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Search // did
Results 265-274 of 274 for ' did ' (0 seconds) How did a world renowned street artist and France's number one coffee come together in Australia? Australian street artist Jenny McCracken took inspiration from Carte Noire's Fire & Ice roasting process and created a giant 3D street art piece. Here's how she did it and the reaction it caused when it was displayed in Sydney.
Categories // Miscellaneous  People and Blog 
Added: 4140 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 1m15s | Views: 2030 | Comments: 2



The Attention Powered Car, developed by the RAC, is into leg 3 of its road trip around WA visiting towns including Donnybrook, Nannup and Pemberton, heading to Albany and then finishing in the Wheatbelt town of Narrogin. In this episode we put two drivers behind the wheel that drive for a living. We wanted to see if their professional experience influenced their attention levels. How will our Ambo and Australia's best truck driver perform? First up was Mike. As a St John's Ambulance Volunteer, he needs to be calm and confident driving under pressure and at high speed. And it showed. So too with our second driver, Murray, who's TNT Australia's best truck driver. Both came out determined and focused to prove they had the edge. To some degree they did. Incidences of inattention were fewer and further between, but they were still there. Encouragingly, both drivers were much better at refocusing when they did lose attention. Check out this webisode to see just how they performed, as well as what insights we are finding about driver inattention as we take the Attention Powered Car through southern WA.
Tags // attention  powered  car  rac  wa  inattention  road  safety  driving 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4113 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 4m33s | Views: 966 | Comments: 0
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Tags // codeblack  april  fools 
Categories // Comedy 
Added: 6387 days ago by amina27
Runtime: 0m32s | Views: 6121 | Comments: 1



Song: Blackest Eyes by Porcupine Tree Anime: Voices of a Distant Star (Director :Makoto Shinkai Writer : Makoto Shinkai Studio: CoMix Wave Inc. Licensor: United States ADV Films) * It's been awhile since I last made an AMV so I thought, hey..why not do one today! Hope you enjoy it. **Special thanks to Porcupine Tree for the amazing music and to Makoto Shinkai for his astonishing talent. *** The sequences and music are copyrighted. I only did the editing.
Tags // music  anime  video 
Categories // Music  Cartoon 
Added: 5518 days ago by WdcR
Runtime: 4m26s | Views: 10447 | Comments: 1



SEE International, a nonprofit dedicated to providing essential vision care worldwide, is proud to announce the release of a new short film. Entitled “A Mother’s Wish,” the 7-minute documentary tells the emotional story of Nacor, a 7-year old boy living in a tiny village in Peru. Born with cataracts in both eyes, Nacor was already legally blind. If he did not receive treatment soon, he might never see again. Carmen, the boy’s mother, desperately wished for her sons to see again, but could not afford the vision care that they needed. Thankfully, Carmen heard that SEE would be holding a free clinic in the nearby city of Tarapoto, in July 2017. Thanks to the incredible hard work of the traveling and in-country volunteer surgeons, Nacor received the cataract surgeries that he badly needed. Now he can see normally, participate in school, and play with his friends. He has a bright future ahead of him. To view the multimedia release go to:
Tags // mother  parent  vision  care  a  mothers  wish  peru  sight  glasses  health  multivu  8282751 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2550 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 7m8s | Views: 767 | Comments: 2
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Work intensity among European workers is still high, and it has not increased over the past five years, according to the first findings of the 5th European Working Conditions Survey, out today. The survey also found that for most workers (67%), the pace of work is set by direct demands from people and working at high speeds remains high. The extent to which workers can make their own decisions about how they do their job has not improved, leaving a large number of workers ill-equipped to deal with work’s demands. European workers also remain as exposed to physical hazards, however, as they did 20 years ago. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 5204 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 5m-0s | Views: 5906 | Comments: 2
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3 FREE& EASY Solutions for all unwanted sites You are just a victim Did you know... * Pornography is a $57 billion a year industry. In comparison, the combined revenues of all teams in the NBA, NHL, MLB, and NFL is $12 billion, and the combined revenues of ABC, CBS, and NBC is a mere $6.2 billion. # 45 percent of 1,000 surveyed teens admitted parents are the biggest influence in deciding whether or not to have sex # 88 percent of teens say it would be easier to postpone sex if they could have more open, honest conversations with their parents # Two-thirds of U.S. teenagers who have had sexual relations wish they had waited longer. 1 in 4 youth have unwanted exposure to inappropriate pictures each year Nine of 10 kids aged 8-16 have viewed pornography on the Internet, often in the process of doing homework Students were most at risk for cybersex compulsions due to a combination of increased access to computers, more private leisure time, & developmental stage characterized by increased sexual awareness & experimentation. Both computer classes & colleges might need to recognize this increased vulnerability and institute new primary prevention strategies. One in five children ages 10-17 have received a sexual solicitation over the Internet
Added: 5980 days ago by Sharkawy
Runtime: 3m38s | Views: 5498 | Comments: 1
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no answer as to how many songs 2pac really find out from what eminem has to say and see what hell get from 2pac lmao
Tags // 2pac  tupac  shakur  1996  og  funny  videos  voiceovers  gridlockd  gang  related  juice  1995  1994  1993  1992  1991 
Categories // Miscellaneous  Funny  Comedy 
Added: 4412 days ago by InfiniteVoiceovers87
Runtime: 1m2s | Views: 1985 | Comments: 1
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We Learn a Lot From Our Children The other thing I had was meditation as taught to me by my young son Andrew – wow, can’t we learn a lot from our children. Andrew taught me meditation, and I was meditating – endeavouring to get some sort of peace, some sort of clarity … that sort of thing and I knew it was good for relaxation, stress release, anxiousness and all that sort of thing. The Greatest Wake Up Call So I already knew all of that, so I did it. And you know what? I got the greatest wake up call that you could ever get. It was like a whack across the head … and this was it: “Hey, if you persist in being hateful, angry and vengeful … then you’re going to end up like that! Wow! In other word, if I talked to myself 65,000 times a day, then I am going to be another victim … and who has done it to me? Me … haven’t I. I’ve done it to myself. By Sandy MacGregor – See it on Video – 12 of 16 A Wake-Up Call - Talking to Yourself Negatively Next Video – 13 Asking the Wrong Question Can Lead to Guilt, Blame and Judgements
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 4738 days ago by sandymacgregor
Runtime: 1m25s | Views: 5922 | Comments: 1
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Science of Tears and Emotion The Start of Brain Research So Lydia Cassone said that they all went back to their respective scientists and asked what on earth this had to do with memory. And do you know that since about the late 1960s and early 1970s we have learned more about the mind, more about the subconscious mind, more about the body, more about the mind/body connection than in any previous 2000 years in our history. Look at just what we’ve learned. Genome and Proteins Look at the genome stuff that we’ve learned. Do you know that proteins are being investigated. They say that there are 6 million proteins in the body and when we know all the proteins in the body, we will be able to cure anything in humans. It’s frightening isn’t it, but that’s where it’s going. We’ve learned a lot in the last 40 or so years. Tears – a Different Chemical Composition One of the things that we’ve learned, I use in seminars and I think it’s really interesting. You know tears that we have. We can have tears of sadness and we can also have tears of happiness. Well do you know that they have a different chemical composition? So in other words we’re doing something different to our body when we have tears of sadness and tears of joy. Now that coupled with another research scientist, Rappaport, is fantastic information. Emotion is Memory for the Subconscious Mind You see, Rappaport showed emotion is memory for the subconscious mind. Emotion is memory and this was proved in 1971. What was actually proved was that emotion is not only involved with memory, it is the very basis on which memory takes place. A Quick Demonstration Now, when you think about that, a quick demonstration is that you could go back in your mind right now to something that you didn’t like – something that was an adversity, a trauma ….. OK, no need to go any further as you’ve probably got it already. Don’t think about it any more. But you go there easily, you know what the occasion was, you know what hurt – all that sort of thing. Another Demonstration And I could also ask you to go back to a really fantastic event in your life. You might for example go back to when you were riding your two-wheeler bike for the first time, or maybe your first kiss, or maybe a fantastic result at sport or in school, or something like that. We have so many good, joyous occasions in our mind and they will come up. How Did You Remember Now, how did you remember them? That’s the key – how did you remember them? To remember either the negative event or the joyous event, did you have to tell other people about it? Did you have to write about it again and again? Did you have to make a mind map about it? Did you have to do all those sorts of things to remember it? No, it just stuck fast didn’t it. It’s right there. So, in other words, the emotion of the event made it stay in your memory. Remembering With Only Positive Emotion So now, if we can remember with both negative emotion and positive emotion, do we use negative emotion to enhance imprinting on our memory? The answer is no, because of the tear stuff. Tears of sadness, tears of joy – different chemical constitution. We know we’re doing something different to our body with negative stuff and the negative stuff doesn’t make us feel good. So therefore we only use positive, joyous memory connections to enhance memory within the subconscious mind. So that’s something that came out of this science a long time ago. By Sandy MacGregor – See it on Video – 08 of 16 Science of Tears and Emotion Next Video – 09 Sandy's Trauma and Beginning of Grief
Tags // self  improvement 
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 4752 days ago by sandymacgregor
Runtime: 4m30s | Views: 4719 | Comments: 1
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