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Search // routines
Results 13-24 of 34 for ' routines ' (0 seconds)
See the routines from the first day of auditions for the Knicks City Dancers 2009-10 season.
Categories // Miscellaneous  Sport 
Added: 5754 days ago by nycgardensports
Runtime: 1m18s | Views: 8870 | Comments: 0
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Decorated U.S. war veteran Romulo (Romy) Camargo starts his day like most of us. He wakes up, gets a drink of water, has some breakfast, brushes his teeth, and gets dressed. But for Camargo, whose injuries in Afghanistan left him paralyzed from the neck down, these morning routines require some assistance. And Toyota is learning how to help. Thanks to Camargo, Toyota recently completed the first North American in-home trial of the Human Support Robot (HSR). The HSR is one of the “partner robots” Toyota is developing to assist people with everyday activities. Toyota is actively researching ways to apply advanced technologies to help people with limited mobility, including seniors or those who are disabled. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2831 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 4m20s | Views: 874 | Comments: 2
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Visit and for more world class training videos, articles, and interviews with the best coaches/trainers in the world! Learn how to work the upper cut bag in your boxing training workouts.
Categories // Howto and DIY 
Added: 5970 days ago by robboxer
Runtime: 1m57s | Views: 10476 | Comments: 1
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As the American Massage Therapy Association® (AMTA®) marks its 15th annual National Massage Therapy Awareness Week October 23 – October 29, 2011, more consumers are using massage therapy for pain relief and other health issues. In fact, according to a recent consumer survey commissioned by AMTA, consumers are progressively integrating massage therapy into their regular health maintenance routines. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 4903 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m7s | Views: 5843 | Comments: 0
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Freestyler Group fitness: - One functional training fitness device - endless possibilities - Supreme core workout with multi-axis movements - Online & offline instructor education support - Step by step programs supported by Video center Fitness instructors are amazed with endless workout possibilities The Freestyler group workout system contains a set of different classes which are constantly updated with ever new workouts. In this way instructors and fitness clubs are able to pick from variety of workouts which best suit their clients' needs. Connect with us online! Youtube: Follow us on Twitter: Add us on Facebook: Visit our shop:
Tags // functional  fitness  workouts 
Categories // Funny 
Added: 4396 days ago by Freestyler
Runtime: 1m2s | Views: 1053 | Comments: 1
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Back to school is right around the corner and with it comes the chaos of school year routines! The to-do list for families before classes begin is extensive: getting the kids ready on time, making sure they get to school safely, preparing lunches in a pinch, and the list keeps going on! With so much to do, even the most put together parent might feel overwhelmed.
Categories // Fashion and Lifestyle 
Added: 3875 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m26s | Views: 969 | Comments: 1
Not yet rated Amazon Best Buy (5 out of 5 stars, 412 reviews). Garmin Forerunner provides accurate heart rate monitoring and sits easily on your wrist and displays a ton of data so you can organize and get the most out of your exercise routines.
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4807 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 1m4s | Views: 5598 | Comments: 0
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If you think the arrival of the fall season brings an end to your family’s summer fitness and nutrition routine, think again! This is the perfect time for everyone to re-energize and get a kick start on fun activities, seasonal recipes, health and nutrition. Chef and nationally recognized nutrition and lifestyle expert Kathleen Daelemans is available to provide the latest trends in fitness, food and nutrition. She will also discuss her no nonsense approach to help get the whole family back on the right health track this fall. Plus, she will also provide tools to help families keep up with their routines as the weather gets colder.
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 4897 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m49s | Views: 5194 | Comments: 0
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Easter Seals, one of the country’s leading providers of child development services, introduces a new video with a cast of animated characters to help parents understand the importance of monitoring their child’s development. Make the First Five Count ( is a movement to ensure all children are entering kindergarten with the right skills to succeed alongside their peers. “Easter Seals is dedicated to ensuring all children have every opportunity to reach their full potential,” said Katy Beh Neas, Easter Seals’ Executive Vice President of Government Relations. “We’ve created this new video to help parents learn the basics of child development. At the new website, parents can find a screening tool and other information designed to support the well-being of children. Monitoring development should be treated as a common part of our annual routines, like spring cleaning or a trip to the dentist.” To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 3624 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m58s | Views: 892 | Comments: 1
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People don’t mind conversation around “down there” care; in fact, they embrace it. In a new survey from Cottonelle® brand, nearly half of Americans reported having a daily down there care routine.1 To further the conversation, Cottonelle® brand is launching the downtherecare program to urge all Americans to treat the skin they don’t see as well as the skin they do see. The brand is confident its CleaningRipples™ Texture, featured across both Cottonelle® toilet paper and flushable wipe products, could be the catalyst to transform unconscious bathroom routines to mindful downtherecare. The texture removes more at once for a superior clean* and is backed by nearly four years of product innovation and development. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2216 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 853 | Comments: 0
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CompactCalc is an enhanced scientific calculator for Windows with an expression editor. It embodies prime numbers, rational numbers, generic floating-point routines, hyperbolic and transcendental routines. Its underling implementation encompasses the highest precision, sturdiness and multi-functionality. With the brilliant designs and powerful features of CompactCalc, you can bring spectacular results to your calculating routines.
Categories // Science and Technology 
Added: 5610 days ago by larrynylund
Runtime: 2m47s | Views: 4981 | Comments: 0
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Every year visitors flock to Boot trade fair to escape their daily routines and enjoy a curious look at the luxury life led by the super-rich. Simply because here one can marvel at their large number more...of 100-metre-yachts. Those who do not have a few million in cash to spare to buy such a boat for themselves are welcome to at least get a first-hand impression of luxury life at sea.
Added: 5913 days ago by mhoch4
Runtime: 2m6s | Views: 13310 | Comments: 1



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