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In this book by author Melanie Dickerson, the story of Sleeping Beauty is retold through the life of Rose, the young daughter of a woodcutter, who has fallen in love with the perfect man for her, only to be kept away from him due to a curse. Learn more about this book: Learn more about this author: YA
Categories // Miscellaneous  Business 
Added: 5288 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m39s | Views: 8969 | Comments: 2
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Fast paced thriller brings to cinematic life the sights, sounds, and smells of seventeenth century Bavaria, telling the engrossing story of a compassionate hangman and his headstrong daughter in a race against the clock to find a killer. The Hangman’s Daughter takes us back in history to a place where autopsies were blasphemous, coffee was an exotic drink, dried toads were the recommended remedy for the plague, and the devil was as real as anything. Learn more about this video and its author here, Suspense Thriller / Historical fiction
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Added: 4978 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 0m51s | Views: 6807 | Comments: 1
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New York sex therapist, Dr. Morgan Snow struggles with the conflict of preserving her patient’s privacy and the dangerous, sometimes criminal things she hears. From the abused to the depraved, from couples grappling with sexual boredom to twisted sociopaths with dark fetishes. The Butterfield Institute is the sanctuary where Snow helps soothe and heal these battered souls. Learn more about this book here, and its author here, Romantic Suspense Thriller
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Added: 5017 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m48s | Views: 5094 | Comments: 3
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Follow a little boy who through adversity leaves behind his boyhood dream. He grows into a man and shares his childhood aspiration with his own little boy in this story that imparts a life lesson to inspire all. Open the pages of “The Greatest”, a little book with a big message, a tale of love between father and son. Find out more at Children’s
Categories // Miscellaneous  Family 
Added: 2252 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 4m18s | Views: 864 | Comments: 0



Visit today! This is not a romance. This is not the story of boy meets girl, boy wins girl. The Golden Hour goes beyond erotica and romance. Instead, it is an exploration of how sex defines us, particularly in those first years of sexual burgeoning when it is intoxicating and empowering. Sarah's life has been defined by the men in it. Now she must learn to define herself or forever live in the past. The Golden Hour is a story of the greatest love of all.
Categories // Business 
Added: 4268 days ago by trailers93
Runtime: 1m37s | Views: 957 | Comments: 2
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When Filomena discovers that a high tech Long Island factory is spewing poisons into the water supply, she’s sure that the contaminator is her nemesis, a cutthroat industrial polluter with an airtight financial empire. The gutsy Filomena knows she’ll have to play dirty to clean up the neighborhood. Learn more about this book here, Mystery, suspense
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4206 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m12s | Views: 1493 | Comments: 0
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Once there was a time when men and women lived as equals, when girl babies were valued, and women could belong only to themselves. But that was ten generations ago. Now women are property, to be sold and owned and bred, while a strict census keeps their numbers manageable and under control. The best any girl can hope for is to end up as some man’s forever wife, but most are simply sold and resold until they’re all used up. Aya has spent her whole life in the mountains, looking out for her family and hiding from the world, until the day the Trackers finally catch her. The Glass Arrow is a haunting, yet hopeful, new novel from Kristen Simmons, the author of the popular Article 5 trilogy. YA/SciFi
Tags // glass  arrow  kristen  simmons  ya  a  handmaids  tale  slavery  women  article  5  trilogy  book  trailer  tor 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3685 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m1s | Views: 1107 | Comments: 0



Selkie thought she was a normal teenager, but on her 17th birthday she learns that she is half-fae princess destined to overthrow the corrupt Faerie Court and its queen, her mother. Join Selkie on a journey spanning the realms of the mortal and immortal, one that will force her to risk everything, including the boy she loves.
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Added: 3951 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 0m48s | Views: 1160 | Comments: 0
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Can a hummingbird cake really bring back a lost love? Is there really a ghost dancing in Emily’s backyard? The answers are never what you expect. But in this town of lovable misfits, the unexpected fits right in. The Girl Who Chased the Moon Sarah Addison Allen Book Trailer Find out more about this author here Find out more about this book Romance
Tags // baking  mystery  magic  video  the  girl  who  chased  the  moon  sarah  addison  allen  book  trailer 
Categories // Miscellaneous  Business 
Added: 5466 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m28s | Views: 7864 | Comments: 1
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Official trailer for The Gift, by Rebecca J. Hubbard, a novel about horses, friendship and patience. Video Production by All eleven-year old Pip wanted was a best friend. When Pip gets a horse for her birthday she is delighted. She thinks that the horse she names Buck will be her best friend the moment that they meet. But she finds out that friendship does not come easily. Her father gently guides her so that Pip can discover for herself how to make Buck a true friend. Pip’s new friend, Buck, has a story of his own. After leaving his own herd, to move to Pip’s house, he is looking for a relationship that will help him feel safe. He, too, learns that making a friend takes patience and understanding.
Categories // Pets and Animals  Family 
Added: 3248 days ago by
Runtime: 1m59s | Views: 789 | Comments: 2
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A disaster in the Gulf of Mexico results in doomsday bombs filled with nerve gas and anthrax landing in the hands of a sociopath. Superstition “Sue” Davis, a police detective in Chicago suffering from the tragic loss of her husband’s murder becomes the only person who can save millions in the US from certain death by nerve gas. Find out more at or #TheFuryNovel Thriller
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3469 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m0s | Views: 797 | Comments: 0
    “The US will never run out of oil and natural gas. NEVER. Same goes for the rest of the world. Won’t happen,” says Dallas-based oil and gas executive Chris Faulkner in his new book, The Fracking Truth.“Faulkner’s book should be widely read before falling victim to hearsay and Hollywood-tainted brouhaha. Then decide, individually, how to consider fracking,” says Grady Harp a Top 100 Amazon and Hall of Fame Reviewer rating it ‘5 stars of 5’ possible.Available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, iBookstore & BookMasters Distribution.Contact: Scott Lorenz of Westwind Book Marketing 734.667.2090 or Traci Dakins, Stephenson Group 253.306.4006 Non Fiction
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Added: 3879 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m42s | Views: 1186 | Comments: 0
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