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Search // peer
Results 13-24 of 27 for ' peer ' (0 seconds)
National Instruments (Nasdaq: NATI) today introduced a 14 GHz version of its NI PXIe-5665 high-performance RF vector signal analyzer (VSA), which delivers best-in-class dynamic range and accuracy in a cost-effective PXI form factor. The new VSA features industry-leading phase noise and dynamic range, regardless of form factor, including traditional rack-and-stack instruments. Because of its PXI platform, the VSA can deliver measurement speeds up to 20 times faster than box instruments and for less cost. Additionally, it takes advantage of multicore computing architectures and parallel programming capabilities through NI LabVIEW system design software. It also offers peer-to-peer data streaming for signal processing and a flexible multiple input, multiple output (MIMO) architecture for phase-coherent measurements. Such features make it ideal for demanding RF test applications including radio detection and ranging (RADAR), satellite, radio and harmonic testing. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business  Science and Technology 
Added: 4986 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 6m21s | Views: 5083 | Comments: 1
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Junior Achievement USA® (JA) today announced the launch of its JA Heroes PSA campaign. The goal of this campaign is to connect volunteer mentors with young people to give kids the power to see their future, unleash their potential and let their dreams take flight. Positive role models in the lives of young people are shown to help inspire them to overcome difficult circumstances. Yet today, millions of kids live in situations where they do not have access to mentors who can give them the guidance or insight they need to rise above negative peer pressure, economic uncertainty or simply a lack of direction. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 3564 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 776 | Comments: 0
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At an ever-increasing rate, CEOs and business executives are relying on their peers, particularly outside their own expertise, to help them grow personally, professionally and organizationally. Yet, many of today’s business leaders have unpredictable travel schedules, live in outlying markets, or simply prefer to connect with their peers online. To meet the needs of these executives, Vistage International, the world’s foremost peer advisory membership organization for business leaders, has launched a new program – a robust online, issue-resolution offering that makes it possible to engage a group of business peers on specific subjects. Vistage Connect provides executives with access to the professionally facilitated “advisory board” they need to process and solve their toughest business challenges and optimize their opportunities. The new online platform has been in the research and test phase for the past year and is now officially available to CEOs and business executives of growing and mature companies. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business  Science and Technology 
Added: 4680 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 1m53s | Views: 6149 | Comments: 1
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How To Talk To Girls Funny London based interactive comic book flash animation series. Based on teen city kids stories. created in Flash and adobe photoshop The Enderz ( Endz )- S01E01 - Who's That Girl After a short introduction by the reporter the episode starts with a group of friends meeting up at their local hang out, a balcony in their estate. A girl walks by who grabs the intention of the group, especially Jayce. Although he is initially too shy to approach her, peer pressure soon get the better of his pride but has he made the right decision.
Tags // animation  cartoon  city  comic  episode  flash  funny  girls  hip  hop  howto  jay-z  london  music  photoshop  series  talk  teens  uk  v 
Categories // Funny  Cartoon  Howto and DIY 
Added: 5762 days ago by TheEnderz
Runtime: 8m31s | Views: 12701 | Comments: 3



Researchers presenting at ASTRO 2015, the premier radiation oncology scientific event in the world, unveiled new data this week that could fundamentally change the way that early stage breast cancer is treated. Results from a landmark prospective, randomized, multicenter phase III study conducted in Europe demonstrated that APBI brachytherapy leads to equivalent overall survival and local cancer control rates as compared to WBI after breast conserving surgery for selected patients with early stage breast cancers. These data were presented during the ASTRO official press conference and published in The Lancet, a leading high-impact global peer-reviewed medical journal. “We have been confidently offering APBI brachytherapy to selected women for years based on numerous phase II, single site and large registry studies that have confirmed the clinical utility of site-specific radiation delivered in a condensed timeframe,” said Frank A. Vicini, M.D., radiation oncologist, 21st Century Oncology, Royal Oak, Mich. and contributing author to the 2009 and 2013 ASTRO and ABS APBI guidelines. “The results from this landmark, multicenter, prospective randomized clinical study are the first to offer the critical level one evidence necessary to drive the fundamental changes in breast conserving cancer treatment that patients and healthcare professionals have been demanding for years.” To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3440 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m25s | Views: 1016 | Comments: 0
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From the New York Times bestselling creators of Duck! Rabbit!, Amy Krouse Rosenthal and Tom Lichtenheld, an exciting tale of self-discovery! Childrens
Categories // Miscellaneous  Family 
Added: 4399 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m12s | Views: 1393 | Comments: 1
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UBM Electronics, the daily source of essential business and technical information for the design engineering and electronics industry’s decision makers, today announced the redesign of, the Electronics Design Network, a new online community designed for electronics design engineers, developers, and industry-related management. EDN serves as the go-to source for expert information and resources for electronics engineers worldwide. The new EDN website will continue to provide users with in-depth technical and how-to information and technology updates, while raising the bar on learning, design tools, networking, mentoring and peer-to-peer knowledge sharing, and discussion opportunities. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business 
Added: 4680 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m5s | Views: 28878 | Comments: 1
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Do science and religion conflict? Is there disagreement between science and spirituality? It turns out there is no conflict. The apparent conflict is because, till now, the metaphors of ancient texts such as the Bible, Talmud, and ancient Yoga Literature, had not been rigorously studied and compared to cutting edge scientific discoveries. Some of these studies have been reviewed by scientists and published in three international peer-reviewed scientific journals. Sanjay's research on the new agreements between spirituality and science is the first ever to get published in such high-ranking journals. By Sanjay C. Patel, Author of GOD IS REAL - The Stunning New Convergence of Science and Spirituality. Visit:
Tags // science  and  religion 
Categories // Business  Science and Technology 
Added: 4429 days ago by Sanjaycpatel
Runtime: 2m4s | Views: 877 | Comments: 1
Not yet rated cUSD is your digital money so people can live better lives. "A fast way to transfer money globally in secured digital transactions." Almost fee free transactions, a decentralized network that is peer to peer. cUSD Currency is for everyone!
Tags // cusd  currency 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 1866 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 0m45s | Views: 805 | Comments: 0
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A ten-month clinical trial at Sentara Leigh Hospital in Norfolk, Virginia has determined that hard surfaces and linens infused with copper oxide compounds contributed to an 83% reduction in C-difficile and a 78% overall reduction in a host of multi-drug resistant organisms (MDROs) including C-diff, MRSA and VRE in a real-world clinical environment. These results occurred in a hospital with a robust protocol for managing infection risk certified by the health care accrediting body DNV-GL Healthcare. The results of the trial were published in the peer-reviewed American Journal of Infection Control on Sept. 28, 2016 and will be presented at the annual conference of the Infectious Disease Society of America in New Orleans, Louisiana on October 27, 2016. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3075 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m35s | Views: 786 | Comments: 0
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Am 20. Mai 2011 wurde der Politiker und Ex-Finanzminister Peer Steinbrück in Bonn mit dem Cicero Rednerpreis 2011 ausgezeichnet. Der Cicero Rednerpreis wird vom Verlag für die Deutsche Wirtschaft seit 1994 für herausragende rhetorische Leistungen verliehen. Eine unabhängige Jury ermittelt jährlich den Preisträger. Peer Steinbrück gilt nach Meinung der Jury als streitbarer Redner mit der besonderen Fähigkeit, Reden und Handeln in Einklang zu bringen. Er ist immer wieder als möglicher Kanzlerkandidat der SPD bei der Bundestagswahl im Jahr 2013 im Gespräch. Weitere Infos unter:
Added: 4958 days ago by OnlineMediathek
Runtime: 8m39s | Views: 8382 | Comments: 0
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Diabetes experts met and determined that some self-monitoring blood glucose (SMBG) systems, despite meeting accuracy standards at the time of U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) clearance, fail to consistently meet accuracy standards once on the market, potentially putting patient health at risk. In a public meeting convened by the Diabetes Technology Society on May 21, 2013, in Arlington, Virginia, leading academic clinicians, clinical chemists, medical device experts, patient advocates and FDA representatives reviewed a growing body of peer-reviewed research demonstrating that the performance of some blood glucose monitors on the market may not be meeting accuracy standards. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4322 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m46s | Views: 1624 | Comments: 0
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