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A degree in nursing from Kaplan University addresses the challenges and scenarios real nurses work through on a daily basis. Kaplan University’s Master of Science in Nursing (MSN program) is based on relevant material to help ensure our students are prepared for their careers. Our online nursing degrees are based on flexible coursework; students enrolled in the Kaplan University School of Nursing program are already nurses and there is no easier way to cater to the ever-changing schedule of a nurse than attending university online. We offer our students the courses to help develop their career through program offerings such as an RN-to-MSN option and nurse practitioner certificates.* Nurses don’t just work in hospitals. At Kaplan University, we understand the different capacities in which nurses work and have developed our nursing school online to accommodate all capacities of nursing. We see our nurses follow through with their training in programs that help students progress from their RN to an MSN program online. After years of hard work, our nurses look back at their time spent with Kaplan University and know it was a key element in getting them where they wanted to be. * At this time, the nurse practitioner certificates are available only in the following states: California, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Iowa, Michigan, Mississippi, Montana, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, and Vermont. “It’s important to Kaplan [University] to make sure that the students have the skill set and the abilities to function well in the world of nursing. We want our graduates to be considered the employees of choice so if they’re in a position or applying for a position, when the employer looks, ‘Oh you graduated from Kaplan [University].’ They know there is a certain currency and a certain relevance to the information and the knowledge they’ve gained. All of our online students are already nurses so they’re out there working in a variety of fields all over the country. We ask our nurses, we ask our students that are in our bachelor’s and our master’s program, what do they think? What’s important to them? We try to think outside the box. Not all nurses work in the hospital. Nurses in the community, nurses in informatics, nurses in education—because when you find something that you’re passionate about, that’s when you’ve learned. Their method of teaching was phenomenal. It was so phenomenal that when I went to take the boards I knew I passed the board. Why? Kaplan [University] taught me how. What makes the Kaplan [University] School of Nursing so unique is the ability to offer the beginning nurse Vocational Nursing diplomas, Practical Nursing diplomas, and then to be able to be with them all throughout their career as they advance and progress with additional diplomas, certificate and degree programs to meet every need. We give them opportunities to build their own professional portfolio throughout the nursing program we encourage the students to hold on to the things that they did well and to refine their skills. All of that are things that are absolutely embedded in the curriculum because we’re all about students’ success. Our students are challenged; they are working adults, they have families, and they have responsibilities, perhaps for children or older relatives. The personal touch is when the students know that the faculty care about them, that the advisors care about them and that people follow up. I initially went with Kaplan [University] because I had a lot of returned calls from them and a lot of encouragement. Being that it was an online school I was nervous about, “What if I need help?” “What if I have a question?” All of the instructors that I had said call me if you have a question, email me if you have a question; I really needed that extra little push to get me started. Our students feel like they really develop a personal relationship with the faculty. We see that when they graduate they’re always interested, if they
Categories // People and Blog  Howto and DIY 
Added: 4890 days ago by Kaplan_University
Runtime: 3m41s | Views: 6760 | Comments: 0
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The Afternoon When She Died is a mystical and fantastical tale of a young woman finding her way through the political as well as supernatural side of life. Maya has immigrated to Norway, but soon discovers that being an immigrant can be a real threat to a girl\'s dream. Purchase your copy on Maria ‎‎
Tags // the  afternoon  when  she  died 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4043 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 1m46s | Views: 929 | Comments: 0
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The traditional concept of retirement is being rejected by a new breed of wealthy workers who want to carry on working for as long as they are able, says Barclays Wealth in its latest Insights report, The Age Illusion: How the Wealthy are Redefining Their Retirement. 60% of UK wealthy individuals polled in the survey say that they plan to become a Nevertiree, shunning traditional retirement and instead continuing to work, start businesses and take on new projects in their later years. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5276 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 5m23s | Views: 5736 | Comments: 0
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The National Mining Association (NMA) called on policymakers to reject an ill-conceived administration proposal that would jeopardize America’s electric grid and threaten the economic well-being of consumers and businesses. Recently, the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) proposed aggressive guidelines for regulating greenhouse gas emissions from existing coal-based power plants that generate 40 percent of the nation’s electricity and which will raise the cost of electricity for all Americans, according to NMA. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business  News and Politics 
Added: 3922 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m29s | Views: 906 | Comments: 2
Not yet rated In this episode of Nina Harley's Guide To Sex, Nina talks about being bi curious and how to have a great sexual experience with someone of the same sex. Don't forget to use Offer Code NINA at the checkout at to get 50% OFF on almost ANY ITEM, 3 FREE Bonus DVDs, a FREE Mystery Gift, and FREE Shipping on your ENTIRE ORDER.
Tags // guide  to  sex 
Categories // Sexy 
Added: 4401 days ago by ninabitoniguidetosex
Runtime: 3m53s | Views: 1199 | Comments: 1
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Pet owner Judy Bernath loves her 11-year-old cat Billy, so when she noticed he had become lethargic, started losing weight and drastically changed from the happy cat he had once been, she made a visit to see her veterinarian Dr. David Bruyette, medical director at VCA West Los Angeles Animal Hospital. The VCA team diagnosed Billy as being hyperthyroid within a few days, and Dr. Bruyette shared conventional therapy options with Judy, like radiation therapy, daily pharmaceuticals and surgery. In addition, he discussed and ultimately recommended a new and different approach for Billy’s case – nutritional management. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Pets and Animals 
Added: 4940 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 3m55s | Views: 5713 | Comments: 0
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According to a survey released by the Ad Council today less than half (44%) of parents in the U.S. report that their child brushes their teeth twice a day or more. In time for back-to-school season, the Ad Council is joining The Partnership for Healthy Mouths, Healthy Lives, a coalition of more than 35 leading dental health organizations, to debut Kids’ Healthy Mouths, their first joint national multimedia public service campaign designed to teach parents and caregivers, as well as children, about the importance of oral health and the simple ways in which they can help prevent oral disease. The English and Spanish-language public service ads are being distributed to media outlets nationwide today. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Tags // ad  council  kids  dental  health  care  brushing  teeth  disease  multivu  57426 
Categories // Family 
Added: 4588 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 0m31s | Views: 3862 | Comments: 0
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Nestlé Health Science will unveil its pediatric closed system formulas with the new SpikeRight® PLUS port at the annual American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition’s (A.S.P.E.N.) Clinical Nutrition Week meeting being held in Orlando January 21-24. The introduction marks a significant step in supporting the provision of safe enteral (tube) feeding. Enteral tubing misconnections, where feeding solutions are wrongly administered through intravenous (IV) tubing or other non-enteral systems, have been a concern for nearly thirty years. Most commonly occurring in intensive care settings, where patients have multiple types of tubing connections, an enteral tubing misconnection can result in catastrophic complications and possibly death. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Science and Technology 
Added: 4790 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 1m4s | Views: 5602 | Comments: 0
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From unique flavor blends like chili and mint to more cost conscious bites, new sweets and snacks hitting the store shelves in 2011 aim to satisfy ever-evolving consumer appetites. Smart, simple, flavor-packed, good value and nutrient-enhanced products led the more than 2,000 new confectionery and snack foods being revealed May 24-26 at the 2011 SWEETS & SNACKS EXPO® in Chicago. The SWEETS & SNACKS EXPO® will debut the hottest new products from more than 550 companies leading the industry in developing new flavors for consumers to savor a taste of happiness. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5035 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 2m44s | Views: 5937 | Comments: 2
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The Light of Life Foundation, ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc., and Eisai Inc. today announced the launch of Myths and Truths About Thyroid Cancer, an interactive, educational campaign designed to help dispel the myth that thyroid cancer is a “good cancer.” Because most thyroid cancers can be successfully treated, many are told if you are going to get cancer, thyroid cancer is the one to have, which has led to this misperception. However, whether successfully treated or not, the truth is all cancers can have a significant impact on a person’s life, beginning with the shock and distress of hearing the word “cancer” at diagnosis. In honor of Thyroid Cancer Awareness Month and the tens of thousands who receive a thyroid cancer diagnosis each year, Myths and Truths About Thyroid Cancer illustrates the life-changing realities of this disease. “As a thyroid cancer survivor, I urge people to stop referring to thyroid cancer as the ‘good cancer,’ as I believe it downplays patients’ experiences,” said Joan Shey, founder of the Light of Life Foundation. “I hear time and time again from patients how difficult their diagnosis and treatment were and that their scars are more than skin deep. My hope is that this campaign can educate about the many types of thyroid cancer and change the thyroid cancer conversation.” “Being part of a community of survivors is very important for people coping with thyroid cancer,” said Gary Bloom, thyroid cancer survivor and co-founder and executive director of ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association. “ThyCa takes this to heart, which is why we are proud to provide support and resources to the thyroid cancer community. We also know more needs to be done to elevate awareness of thyroid cancer and what patients need in terms of support for the rest of our lives.” To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3462 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m34s | Views: 780 | Comments: 1
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i love my friends to pieces! :)
Tags // mysterious  girl  friends  being  bumholes  lol 
Categories // Funny  Comedy 
Added: 5902 days ago by chelsbabes
Runtime: 1m32s | Views: 12097 | Comments: 0



Many farmers claim that their cows produce more milk if they are allowed to listen to classical music. British scientists have found evidence confirming that theory. Their trials show that cows are particularly partial to Beethoven and REM. Now the Dortmund Concert Hall is helping 180 cows in the town of Burscheid to enjoy particularly exquisite music. The dairy cattle on the farm Thomashof are being treated to the highlights of the 2010/2011 season. Concert audiences can even taste the result in the form of �Dortmund 2010/2011 Season Concert Milk�.
Tags // classical  milk  music  cows  dortmund  concert  hall  concert  milk 
Categories // Music  Business 
Added: 5410 days ago by mhoch4
Runtime: 2m46s | Views: 7423 | Comments: 3



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