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Search // tent
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Step right up to witness the greatest “big top” celebration the world has ever seen. The 14th Annual Avon Heritage Duck Tape® Festival sets up Father’s Day weekend – Friday, June 16 through Sunday, June 18, 2017 – with a theme to entertain men, women and children of all ages. That’s right, folks, the Duck Tape® “circus” is coming to town! Available in hundreds of colors, designs and licenses, America’s favorite fix-all is ready for the spotlight. Head out to Veterans Memorial Park in Avon, Ohio to be amazed, amused and astonished by a most-incredible Duck Tape® “Circus Spectacular”: from a circus-themed parade featuring floats made with Duck Tape®, larger-than-life Duck Tape® sculptures to lots of fun under the arts and crafts tent and a community fashion show. Families can also enjoy delicious fair food favorites (cotton candy, anyone?), rides and attractions, including family-friendly games, live entertainment and more. Plus, the first 500 spectators each day will receive a free roll of Duck Tape®. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2867 days ago by MultiVuVideos
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