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Click Here: 5 Rules to Remember in Making Presentations What are the 5 rules you should keep in mind when creating presentations? #1 - Make the text readable. Visual aids helps the audience realate to what you are talking about. Text that are too big or too small can distract the audience. #2 - Keep it short and simple. Limit your presenation to at most 15 minutes.The longer you talk, the lesser audience you will have. #3 - Choose color that match. Avoid using two colors on your presentation. Find 2 colors that compliment each other and stick to it. #4 - Stick to your topic. Have one (not two) topic sentence then build your ideas around it. Dont go from one topic to the other. #5 - Be consistent. In using a template , in using a font color , in using a style. Follow these 5 rules and surely all ears (and eyes) will be on for presentations, presentation top tips, best tips in creating presentations, making presentations
Added: 4507 days ago by oolongmedia
Runtime: 2m20s | Views: 1727 | Comments: 1
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The National Bone Health Alliance (NBHA), a public-private partnership with 42 member organizations, is urging a simple solution to a big problem: if it’s 50+ fracture, request a test. This is the call-to-action for the NBHA’s new public and healthcare professional education campaign – 2Million2Many ( The campaign reflects the two million bone breaks that occur in the U.S. each year that are caused by osteoporosis and urges the public and healthcare professionals alike to take action and request a test for osteoporosis when someone age 50 or older breaks a bone. Despite the fact that 50 percent of osteoporosis-related repeat fractures can be prevented with existing treatments, only two in 10 initial bone breaks get a follow-up test or treatment for osteoporosis. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
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Added: 4667 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m24s | Views: 8590 | Comments: 0
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#2 This book’s name is ‘al-Asma’ was-Sifat’ authored by Imam al-Hafidh, Abu Bakr Ahmad al-Bayhaqiyy who died in the hijri year 458 which means 971 years ago. This book is the Second Edition published by Dar al-Kitab al-^arabi. In the second volume on page 144, Imam al-Bayhaqiyy said: "Some of our companions used as a proof to refute the place to Allah the saying of the Prophet, sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam: 'O Allah You are adh-Dhahir and there is nothing above You, and You are al-Batin and there is nothing underneath You.' Therefore, if there is nothing above Him and nothing underneath Him, He is not in a place." This is the belief of the fine Muslim scholars, the Salaf and the Khalaf. This is the creed of the Prophets, and that’s what we follow wal 7amdulillah rabbil 3aalameen. *The Salaf were the scholars who lived during the first three centuries after the Hijrah (Immigration) of the Prophet, sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam. The Khalaf are the scholars who lived after those three centuries.
Tags // aicp  gilles  sadek  al  ahbach  habashi  habachi  tawassul  bidaa 
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 6065 days ago by dailypick
Runtime: 1m25s | Views: 6875 | Comments: 0
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Follow me- I heard 2 Chainz No Lie feat Drake. 2 Chainz and Drake No Lie is dope, I rapped over Alicia Keys Unthinkable beat and lot of people say it's dope.
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Added: 4662 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 3m8s | Views: 3601 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated With so much content out there, it’s hard to know what to pay attention to. But whether you’re a budding entrepreneur or a seasoned professional, it makes sense to follow the best of the best in ecommerce for tips, hacks, and resources. We’ve compiled a list of 10 of the best blogs covering everything ecommerce.
Added: 3293 days ago by gmsarticles
Runtime: 2m9s | Views: 856 | Comments: 2
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#1 Among those who documented the scholarly consensus that Allah is not confined in a place was the noble Imam ^Abdul-Qahir ibn Tahir al-Baghdadiyy – known as Abu Mansur al-Baghdadiyy who died in the hijri year 429 which means one thousand years ago. In his book ‘alFarqu bayna lFiraq’ –published by Darul-Ma^rifah, the Third Edition- on page 292 Imam Abu Mansur said what means: “..and the noble Islamic scholars unanimously agreed that no place confines Allah, nor is He subjected to time; Imam ^Aliyy (radiya-llâhu ^anhu) said: “Allah created the Throne as an indication of His power and not as a place for Himself”. Imam ^Aliyy also said: \\\"Allah existed eternally and there was no place, and He is now as He was, i.e., without a place.\\\" This is –the belief- that the Islamic scholars unanimously follow!! ALLAH EXISTS WITHOUT A PLACE
Tags // aicp  gilles  sadek  al  ahbach  habashi  habachi  tawassul  bidaa 
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 6065 days ago by dailypick
Runtime: 1m27s | Views: 6963 | Comments: 0



Motivation for all those thats in the mindset to Grind On'em for the New Year 2015... We Grindin On'em! #Subscribe #StayTuned #StayMotivatedPpl. CLICK LINK TO DOWNLOAD  (Explicit Lyrics) Follow Juice on Facebook Twitter Instagram
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Added: 3697 days ago by serde222
Runtime: 4m19s | Views: 781 | Comments: 1
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