: 1
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Kaplan University presents Visionary Voices, a series of interviews that chronicle our goals in regards to adult education and continuing education throughout your life. Kaplan University offers online degree programs designed to expand the way you think and help you develop both personally and professionally. Students turn to us to develop their critical thinking skills, to challenge and prepare them for successful careers.* At Kaplan University, we recommend that students look for support and encouragement in those around them. This journey is one that requires commitment and dedication and finding mentors along the way helps to keep students motivated. We want to encourage our students to try new things, to take a variety of courses to help ensure they are well-rounded and prepared when they complete their online college degree. We are an accredited university that believes online courses can enrich your life just as much as attending a course in a brick and mortar classroom.† Our unique approach to distance learning sets us apart from other online colleges. At Kaplan University, we strive to make every resource available to our students to help them succeed in the field they choose. *Kaplan University's programs are designed to prepare graduates to pursue employment in their field of study, or in related fields. However, the University does not guarantee that graduates will be placed in any particular job, eligible for job advancement opportunities, or employed at all. Additional training or certification may be required. †Kaplan University is regionally accredited. See our website for details. “I want to learn from someone who has really been there. I want access to the best minds in the world, access to real leadership. I want to be inspired by people who are inspired, someone who understands the passion and the hunger to create; inspire me. I want to learn from someone who made a difference, from somebody who tried something new and succeeded at it, who broke the rules and are breaking new ground. I want to learn how to make decisions that will make a difference. The world’s preeminent innovators, a timeless exchange of ideas from established experts to aspiring new candidates, a new form for this inspiration is here, at Kaplan University. Until Kaplan [University] and comparable schools did their instruction online, there really hasn’t been appreciable disruption in higher education. If I were to have any advice for a Kaplan University student thinking about an entrepreneurial career path, I would say don’t be afraid to fail. What you want to do is to acquire the habit of trying new things. There’s a saying that you’re only as young as the last time you changed your mind. Finding that right balance between your needs and your profession and your own growth is always something that is evolving. One of the principals I teach is find a wing to climb under and what that means is you need to find someone in your life who can mentor you through different stages of your life. Kaplan [University] provides access to powerful ideas from brilliant thinkers, the practical intelligence and inspiration that are vital to success today and critical for a brighter future. I want to think on a different level. I want to be provoked by original ideas; I want to have a hand in my destiny. I always tell young people, ‘finish your education and don’t rush.’ You actually need education more than you need money. You need ideas, you need to know how to teach yourself, you need to know how things work, you need to be able to look around you and see combinations that other people haven’t seen before. For a Kaplan [University] student thinking about, or interested in, being an innovator I would often say, ‘take a wide range of classes.’ We too quickly pigeon hole people. Reality is that we’re all capable of being so many things. My advice is be broad, understand that things change quickly, and understand what’s happening
Categories // People and Blog  Howto and DIY 
Added: 4891 days ago by Kaplan_University
Runtime: 3m43s | Views: 6796 | Comments: 0
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Lisa Nichols, contributing author of The Secret and one of the great inspirational speakers of our time, believes the best way to stay motivated when continuing your education is to “begin with the end in mind.” Pushing forward through challenges is what makes accomplishment so gratifying. Every accomplishment leads to personal growth. Nichols believes that making the completion of your degree “non-negotiable” means that you will not settle for anything less. Kaplan University’s online degree programs cater to the busy lifestyle of today’s working professional. The distance learning programs available at Kaplan University could help you further your career, potentially lead to advancement opportunities, and assist in creating a different lifestyle for you and your family.* Nichols relates her own life experiences as a single mother working full time in this inspirational video that address the challenges Kaplan University students may be facing. She encourages students to recognize how important pursuing a degree can be to their professional success. Perhaps one of the most powerful messages Nichols relays is to focus on the positive outcome continuing education can bring. She urges students to “stay motivated by not checking into how difficult it might be” but to “check in with how sweet it gets to be.” *Kaplan University's programs are designed to prepare graduates to pursue employment in their field of study, or in related fields. However, the University does not guarantee that graduates will be placed in any particular job, eligible for job advancement opportunities, or employed at all. Additional training or certification may be required. “I would say to a Kaplan [University] student, ‘You’ve really made a decision to take your life by the reigns, to give yourself a second, third, fourth, fifth chance. That this season is your season and that you’ve served everyone else and this gift is a gift for you.’ When you serve yourself you allow yourself to then begin to serve everyone else from your overflow. But one of the things I would mainly say is that when you’ve been good to you, this is a gift, when you’ve been good to you then you’ll serve with more gratitude to everyone else so hold on to this. Hold on to this moment; carve out time. There’s never enough time. There are a hundred people that are going to pull at you- carve out this space for you. Say, ‘You know what? I’ve nurtured everyone, I’ve served everyone, this is my moment. This is my time to shine. This journey with Kaplan [University] is super important to me and it’s non-negotiable.’ When you say ‘no matter what,’ graduating should be ‘no matter what.’ ‘No matter what’ means I’ve removed every other option off the table. Graduating and taking advantage of this opportunity is something that nothing else can happen but this; this is non-negotiable. When you move everything else off the table other than making it, the only thing left is making it and so I would say to the Kaplan [University] student, ‘you’ve already jumped in, now say ‘no matter what’.’ I think one of the ways to stay motivated is to begin with the end in mind. See yourself on graduation day, see yourself with a certificate saying, ‘I completed. I did it. It’s done.’ See yourself in the lifestyle that this accomplishment will award you to have. When you being with the end in mind and you get so viscerally and emotionally connected to the outcome. Steven Covey, the author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, says, ‘Begin with the end in mind.’ See it, believe it, taste it, walk it, talk it, feel it and then go every day just getting to that feeling in reality. Have such a barometer to show you where you’re going and know what it looks like to be there and then become non-negotiable on it. Stay motivated by not checking into how difficult it might be, check in with how sweet it gets to be. I believe that my life today is a result of hunkering down and seeing myself in a place where I wasn’t; seeing myself in a lifestyle th
Categories // People and Blog  Howto and DIY 
Added: 4891 days ago by Kaplan_University
Runtime: 4m38s | Views: 6635 | Comments: 2
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At Kaplan University, our main focus in developing our online MBA programs is career development. We believe the time and effort that is required to obtain a master’s degree online should be apparent the first day the student begins their new career. Earning an MBA could be a step in the right direction towards a fulfilling and satisfying career.* Kaplan University’s Master of Business Administration online offers students the tools to understand the relevant knowledge and proficiencies, and to apply what they have learned in class at work. Our unique distance learning MBA program is designed to accommodate students that work full time. You can attend class virtually anywhere you have an Internet connection, and the coursework material is available to you at any time. Students can pursue their goals and complete their MBA online for a brighter future. Kaplan University strives to put our students first. We have our fingers on the pulse of what is going on in the business world and integrate that knowledge into our courses. At Kaplan University, we are proud to offer our students resources to help them succeed in their pursuit of continuing education. Our instructors care about their students and are available to answer questions or offer support. * Kaplan University's programs are designed to prepare graduates to pursue employment in their field of study, or in related fields. However, the University does not guarantee that graduates will be placed in any particular job, eligible for job advancement opportunities, or employed at all. Additional training or certification may be required. “We’re very proud of our MBA program. The MBA Program enables students to develop a portfolio of practical, resume building experiences while they’re still in school. What they can do with that is really demonstrate that they know what business is about and they know how to manage and lead projects. I think one of the things that we’ve worked very diligently toward is to build a curriculum that provides students with real world experience so that they’re able to that the skills that they’re earning in the classroom, learning in the classroom and carry those immediately into the workforce. The one thing that I would have to say that Kaplan [University] afforded me that other programs I looked at did not afford me is the practical use of every course and I can take it right from the classroom right to my work every single day. We have specializations in marketing, management, finance, entrepreneurship which is very popular, international business. An emphasis in International Business with all of its aspects from Human Resources to International Finance, International Projects, and International Marketing; that is something that I think will help me greatly especially in the consulting field. What they’re able to say with the MBA is that they’ve got areas of expertise in Finance and Economics and Accounting and that they’ve got the skill set that goes beyond what somebody with a bachelor’s degree would have. All of a sudden my supervisor is realizing that I’m being underutilized, so now I have more responsibilities that are more challenging. The challenge is there for sure, but it’s the tools like the Writing Center, the Math Center- the things that make a student be able to succeed. You will find help and assistance from the beginning. Your academic advisor, the financial advisor, and every step you will always have somebody that will be there right by your side. I’ve had many students contact me years after they’ve completed their degree and say it was because of having earned my MBA I’m now working in a different capacity; working in a leadership role, working as a VP, working as a CEO at a small corporation. Or many students go off and start their own business because they got the confidence of the skills that they’ve gained. If you want your MBA, I can just tell you- Kaplan [University] is your first choice, it is. The structure of th
Categories // People and Blog  Howto and DIY 
Added: 4891 days ago by Kaplan_University
Runtime: 2m46s | Views: 5905 | Comments: 1
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Junior Achievement USA® (JA) today announced the launch of its JA Heroes PSA campaign. The goal of this campaign is to connect volunteer mentors with young people to give kids the power to see their future, unleash their potential and let their dreams take flight. Positive role models in the lives of young people are shown to help inspire them to overcome difficult circumstances. Yet today, millions of kids live in situations where they do not have access to mentors who can give them the guidance or insight they need to rise above negative peer pressure, economic uncertainty or simply a lack of direction. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 3545 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 767 | Comments: 0
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OfficeMax Incorporated (NYSE: OMX), a leader in office products and services, today commenced its annual cause campaign for teachers called “A Day Made Better” with a surprise visit from the multi-platinum selling pop group, Jonas Brothers, at Los Feliz Charter School for the Arts (“Los Feliz”) in Los Angeles, CA. Jonas Brothers surprised the entire teaching staff at Los Feliz with $25,000 worth of school supplies from OfficeMax on behalf of the cause campaign. Rachael Ray also joined the event live via Skype to broadcast the teacher surprise to her audience, which aired today on the Rachael Ray show. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5275 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 3m49s | Views: 10278 | Comments: 0
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Sickle cell disease (SCD) is an inherited, lifelong chronic disorder affecting nearly 100,000 Americans and a growing global health problem that will touch nearly 30 percent more people globally in the next three decades. Though new approaches to managing SCD have led to improvements in diagnosis and supportive care, people living with the disease still have severe complications to overcome. Many are unable to access quality care and are limited by a lack of effective treatment options. In an effort to identify unmet medical needs for people with SCD, the American Society of Hematology (ASH), along with other groups, issued the State of Sickle Cell Disease: 2016 Report, evaluating the disease in four priority areas — access to care, training and professional education, research and clinical trials, and global health. The report shows that significant improvements are needed across all areas and that, though patients are living longer, the system of care needs to change to ensure a better quality of life. To address these challenges, ASH launched the Sickle Cell Disease Coalition along with more than 20 other organizations who are issuing a call to action that will amplify the voice of the SCD community, promote SCD awareness, and transform SCD care both in the United States and around the globe. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3106 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m49s | Views: 669 | Comments: 0
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“You’re so close to that first sip, I can taste it….and I don’t have a mouth.” This doesn’t sound like your average whisky tasting? That’s right, it’s not. Today, Johnnie Walker Blended Scotch Whisky announces the launch of a new digital mentorship program, leading a new era of whisky education that can be enjoyed from the comforts of home for those of legal drinking age. As the number one blended Scotch whisky in the world, Johnnie Walker continues to innovate in new and exciting ways. The launch of this cutting-edge digital mentorship program brings to life product credentials and over two centuries of heritage and blending expertise through a variety of unique experiences, developed in collaboration with Vayner Media, across Amazon Alexa, Facebook Messenger and a series of digital videos featuring award-winning mixologist Jeff Bell. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3085 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m28s | Views: 947 | Comments: 0
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What is the most important thing in bed? \
Tags // guide  to  sex  spoon  sex  spoon  sexual  position  sex  position  sex  education  sex 
Categories // Sexy  Travel and Holiday 
Added: 4472 days ago by jadedrake
Runtime: 2m3s | Views: 1015 | Comments: 2
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If a child cannot see clearly, he may have trouble learning, a problem that will impact his entire life. Jennie Garth, well-known actress and mother of three, knows firsthand that healthy vision can change everything for a child – at school and at home. Ms. Garth, whose two older daughters struggled in school before receiving vision correction, has partnered with Alcon to launch the Eye Saw Good campaign, an initiative that highlights the important role that good eye health and clear vision play in allowing people to see the world around them and live life to the fullest. The campaign inspires people to help provide good eye health and vision correction for children in need across the US. The campaign is simple: see good, share good, and make good happen. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Family  People and Blog 
Added: 4238 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m20s | Views: 2391 | Comments: 2
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