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As people look to the coming year with hopes of continued economic recovery and increased job creation, new research may hold clues as to what the most promising positions will be in 2011. According to the Salary Guides just released from Robert Half, 11 roles representing several fields — including accounting and finance, technology, creative, legal and administrative services — show increases in starting salaries and growing demand among employers. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
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Added: 5218 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 2m4s | Views: 6964 | Comments: 0
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#1 Among those who documented the scholarly consensus that Allah is not confined in a place was the noble Imam ^Abdul-Qahir ibn Tahir al-Baghdadiyy – known as Abu Mansur al-Baghdadiyy who died in the hijri year 429 which means one thousand years ago. In his book ‘alFarqu bayna lFiraq’ –published by Darul-Ma^rifah, the Third Edition- on page 292 Imam Abu Mansur said what means: “..and the noble Islamic scholars unanimously agreed that no place confines Allah, nor is He subjected to time; Imam ^Aliyy (radiya-llâhu ^anhu) said: “Allah created the Throne as an indication of His power and not as a place for Himself”. Imam ^Aliyy also said: \\\"Allah existed eternally and there was no place, and He is now as He was, i.e., without a place.\\\" This is –the belief- that the Islamic scholars unanimously follow!! ALLAH EXISTS WITHOUT A PLACE
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Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 6074 days ago by dailypick
Runtime: 1m27s | Views: 6966 | Comments: 0



The global credit crunch and the bad business news have not adversely affected Glasstec trade show in Düsseldorf. Higher visitor figures, the presence of additional exhibiting companies and a good sales and orders performance have resulted in a positive atmosphere among trade show organizers and glass industry representatives alike.
Categories // Science and Technology 
Added: 5971 days ago by mhoch4
Runtime: 1m33s | Views: 6217 | Comments: 1
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