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As hundreds of admiring fans bid Wilmer Valderrama an enthusiastic farewell as he headed to the airport in Brownsville, Texas, it was clear this is a passionate community filled with people who are proud of their home, heritage and stories. Johnnie Walker joined forces with Valderrama, celebrated actor, director and activist, to travel to the U.S.-Mexico border to showcase the stories of Americans raised in close proximity to the border and the impact of cross-cultural influences on their personal progress. This journey to the U.S.-Mexico border was part of Johnnie Walker’s new campaign, Keep Walking America, which celebrates the cultural progress and diversity that is shaping the new face of America today. While on the border, Valderrama got up close and personal with the people and places that define this iconic border town. He walked the fence-line of the border along the Rio Grande, witnessed the daily ebb and flow of people crossing the International Bridge, and spoke with several hometown heroes to learn about their dreams, struggles and stories of personal progress. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3049 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 6m1s | Views: 912 | Comments: 0
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What works up a thirst more than one William Levy? Try six! The seduction begins today as Pepsi NEXT®, the only cola to deliver real cola taste with 60% less sugar, and Levy debut the “Wheel of Levy,” the brand’s latest mission to get America to Drink it to Believe it. The actor flexes his acting muscles to showcase six versatile personas in hot pursuit of one united goal — to get America to try a Pepsi NEXT – for free. Simply visit to spin the “Wheel of Levy,” decide on which Levy compels you to give into the unbelievable taste of Pepsi NEXT and register to receive a 2 Liter of Pepsi NEXT. And don’t worry; there is a Levy for everyone. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Tags // pepsi  next  latin  superstar  william  levy  drink  cola  wheel  of  levy  less  sugar  taste  multivu  60686 
Categories // Funny  Sexy  Business 
Added: 4339 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m45s | Views: 2431 | Comments: 2
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Taking his inspiration from the French term Classique, Will Downing returns with his 14th collection of sensual grooves and true love primers. Here is the official music video for the feel-good summer groove, \
Categories // Music 
Added: 5731 days ago by Bronbron23
Runtime: 3m36s | Views: 10234 | Comments: 1
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Wildfires are a serious risk to property and lives in every state in the country. Last year alone the National Interagency Fire Center (NIFC) reported there were 63,212 fires in the U.S. and Puerto Rico that burned 3,595,613 million acres – that’s roughly the size of Connecticut! In an effort to help raise community and homeowner awareness about preparing for wildfires, State Farm and the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) are working together and encouraging residents to take action during national Wildfire Community preparedness Day. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3603 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m56s | Views: 917 | Comments: 0
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Wildlands, Inc. announces the completion of habitat restoration at the Liberty Island Conservation Bank in Yolo County, California. The completion of construction caps a three year entitlement and permitting process with federal, state and local agencies in one of the most complex restoration projects in Wildlands 20-year history. The 186-acre restoration project focused on tidal aquatic habitat suitable for special-status fish species. The Liberty Island Conservation Bank is a collaborative effort between Wildlands, California Department of Fish and Game (DFG), National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) and will mitigate permitted impacts to fisheries habitat throughout the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta. The Bank is protected with a permanent conservation easement and a non-wasting long-term endowment to manage the property in perpetuity. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Travel and Holiday 
Added: 5073 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m43s | Views: 7413 | Comments: 0



Check out the Townsville Tigers as Wild Turkey completely surprises them by converting their park footy match into a game for superstars with a big screen, commentators including Cowboys legend Johnathan Thurston, cheerleaders, film crews and flash fans to surprise them with a massive turnout. Salt of the earth fellas get the surprise of their lives, and everyone in town loves it thanks to Wild Turkey. The Townsville Tigers are one of Wild Turkey Bourbon's Turkey 10. See what they are made of as they play a live match! Check out the rest of the teams here: Join the conversation at
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Added: 4556 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 3m12s | Views: 3009 | Comments: 0
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Throughout history, men have stepped up. Now, it's over to you gentlemen. Bird Up with us on Facebook
Tags // bird  up  bird  wild  turkey 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4480 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 1m0s | Views: 3246 | Comments: 0
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The hero we’ve all been waiting for… Ethan “Ozzie” Sykes Former Navy SEAL Underground operator for Black Knights Inc., the covert government defense firm disguised as a custom motorcycle shop In a black-on-black international mission that went seriously sideways, Ozzie was badly injured—now he’s stuck at BKI headquarters in Chicago, champing at the bit to get out into the field again. To his disgust, he’s tasked with distracting Chicago Tribune ace reporter Samantha Tate, who’s been trying to dig up the dirt on BKI for years. Turns out Samantha’s beauty, intelligence and sense of humor are a seriously big distraction, and Ozzie’s losing his desire to keep her at bay. Find out more at Action/romance/military
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2699 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 0m42s | Views: 940 | Comments: 2
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Nothing heats up Alaska more than second chances and Wild Heat. The quaint town of Cailkirn, Alaska welcomes back Kitty Grant even though she has a secret. But it’s Tack MacKinnon who is willing to look past their history, his heartbreak and her secrets to keep her protected and make her his own. Welcome to The Northern Fire Series by Lucy Monroe. #WildHeatNovel Romance
Tags // wild  heat  lucy  monroe  alaska  romance  hot  fiction  small  town  book  trailer 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3601 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m1s | Views: 975 | Comments: 0
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There is only one place to be on St. Patrick’s Day and that is Ireland. The St. Patrick’s Festival is truly one of the great spectacles of the world — a week-long celebration of music, dance and outdoor shows culminating in the stunning St. Patrick’s Day parade through the historic streets of Dublin on March 17th. The festival is one of the early year highlights on the cultural calendar in Ireland and what a year 2014 is going to be. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Travel and Holiday 
Added: 4037 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m40s | Views: 1730 | Comments: 0
     Sie koennen mit Google - Drive online Dokumente und pds's erstellen und diese dann auf Ihrem PC/Netbook speichern. Und diese dann als eBook bei Amazon hochladen. Mehr dazu, wie Ihr eBook erfolgreich vom Markt whargenommen wird und wie ich passiv mit Amazon Kindle Books monatlich verdiene auf meiner Seite, wenn Sie sich mit Ihrer E-mail eintragen. Von Entrepreneur, iPhone -- Facebook -- und Android Appreneur, Autor, Coach, Consulter Soeren Gelder - Ein Gratis Audio-Ebook und eine Gratis Leseprobe, wie Sie online Geld verdienen: seit 2008 helfe ich Leuten aus allen Schichten ein selbstbestimmteres Leben ohne Boss vom Internet weltweit per Laptop zu machen. - Mehr als 50 Werke vom Autor seit 2008 - Der Blog des Autors seit 2009 - Mehr als 50000 follower seit August 2008 - Der YouTube Kanal des Autors mit mehr als 400000 Videobesuchern seit Maerz 2008 - Updates abonnieren zu eBook News - Seit 2011 gefaellt es mehr als 5000 - Mehr als 1000 follower seit 2012 - Mehr als 6000 follower seit 2012 -- das mobile iPhone und Android Fotohobby des Autors - Mehr als 60000 Blogfollower
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Added: 4335 days ago by kingeuro5r
Runtime: 1m9s | Views: 1029 | Comments: 0
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Memorial Day weekend is the unofficial start to summer and Widmer Brothers Brewing is kicking it off this year with two craft beers perfect for the warm months ahead: The Original American Hefeweizen and the brewery’s summer seasonal, Citra Blonde Summer Brew. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Fashion and Lifestyle  Business 
Added: 3943 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m31s | Views: 962 | Comments: 1
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