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Search // where
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This is one of those projects where I just wanted to see how far I could go in the direction of symphonic music. I found this to be one of my greater challenges. I think it has a unique contrast from a realistic sound to perhaps electronic. Either way I'm not going to enjoy trying to decide exactly what genre this it when applicable.
Categories // Music 
Added: 4175 days ago by Herfortz
Runtime: 5m3s | Views: 2274 | Comments: 2



Peter Greenberg discusses his new book: Where to Find the Best of Everything, including how to stay connected at 30,000 feet.
Categories // Travel and Holiday 
Added: 4625 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 3m11s | Views: 3735 | Comments: 1
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Visit for more information on where to find the best deals for Perspex Sheet in the UK. Also more tips, advice and information on different types of Perspex Sheet at the link above.
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4805 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 1m19s | Views: 5933 | Comments: 0
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Warren du Preez & Nick Thornton Jones, regarded as two of the creative industry’s leading artists within image-making and film have been asked to live their distinctive approach with Perrier-Jouët. This collaboration has ended up to a 360° communication where the user is guided to a journey through their vision of Perrier-Jouët’s artistic heritage and unique wine style. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Fashion and Lifestyle  Business 
Added: 4176 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m48s | Views: 2266 | Comments: 0
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In a multimedia marketing campaign that launches today, Pepsi MAX boldly invites American consumers to taste for themselves that when it comes to maximum taste and zero calories, Pepsi MAX conquers the competition. That’s the message in a remake of the iconic “Diner” commercial that aired during Super Bowl XXIX, where two soda delivery truck drivers go head-to-head over a can of the best tasting cola on the market. In the 2010 version, the truckers are back; and they both want the zero calories and maximum taste that only Pepsi MAX can deliver.
Tags // pepsi  max  coke  zero  calories  diner  diner  2  truck  driver  consumer  multivu  45210 
Categories // Business 
Added: 5348 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m2s | Views: 8606 | Comments: 2
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One of 46 surviving bells made by Paul Revere’s foundry before his death found a new home at Boston’s Old South Meeting House, the famed place where the Boston Tea Party began. The 876-pound Paul Revere bell, made in 1801, was acquired from the First Baptist Church of Westborough, Massachusetts. The bell was connected to the original 1766 tower clock and will once again ring out the hour as it did in Colonial Boston. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 4893 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 5m12s | Views: 5528 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated A happy birth is possible you can Elimiate you fears of childbirth with Hypnosis and NLP to have a quick easy natural birth with no pain resulting in a healthy happy child. Happy birth should be the natural way, just like any other mammal in nature who has an authentic happy birth where you are connected to the well being of your child within your womb until he or she is ready to pass down the birth canal with an easy transit into the world. When you listen to the overcome fear of childbirth hypnosis recording you practice in mind the ideal happy birth experience you want. The more you practice in mind an easy labour the easier it is for your mind and body to follow your happy birth day dream and make it the reality, resulting in a healthy happy child pain free.
Tags // overcome  fear  of  childbirth 
Categories // Howto and DIY 
Added: 4472 days ago by debbiew48
Runtime: 2m51s | Views: 4437 | Comments: 1
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Despite spring’s warmer weather, longer days and greener lawns, a new survey from TruGreen indicates that the majority of Americans may not be living life outside as much as they’d like. TruGreen believes more life should be lived outside, where we are happier, more active and more connected with ourselves, with loved ones and with nature. To better understand the trends, sentiments and aspirations that Americans associate with being outside, TruGreen conducted a national survey. The results provide insight into not only how we spend our time outside, but also how we think about our outside life. TruGreen Spokesperson Jason Cameron provides a review of the survey results in a new video. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3625 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m24s | Views: 1120 | Comments: 0
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What can you do in 5 weeks? With the Kaplan Commitment, our students can take courses for their online bachelor’s degree or online graduate programs at no cost for 5 weeks to ensure that Kaplan University is the right fit.* Kaplan University strives to be leader among accredited online universities. We strive to offer our students the care and resources to succeed. Attending university online can seem challenging when coupled with other obligations. Kaplan University understands the demands our students face and offers the convenience and flexibility of online learning. Students can attend class virtually anywhere they have an Internet connection and where they feel most comfortable. We strive to set ourselves apart from other online universities with the care we show each student. Our goal is to help you achieve your goals; in doing so, we create capable, successful graduates that make Kaplan University a trusted name in education. We are changing the way students view higher education, making university degrees online attainable for everyone—even those with the busiest schedule. *Classes will count toward a student’s degree if satisfactorily completed. No credits are earned if the student withdraws during the introductory period. The introductory period is five weeks, and begins on day one of the student’s first academic term. If a student chooses to opt out at any point during the introductory period, he or she will have no obligation to the University other than the application fee. Only available to new students; continuing students are not eligible. “What can you do in 5 weeks? Climb the sixth-highest mountain in the world… and do it after 50. You could build a 25 foot 9 inch house of cards with 1800 decks of cards… and a whole lot of patience. You (and a friend) could ride a motorcycle from Alaska to Argentina. You could watch a complete baseball game in all thirty major league ballparks. That’s a lot of hot dogs. Why not run 7 marathons, on 7 continents. You could build a spaceship and launch your dog into orbit. The Soviet Union did it. Real people did all these things…so what could you do in 5 weeks? Something extraordinary. Attend real classes for real credits at Kaplan University- and only pay if you stay. Five weeks to see if Kaplan University is the right fit for you. Five weeks to pursue your passion. What can you do in 5 weeks? Find out for yourself. That’s the Kaplan commitment.”
Categories // People and Blog  Howto and DIY 
Added: 4892 days ago by Kaplan_University
Runtime: 1m52s | Views: 6254 | Comments: 1
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Online Summer School enrollment is open at International Connections Academy (iNaCA), the accredited virtual private school serving students in grades K-12 in the United States and across the globe. Families are invited to attend an information session to learn more about the benefits of online Summer School. “Students can take their courses when and where they want—wherever there is an Internet connection—without having to choose between academics and other summer activities like traveling, getting a job, and spending time with family and friends,” said Hannah Rinehart, Principal of International Connections Academy, who also shares the top four reasons why families enroll in online Summer School To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3282 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m21s | Views: 780 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated[EXTRACT] - Online Romance Scam Prevention For U.S. Soldiers proceed with caution when corresponding with persons claiming to be U.S. Soldiers currently serving in Iraq, Afghanistan or elsewhere. WHERE TO GO FOR HELP:Report the theft to the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) (FBI-NW3C Partnership). Online: For more information on computer safety & scam prevention visit and remember you and verified safe can prevent identity theft & scams from happening to you.
Added: 4750 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 1m56s | Views: 4488 | Comments: 1
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An information technology degree from Kaplan University could be the first step towards a potential information technology career.* Earning an IT degree online can seem like a daunting task, but Kaplan University faculty and staff are available to students through email, instant messaging, and phone calls as well as weekly online seminars. Kaplan University students who have completed their online information technology degrees have gone on to work at major corporations including Microsoft and Ticketmaster. The IT degree program offered by Kaplan University presents students with real-world scenarios and offers the support to learn in an interactive environment. Constant communication and extensive resources positions Kaplan University among the top online universities. Completing a university degree online allows the student to continue working full time while being able to take classes that fit into their busy schedules. Even in a difficult economy, a degree from Kaplan University is an investment in your future. Technological advances are not slowing down and those who can manage information technology and all that an IT degree encompasses could have a relevant career ahead of them. * Kaplan University's programs are designed to prepare graduates to pursue employment in their field of study, or in related fields. However, the University does not guarantee that graduates will be placed in any particular job, eligible for job advancement opportunities, or employed at all. Additional training or certification may be required. “The Information Systems and Technology programs at Kaplan [University] are very real-world and very relevant. Kaplan [University] teaches its students skills that are really necessary in today’s work place. One of the things we do for an incoming student at Kaplan [University] is we provide them very early on with some diagnostic testing that helps them identify not only their academic strengths and opportunities for learning, but also helps them identify their areas of interest and their strengths outside of the academic setting. From the first day the student virtually steps on to the campus they’re empowered to be successful. Every day our faculty talk with students and help them think about how they can accomplish what they need to accomplish in order to be successful at school. They want to make sure that the students are comfortable in their environment and students will tell you that they can get a hold of anybody just about any time. All of the faculty members have instant messaging and email capabilities and they have office hours where you can contact them or you can email them and they’ll always get back to you. I have well over 300 students on my messenger list so there’s still a lot of that personalization and we try to get in there and really help the students succeed. The support I got from my teachers and advisors was tremendous. They were caring and they seemed like they were really interested in what was going on. We’re very serious about our work so that our students are learning and growing and when they graduate they’re prepared for what they’re doing. In the classroom we’re relaxed and we talk to each other. I was very surprised; I actually met a lot of wonderful people online and I’ve made lifelong friends with them. We have a seminar every week online where you meet with the instructor and all the students; it’s like a chat room. It involves an audio feature so they can hear the instructor speak. It allows for much more interactive questioning and dialogue so the student gets much more out of the seminar experience. We want to connect talent to success, to career and job success. Now, with my education, I’ll be able to make better money which means better opportunities for my kids, my family and a better quality of life. The quality of education that I received at Kaplan University was superb. It was far beyond anything I could have imagined. One of my former students has al
Categories // People and Blog  Howto and DIY 
Added: 4892 days ago by Kaplan_University
Runtime: 2m54s | Views: 5752 | Comments: 0
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