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Search // services
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Ruckus Wireless™ today announced that the Mandarin Oriental’s flagship North America property in New York has standardized on the Ruckus Wi-Fi wall switch to address explosive demand for IP-based services and wireless capacity. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business  Science and Technology 
Added: 4789 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 8m-0s | Views: 6784 | Comments: 1
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Abila, the leading provider of software and services to nonprofits, associations, and government entities, announced today findings from its Nonprofit Finance Study: Managing Growth. This study explores the trends and challenges associated with nonprofit growth, including how organizations plan to grow in the next few years, growth’s impact on risk management and compliance, and the difficulties maintaining organizational culture during growth. “Approximately 80 percent of surveyed nonprofits say they plan to grow in the next 12 to 18 months,” said Dan Murphy, senior manager of fund accounting strategy for Abila, and study co-author. “However, oftentimes, with growth comes increased complexity. For example, managing risk, maintaining compliance, and retaining an organization’s unique culture becomes more challenging as organizations adopt a wide variety of growth strategies. Those nonprofits that understand and plan for growth now and in the near future will be primed for success.” To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2798 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m11s | Views: 622 | Comments: 1
Not yet rated - Having a managed server allows you to have peace of mind by having trained professionals take care of your server. You can be assured that your server is in good hands when you sign up for a managed server services. Let the professionals make sure that your server performs the way you want it to so that you can focus on other, more pressing business issues. To learn more about how managed colocation can help you, contact Colocation America.
Categories // Science and Technology 
Added: 5111 days ago by colocation
Runtime: 1m33s | Views: 6557 | Comments: 1
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OfficeMax® Incorporated (NYSE: OMX), a leader in office products and services, today announced that its free popular holiday eGreeting website powered by JibJab,, will be brought to life as a featured themed float in the historic Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade® on November 25, 2010. OfficeMax’s float titled “Elves Raise the Roof” will feature a whimsical, imaginative design where dancing elves will take over the rooftops of Victorian-era houses performing ElfYourself dances from Disco to Hip-Hop to Classic. To celebrate this memorable event, OfficeMax is launching a special text-to-win contest called the OfficeMax Thanksgiving Day Sweepstakes for a chance to win a trip for four to Disney World® or one of 100 OfficeMax $25 gift cards. To view Multimedia News Release, go to® Incorporated (NYSE: OMX), a leader in office products and services, today announced that its free popular holiday eGreeting website powered by JibJab,, will be brought to life as a featured themed float in the historic Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade® on November 25, 2010. OfficeMax’s float titled “Elves Raise the Roof” will feature a whimsical, imaginative design where dancing elves will take over the rooftops of Victorian-era houses performing ElfYourself dances from Disco to Hip-Hop to Classic. To celebrate this memorable event, OfficeMax is launching a special text-to-win contest called the OfficeMax Thanksgiving Day Sweepstakes for a chance to win a trip for four to Disney World® or one of 100 OfficeMax $25 gift cards. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Event and Party 
Added: 5222 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m35s | Views: 8395 | Comments: 1
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Alcatel-Lucent (Euronext Paris and NYSE: ALU) has today launched an extended portfolio of software and services designed to improve the experience that consumers have with their smartphones, tablets and other connected devices. When consumers buy a new device or service they expect everything will work right from the start and any glitch will be quickly resolved. The expectation is that the focus is on the customer – not just the network. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business 
Added: 4781 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 0m59s | Views: 4347 | Comments: 1
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The Ad Council and the Department of Homeland Security’s Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) announced the launch of a new public service advertisement (PSA) to raise awareness about the importance of being prepared for emergencies. While the PSA targets all communities, We Prepare Every Day is the first in a series of videos that aim to deliver a strong preparedness message by showing people with disabilities taking charge to prepare themselves and their families for emergencies. The PSA provides equal access to all viewers and includes open captioning, a certified deaf interpreter, and audio description for viewers who are blind or have low vision. The launch of the PSA coincides with the 25th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) on July 26, 2015. The ADA prohibits discrimination and ensures equal opportunity for people with disabilities in employment, state and local government services, public accommodations, commercial facilities, transportation and telecommunications. The ADA guarantees the civil rights of more than 56 million Americans. To view the multimedia news release visit
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 3518 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m1s | Views: 1086 | Comments: 0
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Sourcebits offers software development & programming services in iPhone, Flex, Mac, Web 2.0, Ajax, Flash, RIA, PHP, Zend, ROR, HTML & CSS Technologies. You may enjoy reviewing our site at to see our portfolio. You'll see projects completed in AJAX, PHP, Ruby on Rails, CSS as well as Flash, Flex, iPhone and native Mac OS X applications.
Added: 5957 days ago by sourcebits
Runtime: 1m18s | Views: 9563 | Comments: 4
       - - Love Clean Streets™ is our award winning mobile and cloud based service. Citizens can report environmental crime such as graffiti, fly-tipping or potholes though their mobile phones; authorities can manage and respond through our integrated services.Good apps for iPad touch, good apps, good apps for iPhone 4, good apps for android, good apps for iPhone, good apps for iPod, great apps for iPod touch, great apps, great apps for android, boris Johnson tackle, boris Johnson, boris Johnson letterman, steve ballmer going crazy, steve ballmer, steve ballmer developers, steve ballmer iPhone, steve ballmer funny, x factor app, windows azure, windows 8, windows phone 8, windows 8 preview, cloud based applications, cloud based services, cloud based computing, cloud based gaming
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4390 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 0m51s | Views: 4569 | Comments: 1
Not yet rated - Los Angeles is the central connectivity hub for businesses that are situated in the West Coast and Pacific Rim regions. Colocation America provides Los Angeles data center hosting services with a wide range of colocation and dedicated server hosting plans. Hosting inside any of Colocation America\\\\\\\'s data center includes access to premium bandwidth, fast upload/download speed, 24/7 biometrics security, and redundant UPS and diesel power generators.
Categories // Science and Technology 
Added: 4767 days ago by colocation
Runtime: 0m43s | Views: 5973 | Comments: 0
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Promotor Rent a Car S.R.L. est une société locale, avec le siège principal à Bucarest, Roumanie et dont le principal domaine d’activité est le fournissement de services de locations de voitures par la signature d’un contrat . Afin d’améliorer nos services, nous avons établi un système de formation professionnelle pour tous les employés, nous avons mis en œuvre une série de règles d’ordre intérieur pour l’efficacité et le professionnalisme des employés de Promotor Rent a Car. Les meilleurs prix de location de voiture garantis à Bucarest Otopeni Aéroport, réservez des véhicules familles, de luxe, ou économique rapidement. Le service de location de voiture à Bucarest vous offre la possibilité de parcourir librement la capitale roumaine et les provinces de ce mystérieux pays. Pas de Coûts Cachés · Protection contre le vol · Modification gratuite · Assurance Collision Types: Economique, Mini, Compacte, Monospace, Intermédiaire, Premium, 4x4, Break, SUV Location Voiture avec Promotor Rent a Car Roumanie: | Location Voiture à Bucarest - Les Meilleurs Prix Garantis -
Added: 2950 days ago by promotorrentacar
Runtime: 0m40s | Views: 840 | Comments: 3
Not yet rated shows you how to gain SEO advantage with Content and word density. There are some negatives too, so view this video and see how you can beat your competitors.
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4712 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 1m37s | Views: 4779 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated Link Building Australia - SEO Rank Specialist is your Dedicated 24/7 Australian Link Builder. Superior Results. Call Today! Don't Wait until Tomorrow. You need to Take Action Today! Get in Touch Today for a Hassle Free Quote. We'd simply love to be your 24/7 Virtual Assistant!
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4804 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 1m2s | Views: 4595 | Comments: 0
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