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More than 5,000 Domino’s Pizza spectators cheered as Pali Grewal triumphed as the 2014 World’s Fastest Pizza Maker. Grewal, a Domino’s Pizza franchise owner from the United Kingdom made three large pizzas in an impressive 32.28 seconds. That’s making three pizzas in less than 11 seconds each! Grewal won $3,000 in prize money, a trophy and the coveted title of World’s Fastest Pizza Maker presented by Domino’s President and CEO, Patrick Doyle. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Event and Party  Business 
Added: 3924 days ago by MultiVu
Runtime: 4m32s | Views: 1380 | Comments: 1
Not yet rated Estás cansado de las mismas salas de chat, en donde encuentras siempre a las mismas personas. Ya llegó el mejor chat gratis en Cali Colombia.
Tags // chat  gratis  en  cali  colombia 
Categories // Funny  People and Blog 
Added: 4584 days ago by Datingws
Runtime: 1m19s | Views: 18459 | Comments: 0
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Las colillas de cigarrillo arrojadas en la vía pública son más que una mera molestia para los ojos. De acuerdo a los reportes de las agencias de limpieza ambiental, las colillas de cigarrillo con el objeto Nro. 1 que crea basura en los caminos de EE. UU. y el objeto Nro. 1 encontrado en playas y en cursos de agua a nivel mundial. Una nueva encuesta realizada por Legacy muestra que, si bien más del 88 por ciento de los Americanos encuestados piensa que las colillas de cigarrillo son una preocupación ambiental, más del 44 por ciento de los fumadores encuestados admitieron arrojar cigarrillos al piso y casi el 32 por ciento arrojaron un cigarrillo por la ventana de un auto. Para más, va a
Categories // Science and Technology 
Added: 4346 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m31s | Views: 1966 | Comments: 0
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Delano Las Vegas, an all-suite luxury hotel and the newest destination on The Strip, celebrated its grand opening last night with an exclusive, high-style bash hosted by actress and tastemaker Jaime King and celebrity fashion designer Charlotte Ronson, with surprise musical performances by DJ Samantha Ronson and multi-Platinum musical group, MAGIC! Dressed in a stunning royal blue striped dress from Charlotte Ronson’s collection, the soiree’s ambassador Jaime King kicked off the celebration with opening remarks highlighting the debut of Delano Las Vegas and previewing the night’s festivities. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to:
Added: 3816 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m28s | Views: 940 | Comments: 0
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Fusing the chic style of the iconic South Beach brand with the vibrant energy of the Las Vegas Strip, Delano Las Vegas will come to life at Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino later this year and is now accepting room reservations for stays beginning September 1. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to:
Categories // Travel and Holiday 
Added: 3960 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m17s | Views: 945 | Comments: 0
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The highly anticipated luxury, all–suite Delano Las Vegas debuted today bringing a touch of South Beach to The Strip. This morning, executives and employees of MGM Resorts International and Morgans Hotel Group gathered to officially unveil Las Vegas’ newest hotel. “Delano Las Vegas marks a new chapter in the Las Vegas hotel experience, ushering in elevated levels of personalized service, style and attention to detail,” said General Manager Matthew Chilton. “We’re challenging the quintessential over–the–top Vegas experience by introducing a new brand focused on understated luxury, appealing to in–the–know travelers,” added Chilton. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Travel and Holiday 
Added: 3834 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m46s | Views: 888 | Comments: 0
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Danica Patrick will take to the track with a new primary sponsor as the blue-and-white No. 10 Aspen Dental Chevrolet SS makes its debut at the Kobalt 400 NASCAR Sprint Cup Series race at Las Vegas Motor Speedway this weekend. And she’ll do it sporting a blue firesuit selected by fans who voted in the Danica's New Suit Sweepstakes. Patrick first teamed up with Aspen Dental, one of the largest and fastest-growing networks of dental care providers in the U.S. with more than 430 locations in communities across 27 states, last fall. Since that time, she has helped to shine a spotlight on an often overlooked healthcare issue – oral health – by championing the launch of Aspen Dental's Healthy Mouth Movement, a community-giving initiative designed to deliver free dental care to thousands of people in need in communities across the U.S., and oral health education to millions more. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Tags // aspen  dental  care  danica  patrick  kobalt  400  nascar  sprint  cup  stewart  haas  racing  race  car  multivu  66081 
Categories // Cars and Vehicles  Business 
Added: 4014 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m4s | Views: 1372 | Comments: 2
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Producido para NVidia, Oreck, Energizer y Lee -- Las grandes empresas están ayudando a encontrar una cura a través de donaciones, la venta de productos de color rosado y la creación de una technologia revolucionaria de escaneo del mama . Aquí están algunas maneras que usted puede ayudar.
Tags // breast  cancer  oreck  energizer  lee  jeans  nvidia  race  for  a  cure  susan  g  komen  christina  applegate  denim  day 
Categories // Science and Technology 
Added: 5628 days ago by NextpertNews
Runtime: 2m10s | Views: 9521 | Comments: 0
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Vehicle designs and colors change each year but it is the integration of consumer electronics technologies into the vehicle interior that is really fueling future driving experiences. Continental, one of the world’s largest automotive suppliers, is engineering hardware, software and systems that are powering the vehicle with an “Always On” connection and linking drivers and passengers to content and information in new ways. Continental will showcase some of its latest Interior innovations to its automotive customers and consumer electronics partners during the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) being held January 6-9 in Las Vegas, Nevada. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 5192 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 3m19s | Views: 5910 | Comments: 2
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As construction continues to progress steadily at The LINQ, Caesars Entertainment’s $550 million open-air retail, dining and entertainment district, the company announced today the development’s second wave of tenant brands. Unique retailers will open their first Las Vegas locations including the Polaroid Fotobar retail store and museum, Chilli Beans sunglasses, Vanity Style Lounge and Goorin Bros. hat shop. Style savvy shoppers will also enjoy checking out the latest footwear at 12A.M. Run, backed by popular rapper Nas. For those interested in quenching their thirst, wine aficionados will enjoy The Stomping Grape, featuring a casual approach to lighter and healthier comfort food and drinks. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business  Travel and Holiday 
Added: 4198 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m53s | Views: 2097 | Comments: 1
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El cuidado de belleza cambia totalmente durante el verano, nos guste o no. Y si sumamos los diferentes tipos de cutis, color de piel y textura de cabello típicos de las latinas, es casi imposible dar consejos generalizados para manejar el calor, la humedad y la sal del mar.
Added: 3506 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m0s | Views: 703 | Comments: 3
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Como co-animadora del programa matutino de alta audiencia en la televisión hispana y madre de dos niñas pequeñas, Karla Martínez siempre se levanta al amanecer. A pesar del vertiginoso comienzo de su día tan temprano en la mañana, esta mamá mexicana sabe que un desayuno con leche aporta 9 nutrientes esenciales, entre ellos 8 gramos de proteína de alta calidad en cada vaso de leche de 8 onzas. Esto convierte a Karla en la perfecta opción como el rostro de la nueva campaña publicitaria hispana de got milk?, que se lanzará nacionalmente en las revistas hispanas este mes. Para más, visite
Categories // Family  People and Blog 
Added: 4317 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m28s | Views: 2362 | Comments: 1
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