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Results 229-240 of 884 for ' car ' (1 seconds)
The ZOE establishes a new record driving range of 400km 100% electric (NEDC). Renault has introduced a new Z.E. 40 battery for ZOE. At the same, ZOE owners can benefit from a range of new connected services and equipment upgrades. Order books for the new ZOE line-up are open. The new ZOEs fitted with the new Z.E. 40 battery are made at Renault’s Flins plant in France and will be available for delivery before the end of the year.
Added: 2839 days ago by gogreen
Runtime: 1m5s | Views: 936 | Comments: 3



Renault ZOE is the first car to be designed as an all-electric model. A city car ideal for everyday use, it boasts the latest technology. Renault ZOE ships with six world firsts, designed to make it an easy-to-drive connected car with significant range. Revealed at the Geneva Motor Show in 2012, Renault ZOE will be available in three versions (Life, Zen and Intens) at end-2012. Driving Renault ZOE is a new and enjoyable automotive experience. The wound rotor synchronous electric motor develops 65 kW with maximum torque of 220 Nm delivered instantly. ZOE combines strong acceleration and pick-up from the lowest engine speeds with a range of 210 km over an NEDC cycle. // Renault ZOE est la première voiture conçue pour être 100 % électrique et idéale pour les usages quotidiens. Cette citadine intègre la technologie la plus avancée à travers six premières mondiales au service de la simplicité d'utilisation, de l'autonomie et de la connectivité. Révélée au salon de Genève 2012, Renault ZOE sera commercialisée dans trois versions différentes (Life, Zen et Intens) fin 2012. Conduire Renault ZOE est une nouvelle expérience automobile, source de plaisirs. Le moteur électrique synchrone à rotor bobiné d'une puissance de 65 kW délivre instantanément un couple maximum de 220 Nm. Les accélérations et les reprises sont franches dès les bas régimes. Elle affiche par ailleurs, une autonomie de 210 km en cycle NEDC.
Added: 2839 days ago by gogreen
Runtime: 1m56s | Views: 865 | Comments: 3
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Enter the world of fun and performance with #ZOEeSportConcept. A careful blend of boldness and modernity. // Entrez dans le monde de la performance et du fun avec #ZOEeSportConcept. Un savant mélange d'audace et de modernité.
Added: 2839 days ago by gogreen
Runtime: 0m45s | Views: 930 | Comments: 3
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Andrew Frankel reviews the Renault Zoe – one of a new breed of all electric cars that can truly claim to be a practical alternative to traditional fuel cars.
Added: 2800 days ago by gogreen
Runtime: 2m37s | Views: 787 | Comments: 2
Not yet rated Smash, crash...eject! Who will be the first to toss their rival from the moving car? This remote-controlled bumper car game is fun to drive—and fun to crash!
Tags // remote  control  bumper  cars 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3081 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 0m25s | Views: 696 | Comments: 0
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Driver passed out, but everything's okay
Tags // car 
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 1117 days ago by Orthrus
Runtime: 1m10s | Views: 413 | Comments: 0
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Tyre care can be incorporated into other regular activities such as cleaning your car and filling it with petrol. That way it doesn’t feel like an extra task. You’ll maintain the quality of tyres and extend their life. The two key areas to attend to regularly are cleaning and tyre pressure. Washing your tyres with soapy water and a soft brush or sponge will keep tyres looking good. It also helps prevent cracks and other damage to the sidewall rubber. Do this whenever you wash your car. It is ideal to check tyre pressure when the tyres are cold. Do this at least once a month but more often if possible. Use a trusted gauge. The recommended tyre pressure for your tyres can be found on the tyres themselves or on the tyre placard, usually located on the body of the car, inside the driver’s door. If you’re unsure about checking tyre pressure, have a professional do it for you and show you how. Driving a car with tyres deflated or over inflated can cause long term damage to wheel alignment. For more detail you can check to our website
Tags // tyre  care 
Categories // Cars and Vehicles  Business 
Added: 4538 days ago by tyrepower
Runtime: 1m11s | Views: 1371 | Comments: 3
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The refreshed 2019 Kia Optima debuted at the New York International Auto Show today. Kia’s best-selling midsize sedan was unveiled with new design cues inside and out, expanded ADAS technology, a new UVO infotainment strategy and available European-inspired red and black two-tone sport leather-trimmed seats. Additional available enhancements to the Optima line include new alloy wheel choices, ambient LED interior lighting, and a new Passion Red exterior color. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2537 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 4m40s | Views: 974 | Comments: 5
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Why is the United States not able to do, what Brazil has done years ago.
Added: 4192 days ago by gogreen
Runtime: 3m9s | Views: 1668 | Comments: 1
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In this video is about Pickens Plan to use wind energy to substitute natural gas, which can then be used for fueling one third of US cars.
Added: 4148 days ago by gogreen
Runtime: 1m1s | Views: 1207 | Comments: 1
Not yet rated Red Line at the LA Auto Show
Tags // ferrari  enzo  redline  red  line  car  showroom  la  auto  show  ccr  carrera  gt  s7 
Added: 5864 days ago by MedicalJob
Runtime: 0m55s | Views: 13069 | Comments: 2



Red light cameras saved 159 lives in 2004-08 in 14 of the biggest US cities, a new analysis by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety shows. Had cameras been operating during that period in all large cities, a total of 815 deaths would have been prevented.
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5149 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 1m39s | Views: 9425 | Comments: 0
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