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As entrepreneurs struggle to find desirable investments that also allow them to have an impact on the future of our country, Primrose Schools invites them to explore the benefits of opening a high-quality Primrose preschool in their communities. As the nation’s leading early education franchise company, Primrose currently has more than 350 locations in 29 states and is growing across the country. Financial forecasters and economic developers alike point to early education as a stable investment that yields strong returns. A recent report by Child Care Aware shows that the high-quality early education industry generates a return of more than $8 for every $1 spent, meaning the returns of providing early education for children positively impact the economic development of communities and future workforce development. Last year, IBIS World reported that the industry reached a record high of $47.8 billion and is expected to continue to grow at an even faster pace than the overall child services market. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2721 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m33s | Views: 744 | Comments: 3
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Use your skills and precision to control the RAINDROP down the window, it\\\\\\\'s easy to play just tilt your device left or right. *****How far can you get before the time runs out???***** Collect the different power-ups for extra speed along the way or for additional time, but make sure you avoid the bugs!!! FEATURES Use the accelerometer to control the raindrop Fun and addictive, keep playing until you beat your score!! Leaderboard of highest scores Challenge your friends, who\\\\\\\'s the best? Share your score on Twitter, Facebook, e-mail and have a boast to everyone! Background rain sound effect will keep you nice and relaxed use these promo codes for free download 9KAYJPPXRHEX KXALEAFT3PJY JJYXNMJWMAMT WNLLE3P6AFLX PRELL9PKPTPR MP3HT39ATTRM 93WHMAKPYTXE 7NAFEF3XYJAR 7WAJTK43JHLR ARJ7W3AA637R EK3RP6RL6466 FMYAMETNANN3 FW3XW9NERNAR HKYTPWYKNLAL 74KFH7LRH3PE KJLXMPFLP9P4 EXHJJHJEPY4L FH446XLTM3NM 4KY47AMW7WPL WPT9HJ39EMJX APP Store :=
Tags // raindrop  rush  running 
Categories // Science and Technology 
Added: 4331 days ago by raindroprush
Runtime: 0m32s | Views: 3394 | Comments: 0



Food Network’s long-running hit primetime series Food Network Star returns to New York City this May with fifteen talented hopefuls and completely new twists for season eight – this year, returning stars Bobby Flay and Giada De Laurentiis move from behind the judge’s table to square off with culinary favorite Alton Brown for a three-way team competition to find the next Food Network Star, beginning with a special two-hour premiere episode on Sunday, May 13th at 9pm ET/PT. Bobby, Giada and Alton, all television producers in addition to being culinary superstars, lead the charge to find and develop the new talent by each hand-selecting a team of five finalists, who they will produce and mentor through the ‘Star’ experience to find one winner who possesses personality and kitchen chops. Viewers can also glance into the ‘Star’ finalist selection process, with a casting special airing on May 12th and in another turn to the series plot, viewers will vote online before the July 22nd finale to determine who will receive the ultimate prize: their own Food Network show, to be produced by their ‘Star’ team leader. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 4717 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m3s | Views: 5168 | Comments: 0
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On Friday, March 8, the seventh annual One Night for One Drop event at the “O” Theatre, presented by MGM Resorts International and COLGATE, drew a star-studded crowd in support of the one-night-only soirée benefiting the One Drop Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to providing access to safe water and sanitation around the globe. Imagined by Cirque du Soleil, One Night for One Drop mesmerized the sold-out audience with an emotional performance that took the spectators on an empathetic journey, drawing inspiration from human connection, friendship, beauty, nature, love and loss, in an aquatic ambiance. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2183 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m10s | Views: 1288 | Comments: 0



Let’s find our love with new iPhone game “Find My Love”.Love birds often try their love luck with flower petals. Along with fun, its thrill, emotions, feelings, test of love and all for them. So why not try our new game “Find My Love”. Its a fun game, through which user will check compatibility with their loved once by plucking out the petals of flower and can get the love percentage with your loved partner. It will work on iOS version 5 onwards. For more info:-
Tags // iphone  game  applications 
Categories // Games  Business 
Added: 4412 days ago by findmylovemidi
Runtime: 2m34s | Views: 733 | Comments: 1
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According to a new survey from the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) and the Ad Council, one in three millennials (34 percent) ranked saving as their number one goal for the year – ahead of living a healthy lifestyle (20 percent), paying off debt (19 percent), and losing weight (14 percent). But while saving was a top priority, a majority of millennials attributed their lack of saving to impulse buying (65 percent). For older millennials, those born between the early 1980’s and early 1990’s, saving is crucial as they work towards major milestones in their lives. When asked what they were saving money towards, respondents sought to secure their future by saving for an emergency fund (40 percent), saving for retirement (22 percent) or starting a family (15 percent). They also reported saving for larger purchases like a vacation (36 percent), a new house (27 percent), a car (26 percent), home improvements (20 percent), or a wedding (8 percent). To provide Americans aged 25 to 34 with the tips and tools to take control of their personal finances, AICPA and the Ad Council’s national advertising campaign, Feed the Pig, is continuing to collaborate with new partners to deliver this critical content in a relevant and engaging way. “Many young adults think saving is impossible,” said Gregory Anton, CPA, CGMA, chair of the AICPA’s National CPA Financial Literacy Commission. “While low salaries and high debt levels can certainly be barriers to saving, the key is to create a budget and stick to it. Establishing a disciplined saving strategy early in life and avoiding missteps will reap substantial long-term dividends.” To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3266 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m1s | Views: 837 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated Fertility Factor 5: Male Infertility? Here’s A New Male Fertility Supplement Now, there is finally, an all-natural, way to improve male fertility. If you are trying to conceive but you have sperm with low count, poor shape or bad motility, here is a new product that can help you with these issues.
Categories // Family 
Added: 1820 days ago by rss41
Runtime: 2m24s | Views: 735 | Comments: 0
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the game end is not so hard. many folks have never finished this game. it took me a long time to get through this end area the first time i played. now i can do it in 7 or 8 minutes or so. i say if you get out of the ammo supply room fast its better,if not the heavies move up closer to the outside door. and make your first 2 sniper shots. its all good from there.
Tags // farcry  far  cry  pcgame  fps  pc  game  demomovie  ezeht  demo  movie 
Categories // Games 
Added: 5893 days ago by ezeht
Runtime: 6m31s | Views: 6977 | Comments: 2



Like this video? Download this program to watch all your favorite TV Shows and Movies for FREE right on your PC, anytime, anywhere! Click for more information. Peter Griffin plays call of duty modern warfare 2 (MW2) online with Quagmir and totally sux! HAHA
Categories // Funny  Cartoon  Games 
Added: 5437 days ago by 1337CoolGamer
Runtime: 0m33s | Views: 22006 | Comments: 3



A thoroughly captivating novel that weaves poetic phrasing, humor, and danger into the life of one very complex FBI agent, creating a plot as disturbing as it is gripping. Fallen Lotus Petals is Jordon Papanier’s gift to lovers of fast-paced thrillers with compelling characters and goals that must be attained…or else. Faced with three very different, yet equally challenging, cases—the tragedy of sexually exploited young Asian girls; a designer drug gone terribly wrong; a technological advance that could bring law enforcement to its knees—the author promises, and delivers, a gritty, page-turner of a story. Does our protagonist have what it takes to decimate this international ring? Will he overcome his own demons and bring the culprits to justice? And his love interest, how does she fit into this web of action and danger? Page after page, we become more deeply engaged in our hero’s private life and his dark, burdensome past, until we reach the explosive finale. Now on
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 5494 days ago by JordonPP
Runtime: 1m8s | Views: 7751 | Comments: 0
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Fahrsicherheitstraining, aber kein gewöhnliches. Die Teilnehmer sind nach einem Arbeitsunfall mobilitätseingeschränkt. Dennoch müssen sie nicht auf ihr Auto verzichten. Nach einigen Anpassungen können sie normal am Straßenverkehr teilnehmen. Die BG ETEM ist die gesetzliche Unfallversicherung für rund 3,8 Millionen Beschäftigte in etwa 200.000 Mitgliedsbetrieben. Ihre Aufgaben sind Arbeitssicherheit und Gesundheitsschutz sowie Rehabilitation und Entschädigung von Verletzten und Erkrankten bei Arbeitsunfällen und Berufskrankheiten. Jan Brachwitz ist seit einem Arbeitsunfall vor elf Jahren querschnittsgelähmt. Auch er war froh, als er sein erstes umgebautes Fahrzeug bekam. Jan Brachwitz, Teilnehmer:
Tags // etem  mobil  behindert  training 
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 4261 days ago by unitedpictures
Runtime: 2m34s | Views: 2198 | Comments: 1



Where to begin? Many guides on using Facebook for business focus on either inbound marketing or outbound marketing strategies, with little attention to analytics. In this video I will cover what I consider to be the most essential aspects of all three elements of marketing for Facebook.
Categories // People and Blog  Business 
Added: 3798 days ago by gmsarticles
Runtime: 4m10s | Views: 622 | Comments: 2
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