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Volvo delivers a unique combination of performance and efficiency with the High Performance Drive-E Powertrain Concept - a triple boost 2-liter 4-cylinder petrol engine with no less than 450 hp. Following the successful introduction of Volvo’s Drive-E Powertrain range in 2013, Volvo’s powertrain team once again demonstrates its technological leadership in emission-reducing turbo technology. “When we launched the Drive-E powertrain family, our aim was to deliver the most advanced 4-cylinder engines in the industry based on emissions and fuel consumption relative to performance and drivability. We knew that 320 hp in our petrol configuration was just a starting point. The 450 hp High Performance Drive-E Powertrain Concept, demonstrates this ambition and the versatility of the Drive-E Powertrains,” says Dr. Peter Mertens, Senior Vice President for Research and Development at Volvo Car Group. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 3799 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 5m22s | Views: 891 | Comments: 0
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Volvo Cars, the premium car maker, is promising that you will never have to stop at a petrol station, go to a car wash or even take your car in for service ever again, with the launch of a range of concierge services that will become an integrated part of the Volvo On Call mobile platform. Volvo is announcing the roll-out of a pilot program in San Francisco, targeting Volvo owners driving the new XC90 SUV and S90 luxury sedan. In an effort to make their customers’ lives easier, Volvo has dug deep into consumer research to deliver on their customers’ unmet needs. The pilot is due to start in November and will ramp up to include around 300 Volvo owners. “Imagine parking your car in the morning at work and when you head home your car has been serviced, cleaned and refuelled. These are the kind of services we want to deliver to our customers. Our research shows that people spend hours every week doing these small errands – we want to give that time back to Volvo drivers, so they can do something more valuable instead,” said Björn Annwall, Senior Vice President, Global Consumer Experience at Volvo Car Group. To view the multimedia release go to:
Tags // volvo  cars  auto  technology  luxury  new  xc90  suv  s90  sedan  multivu  7983651 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3026 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m32s | Views: 683 | Comments: 0
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Volvo Cars, the premium car maker, today unveiled two new concept cars that move the Swedish brand in an audacious new direction and mark the official launch of its global small car strategy. Today’s newly-revealed 40 series concepts demonstrate for the first time how Volvo Cars plans to expand into the large and lucrative global market for premium small cars with a range of vehicles that combine bold exterior and interior design with industry-leading connectivity, electrification and autonomous drive technologies. The new concept cars will be the first built around Volvo Cars’ new Compact Modular Architecture (CMA), which has been specially created for smaller cars and which has liberated the company’s designers and engineers to explore bold and daring new directions. “Each member of our product family has its own distinct character, just like the members of a real family. CMA has helped us to capture something special, something youthful in our new concept cars. They have an energy, a disruptive and engaging urban character that makes them stand out amongst the crowd. This is the flavour of small Volvos to come,” said Thomas Ingenlath, Senior Vice President, Design, at Volvo Car Group. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3210 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m40s | Views: 767 | Comments: 0
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Most Americans have only seen Guantánamo detainees as one-dimensional caricatures. But a new American Civil Liberties Union video shows the full range of their lives before, during and after their captivity. The video,
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5596 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 9m33s | Views: 5201 | Comments: 0
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To motivate parents and their children to spend more time in nature together, the U.S. Forest Service and the Ad Council today launched a new public service advertisement (PSA) campaign urging families to experience the many wonders of nature close to home together. The PSAs, created in partnership with The Foundry, Time Inc.’s state-of-the-art creative lab and content studio, focus on family time in nearby forested environments, reminding parents that having a nature experience with their children is not only easy and local, but also fun and full of learning opportunities and benefits. This is the first time that the Ad Council has worked with the creative division of a media company that has iconic roots in publishing on a large-scale production on behalf of one of its PSA campaigns. A range of Time Inc. properties are also donating print and digital advertising space in support of this campaign. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2733 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 736 | Comments: 2
Not yet rated - Enjoy the new range of Vadilal Products -Bubble Gum Black Currant Thunder Stik, Chocó-Cream Double Strike, White Knight, Litchee Raspberry Double Strike, Jelly Peal, Smiley Launcher
Tags // vadilal 
Categories // Family  Games  Business 
Added: 4365 days ago by icetrooper
Runtime: 0m40s | Views: 1092 | Comments: 1
Not yet rated - Upright Rows | Traps Workouts - The upright row is a multi-joint exercise that not only works the front and middle heads of the deltoids, but also works your biceps and your trapezoids as secondary or auxiliary muscles. This is a great exercise for giving width to your shoulders and for raising your trapezius muscles as well. It's a great upper body exercise and will really help to broaden out the base of the neck and the shoulder line. Be very careful with how much weight you use for this exercise. Too much weight leads to bad form, which in turn will cause shoulder injury. I've seen this too many times so please do not allow jerking and swinging of the weights. If you suffer from shoulder problems, then stay away from upright rows and substitute this exercise by some form of lateral raises coupled with shrugs. The shoulders are among the body parts most likely to be injured during resistance training. And upright rows are one of those exercises which could injure them. Most of those who regularly hit the weights do this exercise incorrectly, so saying it is unsafe is not strictly true. Much of it has to do with how the exercise is performed. Simply by limiting the range of motion - that is, not lifting the elbows past the shoulders. For more info drop by our YouTube channel or visit us in the web at and find us on Facebook at
Categories // Sport 
Added: 4698 days ago by dfmillington
Runtime: 0m54s | Views: 4336 | Comments: 2



SEGA® of America, Inc. and SEGA® Europe, Ltd. today announced a new title from UK videogame studio Creative Assembly™; the first in partnership with Games Workshop®, creators of the well-known Warhammer® Fantasy Battle tabletop wargame and accompanying range of miniatures. Total War™: WARHAMMER® for PC, Mac and SteamOS, coming soon. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Games 
Added: 3603 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m23s | Views: 1595 | Comments: 5
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LivePerson, Inc. (NASDAQ: LPSN), a provider of real-time engagement solutions that increase conversions and improve the customer experience, today announced the official launch of LP Marketer, a real-time data-driven targeting solution that intelligently delivers relevant, personalized content to website visitors at scale. LP Marketer supports a wide range of use cases that drive business results across the customer lifecycle. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business  Science and Technology 
Added: 4829 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m31s | Views: 4699 | Comments: 1
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The best hybrids give you the best of both worlds: some zero-emission motoring, as well as greater range for longer journeys Subscribe for more videos from Auto Trader every Friday: Welcome! Auto Trader is the UK’s biggest, best and most trusted car buying website, and our YouTube channel will help make finding your dream vehicle easier than ever. Every week, we’ll present the latest new car reviews, covering everything from supercars to family estates. Our motoring experts have more than 75 years of testing experience between them, and their jargon-free verdicts cover real-world practicality, recommended specifications and reveal the real cost of ownership. Every video review is even complimented by a full written report on But don’t just take our word for it; every month, we’ll ask some of Britain’s most passionate petrolheads to share their owner reviews. Factor in tutorials, used car guides, plus bonus motorcycle and van reviews and we have all your motoring needs covered. Auto Trader: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Pinterest:
Added: 3263 days ago by gogreen
Runtime: 2m31s | Views: 982 | Comments: 2
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Texas Instruments Incorporated (TI) (NYSE: TXN) today announced delivery of a mobile-grade, battery-optimized Wi-Fi solution to the open source Linux community as part of the OpenLink™ project, focused on providing a wide range of wireless connectivity solutions for native Linux. Customers and developers targeting battery-powered Wi-Fi products can now use TI’s OpenLink drivers, gaining native kernel benefits such as tested technologies, faster time-to-market, and simplified re-integration when upgrading from one kernel version to the next. In addition to Wi-Fi, the OpenLink project includes native Linux solutions for Bluetooth® and FM technologies, and will expand to support other technologies such as ANT, Bluetooth Low Energy and ZigBee®. TI will also introduce additional low-power features to the kernel when possible. Visit for source code, development projects, community support and more. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business  Science and Technology 
Added: 5073 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m2s | Views: 7384 | Comments: 2
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“You have cancer.” Those three words are among the most dreaded and powerful a person can hear. In the case of Tony Harnell, the diagnosis of thyroid cancer was doubly frightening. A vocalist/songwriter with a four-octave range, Harnell had toured in the U.S. with likes of Stryper, Twisted Sister and Great White and appeared on stages worldwide, entertaining legions of fans as lead singer with hard-rock band TNT. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Music  People and Blog 
Added: 4185 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m53s | Views: 961 | Comments: 0
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