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Blink 182 bassist Mark Hoppus catches up with Travie McCoy at Z100's Jingle Ball 2010 at Madison Square Garden! Catch it all only on Fuse, Thursday, December 16th @ 9PM!
Tags // fuse  z100  jingle  ball  concert  live  madison  square  garden  msg  the  garden  coca  cola  katy  perry  paramore  bruno  mars 
Categories // Music  Event and Party 
Added: 5200 days ago by fusevids
Runtime: 1m9s | Views: 11840 | Comments: 1
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Introducing the next major version of the TMA - Travelport Mobile Agent developed by TTS - Travel Technology & Solutions. This video is a quick preview of some of the new features included in TMA 2.0 for iOS. Main new features: - Full tutorial, - Support for masked commands, - Support for any GDS operation, - Advanced PKeys, - Linked commands, - Terminal pinch to zoom, - Text selection, - Copy to clipboard, - Send by email (selection, current screen or all pages), - Print to AirPrinter (selection, current screen or all pages), - Keyboard always open, - Support for external Bluetooth keyboard, - Performance increase, - Faster boot time, TMA 2.0 is already available in the Apple App Store. You can download it at 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4483 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 1m25s | Views: 1150 | Comments: 0
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It's no surprise that we're always on the go, so when you're travelling there are some key things to keep in mind. From making a checklist to keep you on track and having all of your travel tips in one place, to making sure you save yourself the hassle by staying somewhere that give you the most bang for your buck, our experts have you covered with all the travel tips you'll need before you add some miles to your life.
Categories // Business  Travel and Holiday 
Added: 4245 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m5s | Views: 1223 | Comments: 1
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When a harrowing honeymoon experience resulted in an emergency surgery for her new husband, Rebecca Fischer morphed into the ultimate travel hero, identifying resources to help save his life, all while the two were halfway around the world. Thanks to her heroics, Rebecca, of Dallas, Tex., has been awarded a $10,000 “Hero’s Vacation” in Travel Guard North America’s ( World’s Unluckiest Traveler 2: The Rescue contest. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business  Travel and Holiday 
Added: 4860 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m35s | Views: 6163 | Comments: 1
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Successful winter travel is all about successful navigation of winter weather and the holiday crowds. Preparedness and safety are key. Whether it’s a two-hour drive or a two-hour flight, traveling can be one of the most stressful parts of the holiday season. And while there are some things you can’t control, there are ways to make the most of your holiday travels this year. On Thursday, November 9th, travel pro, Amy Goodman, will be available to discuss how she beats the winter travel blues. She will provide tips on the latest tricks, tools and trends to arm yourself against the mania and keep the holiday cheer alive.
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2673 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 4m39s | Views: 703 | Comments: 2
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What does a negative strip of black-and-white film, a figure at Madame Tussaud’s Wax Museum, and a large missile on the grounds of the San Diego Air & Space Museum have in common? They all represent a piece of U.S. history with an amazing back-story! Veteran Travel Channel host Don Wildman provides a unique glimpse at America’s museums by unraveling unknown layers of the nation’s past. With the sixth season of “Mysteries at the Museum” launching on Thursday, January 2 at 9:00 p.m. ET/PT, the original series remains a fan favorite with Travel Channel’s viewers. In each of the 13 one-hour episodes, Wildman brings six artifacts to life through their intriguing stories. Viewers take a fascinating journey to the historical institutions that millions visit as part of their travel itinerary. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Travel and Holiday 
Added: 4114 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 5m5s | Views: 942 | Comments: 0
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In SEDUCTION, the fourth novel by Geneva Holliday, ugly-duckling Mildred Johnson thinks she is the last woman on earth that gorgeous Tony Landry would want. That is, until Tony decides to pull a scam on the company where Mildred works, and gives her a taste of romance like she has never experienced before. On their wedding day, Tony skips town with the stolen money, but with the help of friends, Mildred devises a plan of wicked revenge-proving once and for all that SEDUCTIONS works both ways.
Tags // romance  passion  seduction  love  sex  groove  heat  holliday 
Categories // Fashion and Lifestyle 
Added: 6216 days ago by AuthorBytes
Runtime: 3m2s | Views: 5373 | Comments: 2



A highly personal and powerful memoir about change, hope, and human transformation from Ashley Judd, one of Americas most beloved actresses, with a foreword by award winning journalist Nicholas Kristof. Learn more about this book here, and its author here, Non-Fiction, Memoir, Christian
Tags // ashley  judd  memoir  faith  human  rights  africa  bono  red  hope  book  trailer  video 
Categories // Miscellaneous  Family 
Added: 5087 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 2m7s | Views: 6063 | Comments: 0
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Traditional Worship 04.18.10 All Faiths Sunday
Tags // methodist 
Categories // Family 
Added: 5437 days ago by SilsbeeOffice
Runtime: 68m50s | Views: 4684 | Comments: 0
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Rock 'n Rollers, High-Heels and beautiful women... what sounds like the simple characterization of any backstage area is also the reality at the major shoe fair GDS which is attended by people from professional circles. Buyers from all major retail and online stores come to the event in Duesseldorf, to look for trends and put their signatures in order books. And when business calls, celebrities are not far.
Categories // Fashion and Lifestyle 
Added: 5289 days ago by mhoch4
Runtime: 1m58s | Views: 9292 | Comments: 1



In the real jungle, the world is still OK, at least this is the hope many conservationists have. Whether the shoe fashion jungle is intact and alive, buyers of all shoe retailers had the chance to examine at the trade fair GDS in Düsseldorf. Rumble in the Jungle, a trend motto in the halls, and this also seems to be the reality: business is rumbling and booming mightily.
Categories // Fashion and Lifestyle 
Added: 5289 days ago by mhoch4
Runtime: 1m44s | Views: 9006 | Comments: 0
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Can caravans swim? Do captains work in a police station? How does a 16 year old manage to sail around the world in 210 days – all by herself? All questions about water sports will probably never be answered, but curious visitors have the best chance to get answers to many questions at the world's largest water sports trade fair, the boot in Düsseldorf.
Tags // boot  duesseldorf  boats  water  sports  sea  visitors  trade  fair 
Added: 5157 days ago by mhoch4
Runtime: 1m57s | Views: 6274 | Comments: 2



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